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Posts posted by ConsciousOwl10

  1. Hey Leo, or whoever fellow forum person,

    This is my first post and not my last! I am still a beginner in this relative to all you more experienced people.

    I have heard from Leo that things like yoga or the look at your hand exercise can take years and many hours of deep practice in order to gain benefits from. The problem is that, although I am determined and someone who genuinely want to access the truth of myself and reality, I can only sustain doing the self inquiry or whatever for a couple of weeks before I start to get depressed and hopeless from just being left with an absence of meaning or sense to the experience. I start having thoughts to myself like why does God make it so hard to discover itself, that nothing has any meaning, and whether there is any point doing it at all. For instance, yesterday I was doing the hand exercise, and although I am getting better at letting go of stories and concepts in head of why the hand is there, I can't help but to feel a sense of existential dread at the fact that nothing I think can justify why anything is here. I logically hear that it takes a long time or that a psychedelic can help (which are inaccessible where I live), but when it comes down to the practices I get a put off and wander how just sitting here for a long time is going to change my state of consciousness, since all I'm doing is looking at one thing in the present moment?! I can't justify it from my current state of being..

    The post may sound negative, but it comes from a desire to understand how to overcome this setback in continuing with this work to start gaining wisdom.

    Hope to hear from you, 

    Tweet Twoo!

  2. This business guy on youtube is pretty psychopathic . In this vid he talks about his employment policy and how he convinces people to work for him unpaid to be his minion and how he will fire anyone who doesn't show up one time even if they would want to go their mothers funeral because they aren't committed to helping him make money 24-7. Even his friend next to him knows something is kinda fucked up about it. But I dunno, maybe I shouldn't judge? Watch from minute 3