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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @Haumea2018 Did you get to '1000' via their coaching/ RASA?
  2. @Leo Gura I understand completely. However, I definitely would not call my online publishing businesses soul-crushing or painful. I'm even building brands around meditation and spirituality to help introduce people to these topics who aren't ready for the full-blown nonduality side of things. On top of that, I'm coaching others now and helping them grow their businesses which is very fulfilling. I've also recently upgraded all the products (Books) I provide and the system makes sure each book we publish is very high quality and provides solutions to the customers' needs and actually helps them. I've also started my own fiction brand which requires minimal work as me and my partner have a coach who does the majority of the work for a % split, and that alone will hopefully provide substantial income after the 3-year contract is up. In terms of my own businesses, I'm beginning to outsource a lot of the work and training employees to my quality standards, therefore I know in a couple of years fully outsourcing this to where I max spend 5-10 hours a week on it will not be any issue at all, while at least maintaining similar earnings. It could also lead to my LP as it is possible to build a brand around near enough any sort of topic. Right now I completely feel this is what I want to devote my next 2-5 years too, maybe that's being stupid but it allows me incredible freedom to work on Personal Development, Health& Fitness and my Spirituality (working with Ramaji and Ananda (RASA)) and have seen amazing results in the areas in the last 6 months. Have you ever heard about how Purpose can work in 3's? I was contemplating this as I feel one of my purposes is to do with helping people achieve financial freedom as I have always been passionate about Business, Investing etc, but I also feel one day I want to become a Spiritual Teacher, however I wouldn't want to do that until I am completely finished and ready, as there's too many people I believe who simply try and talk the Ego to death and it rarely works, I endlessly listened to Eckhart/ Rupert etc for almost 2 years, and while the theory is helpful it doesn't really allow you to reach the highest levels of self-realization and is easy to take that 'back seat' route. Onto number 3 and I'm extremely passionate about Health/ Fitness, Sports (as you know from my posts lol) and Biohacking or even finding ways people can optimize their health and how they feel. Maybe you think I'm being stupid or wasting my time, but what feels right to be right now is to grow my businesses to the levels I have in mind, and keep providing products that are helping/ entertaining readers in various areas of life, and that to me is far from soul-crushing, I also did this to avoid going to University and going down a corporate route related to Investment Banking, Accounting, etc where corruption can certainly be rife. This is a stupidly long reply and I have waffled on for a while, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say
  3. @Leo Gura @Iksander basically you’ve summed it up perfectly. I used to be the same as you Leo in regards to drawing/ art because It was always my biggest weak point in school, until I realised it’s all for the love of it and Sport is no different, just extreme competition can bring out negative sides f people, but so can Business, politics etc, so it’s about competing consciously. And, you also get the array of physical and mental benefits of exercise that sport brings. But like you said life is to what the fuck you want. I just strongly feel used rightly as Sadhguru says, Sports can be amazing for building amazing people and societies when utilised correctly- which they certainly are not in this stage orange society we live in! So, yeah like any other Athletic/ Creative pursuit the original motivation for creating music, art, films etc or playing sport all comes from the enjoyment and love for it!
  4. Amazing teacher and very well developed spirally I believe as well. But as with all teachers (Including Leo) take what helps you and benefits you and don't turn their teachings into an ideology.
  5. I know I seem to be obsessed with sport (sorry?) but it’s just this forum and a lot of “spiritual” people seem to discredit sport so easily which baffles me, so decided to show you what one of the greatest spiritual masters of our time thinks about sports! He even goes as far to say you can be closer to the divine playing sport than in prayer, as you have no choice but to be involved with the Sport. If that doesn’t show pursuing sports as a spiritual pursuit I don’t know what will! https://isha.sadhguru.org/us/en/wisdom/sadhguru-spot/be-a-sport
  6. @Average Investor yeah I get you. however, I do love what I do, and every morning I wake up and look forward to working and have already had some great success from the business, I’m also starting to outsource the not so fun parts, and created quite an empowering vision the other day around my business and that is helping to keep Me on track! It’s also easy to incorporate green and yellow into my business as I am a publisher and can develop once the foundations are there! My goal is complete financial freedom which to me means high 6- low 7 figures yearly, as well as lots of investments in various sectors, I get you could survive on like $20k but I want to do things like going travelling etc and wish to have no money worries in my future as I’ve seen what it’s done to people around me! Can I ask what is your life purpose?
