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About imagineam1

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  1. Sadhguru on psychedelics.
    Sadhguru on psychedelics.
    If God came down in human form do you think he would judge you if you chose a particular path or belief system? That is not an expression of Unconditional Love, that is not true godliness. True godliness is non-judgemental, total acceptance, absolute surrender.
    There are no right or wrongs because in the end you are the only identity left. Now, if you know whats best for you and go against it, of course you will suffer but no one can know the self better than you. All is within, tune in.

  2. Sadhguru on psychedelics.
    Sadhguru on psychedelics.
    Muslim scholars have created a similar system regarding the sayings of Mohammed. They have classified his sayings into degrees of reliability, depending on the reliability of the sources.
    But there's still a bug in that system. Because what defines the reliability of the ones who judge the sources? It all comes back to the scholars in the end. And why should anyone trust them? What is the level of their reliability? They said consensus, but they disagree a lot.
    It's just groundless assumptions.
    My point is, scholars cannot be trusted, and I'm not sure the lineage can be trusted either. Since I believe there are many disagreements on the lineages of enlightened gurus.