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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. It could explain the all loving nature of god, no preferences and no judgement. How can it judge the thief,the killer when he didn't have a choice? Equal treatment and infinite love. Every piece fits perfectly and creates the other ones by defining them.Plus it really only plays with itself nobody gets hurt you can't hurt the formless.You can only imagine differences like pain or happiness. It remains clean and unaffected forever. And with this wisdom and intelligence it creates. Marvelous.
  2. Yeah i think so too. This work really is a gateway to a more creative imagination.
  3. You don't need to feel special do it for yourself and own it. You should always feel good about yourself. Thats called happiness. Salvia is not bad man i prefered chewing it though, a mellow pleasant way to ego death.The plant hates fire say the natives and i think thats true.
  4. Well maybe because he hasn't experienced the Demiurge himself. I'm not one to talk about this stuff but it wouldn't be weird if we were created by a lower demigod yes. Possible within infinity sure? But think about it this way. This "god" is also a part of the one himself so in the absolute sense it doesn't matter who created humanity and why.It is still the one himself taking a form/persona of a "bad god".Blaming him calling him evil etc is also silly. Means you don't get the game yet. Well here is one account of another experience of the Demiurge. http://salviaspace.blogspot.com/2013/08/i-recently-ran-across-writings-of-one.html?m=1
  5. Idk about these realms... I have been to a few and it this has always sparked a few theories...Higher selves?Afterlife? I have seen the net of being of Alex Grey and damm it was cool. I have also seen the tunnel and the snake like machine elf structure and other things. Could be that we pass through them on the way to the divine(the layers of imagination). Some of the alternatives include that we create that reality from there and come here to play and that we are always there,immortal just not conscious of it. A realm in which we are all godlike in a way.
  6. I read that by understanding god the danger is one becomes a figment of his own imagination and goes insane. http://bergytheiceman.co.uk/ Of course im not saying this is true. Having glimpsed enough parts and pieces i stopped as my perception and view of the world was significantly altered. These tools are no joke and this is all an actuality. Could be that we are creating a paradox realizing we create ourselves lol.
  7. What we really are is such a bizarre thing. To me this resembles deep sleep you are unaware of yourself and others no conception of anything. When we are in deep sleep we are nowhere nothing its like we disappear for mostly 8 hours. Was a interesting experience for me had a surgery and i only remember the doc saying go to sleep now. And i did and for a while there i was nothing/nowhere. Then it was like a was teleported ,like rebirth i has no idea where i am then remembered.In my trips there was almost always something,but i have also reached nothing ocassionally and damm im not there lol xD.Its like you melt/disappear.You are also very chill about it you want sleep everynight,just to let go of the costume and rest in nothingness.
  8. Strictly by chance it's a rare find someone posted it and i found it on google. Much like this site. http://www.iawwai.com/EveryoneIsGod.htm Watching the forums today realising there are 20 000 posts i see the message is getting across quite nicely.
  9. To me this is the most detailed and impressive human explanation of god nearing Leo's insights. Definetely check if out if you want to learn about the cosmic cycle,eternity,duality,infinity etc. http://bergytheiceman.co.uk
