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About Maxu

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  1. Any particular thing that struck you about this show in a positive/negative way? Also feel free to post (non-hateful) memes
  2. Why are so many people seemingly unable to be introspective and aware of their mental processes? I think this may be a reason why it's so hard for most people to change their lives. Is it because they've never considered it or are they literally not capable due to genetics, upbringing, mind structure? Most people act like machines as Ouspensky said and just absorb and react. Introspection and observation seem to be a much higher order thing than "ordinary" people have access to.
  3. Doesn't awareness of non-duality help relinquish at least some of the sexual cravings? Male and female merging into one. Pain and pleasure merging into one. Realizing they are imaginary? You are very experienced with this Leo so I'm trying to pick your mind. I know you're a young guy so you're probably still horny most times but I've had a relatively prolonged state of high consciousness (two days lol) and I went from horny to completely neutral after being pummelled with thoughts of prime honies all day every day prior. This neutralization lasted about two weeks in which I've been cleared of even a tinge of lust (monkey mind returned recently so I fell back into it). But I've never experienced this abrupt of a change and I even tried to fantasize and look at porn and couldn't be aroused. I just knew it was me. Everything I saw was me, and I'm not craving myself because I already have it!
  4. Would you still be thinking at that point anymore? Eckhart Tolle says you can still think about practicalities like planning for things but as far as I've noticed, when you do start thinking again after an empty state of consciousness, you get swept in the momentum of "monkey mind" again. So trying to think about practicalities inevitably invites the monkey mind to step up as well. What is the core of the monkey mind that keeps it relentlessly churning? Is it beliefs and ideology? Can one be devoid of those and still be able to survive socially?
  5. @Leo Gura How is it possible that even after being in a state of "no-mind" for so long you can still be pummelled with sexual thoughts? Shouldn't the mind be rewired after a long time of being in that state? What about the "Brahmachari" that claim they are no longer interested in sex after doing various techniques? Are you saying that's bullshit? Also what about females? You only speak of men being "horn dogs" but women are the sexual selectors so they determine men to act this way through selecting these types of men. You only seem to speak about the male role in sex as though it's the only one that's relevant and females have a low responsibility in contributing to these dynamics. Do females still desire sex after prolonged enlightenment or does it manifest in a different way? We don't seem to have enough knowledge about enlightened females, or at least Leo doesn't.
  6. So you mean war was mainly a reproduction strategy? Why don't other animals do this? Organize together to kill the males and take all the women? It seems like a human preponderance.
  7. Global economy has obviously taken a huge plunge and is bound to worsen. Developing countries will be the most affected. Will transition to Orange be simply postponed or made nearly impossible?