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Everything posted by Nelhael

  1. That feeling you get when you learn something new or discover something.
  2. Thank you for your help. I've already looked them up but they don't have any events in the near future. I'll try to contact them via e-mail.
  3. Maybe I have given up too early in finding a true life teacher. I will look up some other organiziations in my area. It sounds quite scary when Sadhguru puts it that way. But I like what energy work is doing in my life- everything I see is so much more beautiful and colorful and radient, and looking at nature makes me present in an instance. But as Sadhguru says, at what cost?
  4. Hi everyone, I started my yoga journey about 5 months ago and I am here to share my experience and difficulties hoping some of you could help me with advice or your experience. So, I started with this hoping it will be my journey to enlightenment. Beforehand I tried different types of meditation which didn’t have much effect or a very short lasting one (self inquiry, do nothing, shamanic breathing). It's quite difficult for me to get psychedelics in my current situation so I opted for kriya yoga. Sounds like the most potent technique. I’m currently following KSR by J.C. Stevens book. I was practicing every day for about three months until I gave up because of HUGE ego backlashes without any apparent benefits. I thought that I was doing something wrong so I went searching in my town (Zagreb, Croatia) for a real live teacher (I read somewhere on this forum that it would be better to learn from a real person than from a book) but only recent events that I could find was from Art Of Living organization and meeting them was so weird, they were so cult(ish) and secretive and my gut feeling told me that they are not the ones. I remembered why I was so drawn to Leos videos, he was more like a guide than a direct teacher. No instant solutions just hard work and practice. So, I decided to get back to my practice from the books. My current practice is: 1. Talabya kriya x30 (I would really like to reach Kechari) 2. Maha Mudra x3 3. Om yapa in the chakras x6 4. Kriya Pranayama x24 5. Concentration I have some issues that I hope you guys could help me with: 1. I have problems locating my sacral chakra. Well, different books have different locations for them but KSR tells it is halfway between muladhara and manipura but some other literature says it is much lower. My problem is that none of the location works. When I concentrate on any other chakra I can feel like a jolt of energy/ electricity through my body but for this one- nothing… Does anyone have any idea what could be the case? 2. I have huge problems with breathing. That is why I went to find a real life teacher to check on my breathing. I am always gasping for breath on my out breaths doing maha mudra and kriya pranayama. I read somewhere (maybe on this forum) not to worry too much and just take a small breath in and that my breath would lengthen through time and practice. Is that ok? 3. I have problems with concentration or better with my monkey mind. I read on this forum that some people do labeling or self inquiry in this part. So what are your experiences? What works best for you? What should I try? I find that I cope better with the ego backlashes if I do regular grounding and go to the gym to let my steam out. I am thinking maybe some shadow work or self love techniques would also be great afterwards but didn't try it yet.