  10. To forget himself,to play, to explore,to experience, to feel so many reasons cant help but do it forever.
  11. Hey guys i found this trip on salvia from a website and was really interested on getting a discussion about it. "The people that believe in such things generally say that the One separated into the Many in order to create the Universe and all within it. It was an act of love, so they claim. What else would it be?" On my travels into salvia space, I heard something else. (More accurately sensed it as if it had happened to me) The One did indeed separate into the Many, but that was no act of love. It was an act of desperation fueled by abject horror. The One went insane, you see. The One was ALL that there was, the only single solitary thing in existence, and eventually after eons of that, it fractured into the Many in much the same manner that a schizophrenic descends into madness- out of sheer stark-raving terror. It was so *lonely,* so very *lonely,* and it could only hold dialogue with itself. More utterly *alone* than anything we humans can even begin to imagine, utter terror, the darkness of madness, and the prospect of eternal fearful isolation drove it to fracture itself into many minds all desperately trying to cling to and believe that they really are individuals which are completely separate from each other and above all else, that they're really definitely positively not in actuality only one being. (please oh please oh please let's never ever ever let ourselves remember that we're really all just one solitary being, not that, not ever, never please never, anything but that...) The whole reason we're "here" is so that we don't have to be *there.* There with the One, there in that awful state of knowing full well that we are not we, we are instead I, and I am fucking lonely and afraid and absolutely mindlessly terrified of my reality as the only fucking being in all existence. Not just the only being, but the only thing! Hell, there *IS* no existence, only me. God has multiple personality disorder, times infinity. The first time this came to me it overwhelmed me. I actually cried for The One in pity, feeling it's awful pain, vividly sensing it's despair and loneliness, and then TERROR STRUCK ME as I realized that it was myself that I was crying for, for I am it, and it is me, and we are/I am a royal fucking mess. Yes, we/I deserve pity if anyone does, but there's no one to pity me but me, no one else to turn to for comfort, and no way to deal with myself and what I really am and remain sane other than to deny to myself that that's what I really am. I must live a lie or face my own insanity. All credits go to the author. I'm curious if anyone has had anything similiar. It could explain some of my more dark existential trips. The closest thing i think could be like humans having multiple personality disorder.However taking that to infinity sure sounds complicated. http://salviaspace.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-darkest-interpretation.html?m=1
  12. Welp i will be one of those previous users that write cautionary tails. I have had wonderful and terrifying experiences,but before my brain was so rewired i was seeing reality is imagination/dream everyday. I fixed it but definetely don't overdo it. I think when you start peeling layers it becomes easier to peel the deeper you go. Some folks would call what i had Hppd,but it depends how you look at it.
  13. From all the psychs salvia is my favourite. Very mellow,dreamy, light and comfortable.In this experience i realized i am nothing and awareness. I hydrate the salvia and chew it for about an hour(jeez takes a while). Then i lay down. A calm feeling envelopes me. My body becomes heavy and a bit of swirling begins.I relax and feel sleepy and comfortable. I close my eyes,then i feel as if im floating.As this is happening the feeling is quite strong.I open my eyes. Then i see it. The hidden piece from my other trips. A vast whiteness coming from the window stretching who knows how much. It looked like a ball,but i think that was a characteristic i gave it after. So this thing...I look at it with upmost amazement: Wow what is this. I notice i am connected to it with a white cord stretching from the window. I am a part of this i think. Then another sort of tendryl of white comes and looks at me. It knows i see it i think. Then i close my eyes and surrender to it,because at the time i felt love,i felt peace i felt this is what is right... Closing my eyes i feel as if levitating,floating... Then i am back behind the wall...Behind reality even i think. I become this nothing and like a projector light comes out of me. At the time i wasn't scared,but when i came back i was a bit shaken. Being untouchable having no body...It was really interesting.
  14. Me and one of my colleagues at the time named Keanu(very thematic for the matrix),decided to trip. He was one of the most innocent and nice people i knew i didn't expect this. He hadn't tried anything like this in his life.Trip starts as usual visual field flooded with geometry,realizing everything is consciousness.All of this is happening in my bedroom at the time.I close my eyes and see endless picture like frames stretching through my vision.Also something i never felt before as i'm a solo tripper.I felt as if he is a part of me like our body is one.Weird but strangely comforting feeling.This passes as im quickly back into a more i'm a self state. Keep in mind this was meant to be a casual trip. After a while we decide it would be nice to go to the forest.Then things become really bizarre.We like the feel of nature and talk to each other. The geometry reaches crazy heights and this was with a small dose.We sit down on a bench and look at the sky. The most glorious entertaining thing happens. The clouds turn into this hallucination of two ant like alien cyllinders and through them passes a white ball and a black one and they become one. I talk to him i say,did you see that lol!Thats crazy man! He responds yea man the ball the aliens.At this point the geometry is intense i see the flower of life as a background to everything,as if its a projection(reality). Then we walk on this bridge near a small pond.I was going through solipsism at the time from other trips so i say it out loud. Damm i'm sorry man but im afraid im the only eternal consciousness here. And the joke began. Dude went dead silent and we were going to exit the forest. We come on this crossroad and he is like okay young man now you have a choice. The dark side is going back and becoming god(dying).The light side is going back to the dream and living how you want. I realized it was like talking to the devil.I said you are the devil etc. Then i realized i'm the devil.I felt in talking to a deeper part of myself. I started calling him my subconscous. He didnt mind that he was cheerful and nice as ever waiting for my decision. Very bizarre. Then came a profound lesson on time. I had a watch on me and idk if it was real or a hallucination but the time had stopped on 7:10.It stayed like this for hours until i made my decision.I chose the light side and coming back and time resumed. Later on we went to a cemetery and saw a ghost on the other side of the street of a Polish general. Definetely one of my most important trips.Infinitey was impressive,but i was almost reaching ego death in that space i started forgetting who i was,what year i came from. Ego needs time to work... Also made me realize psychs and enlightment are just another fun game god plays with himself. Be careful what you wish for folks xD.
