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Everything posted by lbranjord

  1. Hey all, Looking to hear your experiences. I also spent years on shadow-work, meditation, self-inquiry, you name it. FInding out what "this is" has been my greatest and only real passion for a few years at least. Even hints of it were in my childhood. It has really worked to transform my identification so far. I have very low fear and great contentment. My judgments are vastly lower than previously in life. My life is going great all around. During a few moments though in recent years though, I've had moments where i feel kind of invisible or disconnected to a frightening degree for about half hour or an hour. It's almost like instant dread and voices and sounds come in that aren't normally there. Even music. It's uncomfortable and not invited. I feel like i'm becoming lost in somewhere else. Then it goes away after awhile. Perhaps i'm going to something that I need more preparation for. Anyone else experienced this? Thanks -Logan
  2. Thanks everyone - since this strange episode - I've been much more at peace and sometimes the strange state comes yet I do not have a panic over it and I'm perfectly able to function as I need to. I think @purerogue was accurate saying that it's similar to pre-sleep hallucinations and I just needed to operate a little more awareness in those moments.
  3. Hi all, I am a lucid dreamer, astral projector and often practice the induction methods. There are times that I get into deep trance states before falling asleep and I can control a powerful electrical type current in my body. If I push it to my face/head/crown area - it's very loud and sort of bright. It seems dangerous I only use about 50% of what I can use because I'm worried I can damage my brain/mind with it. It's effortless to call it but I have a little bit of ability to call it at different velocities I guess you'd say. Sometimes I can interact with it in my chest or abdomen also. Does anyone know anything about this and if it is dangerous? It seems very wild/free/powerful. It feels as if I could explode my own mind with it.
  4. purerogue - yeah it did come on spontaneously i didnt feel particularly relaxed at the time i was just at work coding. But then what you say is correct sounding, felt like that pre-sleep hypnotic state except while i was awake. Exactly like that.