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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. You don’t need to live in a monastery to become enlightened or fully self realised. Maybe for some people this is their path, but personally it isn’t mine as I LOVE life
  2. Rupert often loves concepts, however his explanations here are amazing!
  3. @Matt23 firstly, are you enlightened before teaching? One of the biggest worries for me in the Non-Dual community is the blind leading the blind. Basically people who aren’t even awakened/ fully awakened teaching people which brings with it a lot of risks. also, a lot of teachers tend to then lose focus on their own development and “crystallise” where they’re at often, so that’s something to consider. Most people will need some sort of theoretical Non-Dual understanding etc Things that helped me most- 1) Working 1-1 with a “Fully” awakened teacher (I class this as LOC 1000) 2) Spiritual Transmissions/ RASA 3) Enneagram work to learn my biggest pitfalls in awakening 4) Foundational Meditation/ Self-Inquiry work of course 5) Guided presence meditations, hard to explain mind of like walking through your true nature as presence There’s a lot more that helps on the path, but this has helped the most in my own awakening process. Good luck!
  4. @VeganAwake Enjoy yourself In the Navy! Remember this is it from an absolute level, everything is perfect as it is
  5. @VeganAwake I’m glad Fred emailed back, them sort of sessions are exactly what helped me more than ANYTHING on this path! Yea you will have incredible non dual awakenings, but after all what matters is your 24/7 consciousness that will be transformed and I’m sure Fred will help do that, I can feel that is best for you right now! Enjoy your time in the Navy, I guess there’s no way you could leave early?:)
  6. @WisdomSeeker hi mate I’ll cut a long story short. I began working with my teacher (Ananda Devi) in February on a 1-1 basis and reviving RASA (a transmission) and honestly without it I think I’d still be in the rut, personally as it’s worked for me I support this path. In 9 months my existential experienced has revolutionised honestly. I understand the solo psychedelic path has its benefits, but personally I feel most of us will need some assistance if we want to fully self realize in this lifetime, for me it has made the journey so much easier and enjoyable! I had my first awakening around March time and honestly the growth has been amazing since then, if you want to know more aboht my path feel free to message me, but as I respect this is Leo’s forum and community I won’t go into too much detail here. (I’m not denying psychedelics can give you amazing insights and awakenings, I just believe there are more efficient paths to full self realisation in your everyday life) have an amazing weekend
  7. Hi mate never taken 5MEO, but been in the rut you’ve described and can say I’ve come out of the other side. Let me just say it gets a LOT fucking better, in fact I often forget how much I’ve grown in the last 9 months and take my existential experience for granted, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Yes most of life is illusory, however this frees us up to do whatever we want in life. in the end it comes back full cuticle, this moment as it is is truly it, they may sound foreign now, but contemplate it, THIS IS IT! Also, awakening doesn’t mean you can’t lead a “normal” life, you can develop a career you love, have hobbies you enjoy, friends and relationships etc, in fact complete awakening (what I class as LOC 1000) makes you more human than ever before. After all what’s the point In life if we don’t enjoy it and have fun? As westerners who are involved in life, Tantric spirituality (more than just sex lol) is what suits us best, there’s nothing wrong with pleasure and enjoying life! If you want to go and life in a cave by all means feel free, but if you want to be involved and live a full life you can! Whatever you love, go out and do that, enjoy yourself for a while, you sound stuck in a rut, and having fun might help you get out of it If you ever feel you need to chat feel free to ask questions as I know just how shit this path can truly be mate. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, life is amazing! And, this is it
  8. @WelcometoReality yes, it is only a map that is used as a helpful tool anyways. The map is not the territory. and all concepts must be dropped eventually! Have a great weekend
  9. @VeganAwake Great! Awakening doesn't mean you'll be in some blissful state 24/7, maybe if you want to go live in a cave. But, they'll be ZERO resistance to life, so you just broke up with your other half? Of course you'll have feelings of sadness, but you feel them FULLY in the now without resistance, and then they pass, they don't get stuck like before. And when you feel happy? You just feel happy in the now fully and embrace the now, This really is it! Love
  10. @Chi_ You are always in the absolute state knowingly or unknowingly for there is nothing else. (Stole that from Francis Lucille haha) The majority of people have ZERO idea of who they are on an absolute level, everyone's process is very different. Absolutely, the physical paradigm is merely the Self, the Self is all, literally EVERYTHING is the Self, once you realize this in your own existential experience you will then know it is impossible for the self to ever die, it is the substratum of all things. Of course the body will die, but your essence cannot.