  7. @SoothedByRain that makes complete sense thank you so much! For example a professional footballer could then become a Coach who spreads enjoyment and love in his coaching, and uses his platform as you said to market conscious ideas, and even with bodybuilding there’s ways to do it consciously! This was a really great answer and I think there are many many ways to approach your life purpose in ways that will help contribute to mankind- thank you:)
  8. @Flowerfaeiry you’re right, Leo says a lot about strategic thinking and I think that is the best thing to do here!
  9. Hi @Leo Gura or anyone else who can help. I know you’re really busy but would love your insights and help on this:) currently run multiple online businesses in publishing both non fiction and fiction books, although the fiction is a partnership with my friend and we have a coach who does 99% of the work for us so is more like a 3 year investment to start with! I love what I do and have recently gone towards releasing higher quality books with the main aim of helping people with their respective issues, the fiction books are of course creative art that entertains people and provides them joy:) i LOVE running my businesses and being an entrepreneur however I’m not sure if it is my sole life purpose. however I’m wondering whether I should focus on building this up to a level to where I no longer have to worry about money so I can freely pursue my life purpose, and I love my current business and helping people with my products. Any advice would be great Leo, however my inner guidance system is telling me to grow my current business and put all my attention into that before pursuing other things and splitting my attention. Thanks again guys!
  10. @Mulky you can even go one step further, and say once you’re in non-duality you realise you are no longer the Doer behind all of your action but something higher is telling you your hungry, having that desire etc etc
  11. @DrewNows good to see another sports fan around here! And definitely noticed differences, for example when we lose I get it out of my system then move on with my life. And yes I agree, it’s how you go about the Sport that matters, and good luck with becoming a pro baller man!
  12. @kieranperez completely agree! Seems some people are so anti sports here which doesn’t make sense to me. I see it as a very viable life purpose even, as like music you can provide entertainment with others, as well as all the benefits you listed, and can express love and joy etc in your performances and even in your practice, I see sport as an amazing art form in a number of ways! For example, you can give people joy and entertainment through your career as something like a football player, while being conscious and loving at the same time, just don’t fall into the Stage Orange traps!
  13. A bit late, but I'm currently working 1-1 with Ananda and personally it's the best thing I've ever done spiritually speaking. Beforehand, I was a hardcore seeker reading lots and lots of books and mental masturbation regarding Enlightenment, however, I've never felt as peaceful as I have done the last few months and I'm still nowhere near 1000 with a lot of work to do. They recommend 6-12 months of RASA/ Sessions I believe with 1-2 a month I think, but even just have someone answer the questions you have can be so much help, as all them non-dual video clips can be great but they aren't the exact questions, my overactive mind has a LOT of questions! I can report back if I ever 'reach' 1000 once I finish working for them, but so far I only have positive things to say. However like @Leo Gura said the only way to know for yourself is to try it and report back, but yes it definitely isn't some magic Pill for enlightenment as LOTS of integration work and clearing blockages still has to be done post-awakening I see it as more of a Spiritual Vitamin that can help you on your path. No matter what path you take there will ALWAYS be integration work, clearing work and most importantly your own life to live after, there is more to life than just Enlightenment!
  14. @Hello from Russia I will definitely read them books, thank you for the recommendations. But yes, I'm a huge Liverpool fan (UK Football team) and i LOVE watching and supporting my football team, yet the stage orange importance of money and power is so prevalent, our biggest rivals for the league title is Manchester City who are effectively owned by a Royal Family in the Middle East who allow child slavery and torture and murder, gay people. However, at its fundamental level, I see Sports as a spiritual pursuit, but however, like most things, they are currently very much corrupted by the Ego and Stage Orange at the highest levels!