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Everything posted by SleepyMonkey

  1. ?

    Hi All, I apologize if I didn’t post this in the right category. I have stumbled on one of my favorite authors. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Wanted to see which or if any books you recommend by him. I’d like to purchase a hard copy.. thinking of buying ‘self’. Please, let me know your thoughts. Also, Leo you’re great! Thank you for all you do.
  2. Hello friends! Hope all is well. Wanted to inquire on growing magic mushrooms at home. I am a beginner and would like to know if anyone out there knows of any good resources, tips, tricks, for starting out on growing/ & or “grow kits”. Thank you for your help!
  3. Do you think it’s healthy to take a small amount of shrooms 2x a week? I get that everyone’s psychology is different and each individual will perceive the trips differently. For me it feels healthy. It’s helped so much with social anxiety, opening up to myself & others. I just want to know if there is any danger in it? I take about 2 to 3g of shrooms each time spreading the dosage out through the day. I’ve been doing this around my family and they haven’t even noticed any changes with me. What are your thoughts?
  4. @Serotoninluv well said! How do you typically take yours?
  5. @James123 Yes, I understand. I am 100% happy with or without them. I don’t feel like I need them to be happy. This behavior has been carrying on for about one month. But am worried about building a tolerance.
  6. Why is it human nature to be so unsatisfied with the things you have already obtained & once your desires have been fulfilled why seek more? It seems like a never ending maze. Asking for advice, strategic planning, book recommendations, & techniques on feeling completely satisfied with the things you already have obtained in hopes to eliminate desires of more. Thank you for your help!