  15. Yeah i really got this vibe when tripping with a friend realizing i'm talking to my self while on Lucy.I might post that trip someday. To me it makes sense if you are eternal consciousness forever that you are lonely.Of course i didn't mean this post as something negative but educational.Insanity ain't a bad thing perhaps it is like a defence mechanism,but it does explain how we forgot we are one being and created all of reality with imagination.It does explain how we see a world when it's sheer emptiness beyond our form.A human analogy for me would be people with alter personalities.These personalities exist only in their minds and they are a part of their mind.But when the person looks deep within they are facets of his mind.Having seemingly their own character and problems.Taking this to the infinite mind perspective is a great way to open up one's imagination about the arising of form..Forgetfulness and ignorance seem to be main elements of existence.To me this ignorance is bliss there is nothing beyond it but nothingness itself. So i have fallen in love with it's insanity. Created out of love and beauty for its own good.The magic of it is that you don't feel alone,if you aren't conscious that you are all of it. Maybe that's the purpose of the ego,love yourself through being all the forms you can be always and forever..
  16. I saw topics on the forums and experienced this myself when starting the spiritual journey. Solipsism aka all is in my head is a misconception that can lead people to madness and pain. I saw this topic adressed incorectly in the forums and thought i can help remedy this issue.God or consciousness is infinite as Leo Gura pointed out.However all the points inside are conscious. Every person is experiencing an ego just like you. A sense of self,thoughts a feeling of separate experience. Not just people animas trees plants and other beings as well. So yeah thats what is revealed a being of pure infinite experiencing itself through us.Have a good one and love others as yourself because they are you.
  17. However when you become enlightened you will see the other egos of your universal self are also having this POV.And not just people animals,insects etc.Consciousness is not limited to humans.Furthermore if you didn't start this life from this POV you wouldn't think you were human would you
  18. Yes this is true the teaching Leo is spreading is oneness not solipsism.However i saw five different topics in which people were mistaking the two through misunderstanding the role of ego.They were scared and anxious as they didn't go down enough.I hope this topic makes it clear for beginners who are confused and can't fathom what they saw.
  19. Your answer lay here. An animal in the sea is a perfect reflection of god.This animal was like a coral(im really sorry i don't remember the species) Each tendril of the coral was experiencing its own reality but its one organism.I dont like how people beat around the bush saying you are alone etc for ppl who havent gone the full way they might misinterpret what they have seen if they havent embodied god or seen the tendrils of light.. Anyway each point in infinite consciousness is conscious of itself.This is how ego is created and when ppl misinterpret they think only what they see in their head is real etc. No no its not this silly and simple.We are all points of consciousness taking in ourselves through the senses. You are "alone " but as a super consciousness.However all the people around you are just as conscious as you are with a sense of self etc. So dont be lonely you have yourself to keep company(sounds crazy but its what it is ;D)also their experiences are just as relevant as yours so love them as yourself Jesus quotes