Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. @BipolarGrowth Enlightenment at its essence is quite simple. It's the realization that you are God. One who comes to this is as enlightened as they'll ever be. The complexity is in the details, to get to this summation. Language only complicates the matter honestly. You must walk the path and put your trust into direct experience.
  2. Can you feel into this? One thing that has been persistent throughout our entire lifetime is a state of watching...of witnessing. Who is the “I” that is watching? It’s extremely easy to answer this question with our human name....who’s backdrop is a human story of one that was born and one that will die. This is not true...the watching is done by the one we cannot point to. Infinity (me, Us, You, God) cannot ever be known materially. Only through the act of watching.
  3. The question itself is relative. Is there there a purpose to spiritual work in the Absolute sense? As I get deeper, it almost feels like the “point” of enlightenment is to eventually let go of the “point” I constructed in the first place...which puts me where I was before I even embarked on the journey. Ugh...strange loop!
  4. God is Aware = God is Watching. We speak the same language ❤️
  5. There first is a knowing of cessation for you to even be able to speak on it. Your knowing of cessation is from your watching of cessation.
  6. Watching is infinite Watching = Infinity = God = You
  7. Haha you are spot on in calling out the primary motive for spiritual egos. Helps to be conscious of it...very sneaky.
  8. Elegantly spoken with wisdom. Seems the initial goal is to somewhat escape the movie when starting out, but one never escapes it...they just see it AS IS :-)
  9. @Thought Art Fair enough, I’ll keep pushing. I guess in a sense, where you are in the world remains (material existence as we know it), how you look at it is what changes (material existence is actually a manifestation of my Mind). I become the Father (just a term) of all aspects of reality. This realization can be defined as the “point” of enlightenment, but it comes with no goals...no purpose.
  10. thanks for providing a response that’s actually constructive . What I was alluding to in the original inquiry is that enlightenment goes full circle. You end up where you were before the journey even began, knowing your True nature has always been eternal. Therefore “purpose” of the spiritual path seems to be a human endeavor. Purpose brings a notion of going somewhere, realization is becoming attuned to what is in the present. This has been my letting go process.
  11. Of course it is, but why do we engage in forum discussions in the first place? Is it not just to ask questions and receive valued feedback? Doing this doesn’t take away from sovereign investigation..it is indeed a part of it.
  12. How condescending lol. Did you not ask the question yourself before your journey? The question itself leads to a deeper inquiry.
  13. The idea of humans having free will is false. Nonetheless, you are not a human . Who you truly are has infinite free will.
  14. It sure as hell feels limited haha. But I get you man..the distinction between the limited and unlimited is itself imaginary .
  15. Has anyone else encountered this? Usually with long stretches of meditation, I can have problems with sleep. As I lay and close my eyes for slumber, it feels the same as on the meditation cushion. I like being ultra aware but not when I’m trying to get a good 8 hours in ?
  16. Yes this is correct. The trap of solipsism for most humans is 1. Thinking their bubble of consciousness belongs to that of their human identity 2. Their self proclaimed bubble is the only thing in existence. All of this is false of course. We can become aware that the bubble in which we inhabit is one of many that we are imagining at the same time. It’s like having access to infinite maps on a video game ?. You can change maps, but you are the only player present. Question is, how can one access the bed of infinite maps whilst inhabiting a limited one? @Leo Gura I feel like I already know what your answer would be lol.
  17. And just to add clarity...bubbles that seem real do actually exist. Things can be imaginary and exist at the same time. Solipsism, relatively speaking, implies other bubbles do not exist. But they do, they are all just happening in imagination. The imagination itself is solipsistic because it’s the imagination of a single Being (absolutely speaking) The content of the dream can differ through the fragmentation / localization of infinite consciousness, but nonetheless, everything is happening in One consciousness.
  18. Awakening has been a wonderful journey to embark on, and I have so much more work to do. One thing that’s been somewhat daunting is the discovery of inauthentic I’ve lived my life up to this point (I am 30). Truth is a scary thing, and realizing it allows you to see your life and the lives of others from an honest lens. Personally, I am realizing my striving for success and comforts have been ultimately rooted in insecurity and certain traumas from childhood. That in which I took so much pride in, is really built on a flimsy house of cards and will never truly make me satisfied. I see this in so many others as well, at least I’m somewhat starting to break out of the matrix... I can already tell that going from living an inauthentic lifestyle to an authentic lifestyle will require much painful deconstruction, ending of toxic habits and associations, and constant shadow work. For those of you who have gone through this, or currently going through this, I would love to hear your advice.
  19. @Thought Art Hmm..can't recall him mentioning that explicitly. He has taken certain jabs a pot, but only in the context of those who abuse it. Marijuana has been used for spiritual work throughout the ages, it is subject to abuse like most things of course.
  20. The real question is how do we defeat this toxic ideology? It's so embedded in all of our important institutions (especially in the U.S.)..I guess implementing critical race theory in the education system is the first attempt to address it...But it's already receiving enormous backlash from far-right, center-right groups.
  21. Thank you all so much! This is truly insightful. There is so much wisdom to be had after the Great Realization. But alas, the awakening alone is just the beginning. The real work starts now.. Love you guys.
  22. @Leo Gura awakening is a tragic thing, you realize just how sad it is that the most beautiful realization can be resisted so vehemently. Revealing the truth automatically triggers the ego mind to project and demonize, or to find clever ways to deny that they are imagining all existence. We have many members of the forum that are more interested in mental masturbation than cutting through all the bullshit to get to the raw Truth. It’s starting to become a platform for fruitless debates.