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Everything posted by BETGR164128

  1. Or did the market manifest humanity?
  2. Yes, that's the materialist version. But who manifested the market? The virus or humanity?
  3. Guys, somebody must have thought about coronavirus for it to manifest. Either that or coronavirus thought of humanity and manifested us Both could be true.
  4. Are thoughts useful? That's another relative position
  5. You haven't been able to infect this perspective with your mind virus this time lol
  6. He really believes what he is saying is the truth . Once that has happened you're as far from the truth as anyone can be. But even that isn't the truth. It's a bottomless pit
  7. Sure. It's just another idea. Like everything else.
  8. Yes, but it stays in your mind, you haven't been able to manage to recruit me.
  9. He's just parroting Tony Parsons and that Jim what's his name guy. They are both neo advaita con men cashing in on gullible new agers
  10. You don't decide how life works for me, I do
  11. @DrewNows Thanks for posting Infinite waters video. I couldn't agree more. The people arguing with me on this thread want nothing more than to pull me into their little bubble of terror and misery. And that's how you catch the virus.
  12. Hey, I watched the secret last night, can't you tell? Look buddy, I'm just doing what everyone else here is doing. I'm an enlightenment teacher teaching my own brand of enlightenment, and what better place to do it than on the forum? Everyone here is a potential recruit!
  13. Yeah, Hmmm you just sound like you're parroting Tony Parsons.
  14. I dunno because I never said anything about women or men. I just said you might be perceived as controlling. Harassed? Harassment is a very specific thing. You might want to check the definition of harassment and really ask yourself if you were harassed or not. I didn't see the photo, but taking into consideration the context of the thread, I think it's highly unlikely that vegan is trying to offend, he's probably just doing this nothing matters thing and got a bit carried away. Probably better not to read too much into it, for me it isn't that big a drama to get this much attention
  15. I'm sure if something is wrong it will sort itself out. Pushing to get moderators to do something for you may backfire on you because people might percieve you as too controlling.
  16. Yes, but what I'm getting at is if you're genuinely in a state of knowing nothing matters, then what she said to you wouldn't matter, and therefore you wouldn't have felt the impulse to respond in that kind of combative way. I'm just wondering if this isn't some kind of ideology you picked up that gives you licence to say whatever you want because you got triggered but be totally ok with it. The triggered part is the worrying bit for me, because, again, if nothing really matters then what caused you to get triggered? PS. Its easy to picture you in a maroon sleeveless sweater jumping up and down chanting "it's all boundless energy" (Or something like that)
  17. If there is nobody here and there is just THIS, then who are you talking to when you refer to "you" at the end of your comment? Shouldn't you really be saying "I" , because your true self is THIS, so that is who you are talking to, is it not?
  18. Why does it matter if his head is in the gutter or not? You said it wasn't a good place for him, well isn't that you assigning meaning to his situation?
  19. But him taking offence doesn't matter. So why all of a sudden does it matter to you that he's taking offence?
  20. But if you were enlightened a) there isn't anyone there to wake up b) waking up has no meaning, so isn't he ok the way he is?
  21. How do you know they weren't thinking about it?
  22. No, I'm deadly serious. Corona virus doesn't exist for me personally. The people getting ill from it are manifesting it because they are always focused on it.
  23. @mandyjw For me coronavirus doesn't exist. So I'm not manifesting it. It's like the 2008 financial crash, it never happened, I don't know why everyone went into panic
  24. That's the conventional approach. If docs can't find a cause they just call it "autoimmune" and say it's hereditary.