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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. Well, you are definitely sincere and I can appreciate that. I would argue that my view on LOA Is not based on belief but direct experience. When it comes to LOA many enlightened masters hold positions so different than other enlightened masters that I find it beneficial to focus only on my position, since that is why people's consider other people's perspectives in the first place - to build a better perspective of their own. Like yeah, it could theoretically just be a coincidence when someone performs healing on a person and his cancer dissapears the next day, but it is highly unlikely to be a coincidence. Edit: Also: I will watch the video, thanks. Also: I think there are different axis of consciousness, like a person could be enlightened and have zero experience with magick or working out.
  2. Magical thinking ≠ the approach to LOA I am trying to present here. It is based purely on insights produced by raising my consciousness. I guess the LOA terminology is purple-ish. Psychic powers are seperate from spiral dynamics altogether (although I can't imagine how it would look like at orange). Also, I don't remember insulting you, maybe I was a bit harsh sometimes - sorry, it wasn't meant to humiliate you. Anyway, I personally don't have anything against you & wish you good luck. If you have some experiences with psychic powers (or questions) in the future, feel free to message me ;).
  3. Because you're likely not fully yellow yet (in my opinion - don't get defensive). Believe it or not (more likely in your case), I have done similiar things.
  4. Do the experiments/exercises. Research it online (I would reccommend Alesteir Crowley's books - but they might use too many magickal terms for your taste - you would get a taste of how stage yellow magick works). Also, I wont try to convince you anymore. And yes, the LSD thing would prove it.
  5. I've considered this perspective many times before. You assume what you dont know, again. For you to realise LOA is real you would need to see a strong enough example (like focusing on getting 1000$ for an hour while on LSD and then waking up next day to find somebody dropped 1000$ on your garden, which is realistic btw ;). Why don't you try to combine some consciouss rasing techniques with visualisation techniqes & LOA principles and then have this discussion again? I would reccommend experimenting with sex magick for a month just to gain new perspective.
  6. I'm doing it because I know for a fact how I affect the outside world with my mind. Why do you assume a 6 year old video from Leo (who has likely done less magick research/experimentation than me even as of today) should change my view? Especially since I used LOA as much as I did. The problem with LOA is that it can never be logically explained. It has to be experienced - in a way strong enough to fully convince you.
  7. I've seen that and in my opinion he wasn't consciouss enough yet. Not saying that new agers are more consciouss than he was there, still he evidently wasn't very experienced with the topic of manifestation.
  8. Finally someone said it. I guess it is better when not everybody realizes it, since you wouldn't want billions of people manifesting whatever they want. Even manifestation works with limited resources here on earth.
  9. Why would you want to do that?
  10. Anyway, I would be interested in other people's LOA/magick experiences. It has changed my life and I would love to hear other people's stories. Also have any of you experienced negative side effects when changing physical reality too much/too fast?
  11. Well, you haven't realised that. You're just parroting it, so stages are still important for you.
  12. There is more of it in some sentences than other ;). Lol
  13. That is a useful stage to be in. After you move out of this stage you will enjoy normal world more than ever before while your consciousness will CONTINUE expanding with much less effort.
  14. The Absolute is both immanent and transcendent, right now you are developed on the transcendent and you should get some insight on the immanent axis.
  15. That happen when you try to rush awakening and see states you aren't ready for, you should always gradually build up. You can't run a marathon when you just began running.
  16. It is because it was written 2000 years ago. In the future someone is going to perceive Actualized.org exactly the same way that you perceive the Bible ;).
  17. Yes, you are right that what I said isn't a valid argument. I just doubt Sadhguru has to take action since he is way further than me and affecting things directly with my mind is not that hard, speaking from experience. Maybe he's developed on a slightly different axis than me, who knows.
  18. For voodoo to work without taking action you need over developed concentration or drugs. I think Sadhguru is saying you need action because he doesn't want people turning to the occult.
  19. Well most LOA books present metaphysical concepts in ways that bypass over analyzing by appearing magical. Forget vibration and all that stuff - you can still affect stuff directly with your mind, without action. Stuff like voodoo still works even though the doll isn't actually "enchanted".
  20. If you go poo pooing actual mystics you should have something to show for it first. If you had maybe your opinion would change, you never know . Try going to a meditation retreat and then think about LOA again. There is a difference between pre-conventional and post-conventional world view that is hard to see from conventional (YOUR) POV. The meditation retreat would hopefuly unlock the post conventional stages for you.
  21. Of course, I know. I just mixed up the names on the forum.
  22. That's gross. I thought you were just talking about bisexuality lol.
  23. Yeah, maybe you are right about semen retention. I haven't done enough to tell. Also, fasting helped me a lot.
  24. If you stop you are going to get stuck in dark night until you resume your meditation practice. If you continue and grind through this I promise life will get way better than it ever was.