  11. @VeganAwake Thank you I'm so glad I could help! Yes, honestly from reading what you are saying across the forum you sound so close, and in that hardcore seeker mode that I remember so vivdly! 1 word of warning- You can still go out and enjoy yourself! Your whole life doesn't have to be devoted to non-duality, if you feel drawn to it then so be it, but I remember for me everytime I went on youtube I felt I had to watch a Rupert Spira video, or I had to read another non-duality book, just think there are people who go to satsangs for 50 years and never awaken, we are lucky to have so many resources to help us on the journey. I hope you have an amazing weekend and if you do book a session with Fred, let me know how it goes! Sending love
  12. @WelcometoReality we are merely talking using the same words, but meaning different things. 1) I am not talking about a separate self, that disappears way before realisation of the absolute at LOC 1000 (I will use this as a reference for ease of convo) I am talking about your Human Personality, full awakening allows you to fully embrace you are on a human level, if you haven’t I’d suggest finding your Enneagram type. Your personality stays with you. You will actually become more human, yet there is no I-thought as that has been seen through, Without any Ego you would not respond to your name etc. When Ramana was asked on this topic he said “Yes I still have an ego, it is needed for functioning, but is a Pure ego.” by “Pure Ego” he means it has the function without the structure and content, call it transcendental individuality if you like, you have your cake and eat it. 2) By full realisation and stabilisation of the absolute I mean stabilisation In the Universal I, the Supreme Self, again quoting Ramana- “There is no world, only the self” Some Common factors that point to this level of awakening are- No mind, No other, No world, There is only the Self, nothing has ever happened. I am not doubting your awakening, from your responses I just think we have misunderstood on the level of language which is common in a topic in which words are merely pointers. Sorry for the confusion! Hope you have an amazing day P.S I know LOC 1000 is only the beginning of life, however the separate self would’ve been long gone by this point.
  13. @WelcometoReality If you are 100% finished, why worry, you have life to go and enjoy Oh and say you are at LOC 1000 or the equivalent, integration can take years depending on your own personal circumstances and a number of factors, but after that you are free to live life on your terms, that's what's exciting to me.
  14. @SerpaeTetra I am also Vegan, but veganism has little to do with understanding the absolute and awakening. Many people after realizing the horrors of factory farming and dairy farming may decide to go vegan to help end such a horrific industry. However, it is not like a qualification that you must be vegan to awaken, in fact eating meat or eating vegetables are both the absolute, in absolute terms there is ZERO difference. But, don't get me wrong on a relative level we have a LOT of work to do not just around veganism but a myriad of issues, more and more people are realizing the horrors of factory farming! But, we also need to make sure when people adopt a vegan/ Plant Based diet that they follow all the right precautions to prevent them reverting back.
  15. @VeganAwake All I would say is if you have the money, try Fred's 1-1 awakening sessions and see what it does for you, if you feel intuitively drawn to it that's the best option. Until you actually experience it, you have no idea what it will do for you. He may not be able to awaken everyone as he claims, but he's clearly helped awaken a lot of people into non-dual consciousness, and you seem like you're so close, so maybe your exactly the kind of student Fred looks for to keep his '100% success rate' And, if you do, please share the 'results' of your session, after all the only way is to test these things to see if they actually work P.S. I was very close to getting a session with Fred before Ananda, but it wasn't meant for me! I hope you find what you're looking for!
  16. @WelcometoReality On reading more quotes from these 'LOC 1000' teahcers/ masters, it seems you know when the seeking is over intuitively, and that you are finished and have arrived at the absolute. So, yes keep going until you arrive there seems to be the message, and you'll know when it's time to stop. And well yes you go full circle to THIS. THIS is it, it isn't some special state with flying angels and meditating Buddhas everywhere, but is this wery moment, this very world, this very duality no longer becomes a problem, as if everything is the absolute, that includes everything! @VeganAwake Yes, this describes exactly how I used to feel, it sounds like you're so close, but even in the absolute 'state,' you may still feel depression or anger, you won't resist them though, and it will flow through you instead of getting stuck and tangled up in your I-thought. What helped me was learning to accept ALL emotions and thoughts, even the ugly ones, imagine yourself as a guest house, everyone and everything is welcome! Then as you accept and love each thought as if it was part of your family, begin to investigate it. Where does it come from? Why is it arising? What is at the centre of ALL of these thoughts and emotions? Does that centre have thoughts or emotions? Let me know what you find out
  17. @WelcometoReality there’s always deeper to go until there isn’t Then there is just an infinite expansion of this expressing through our vessel ?
  18. @Nak Khid You don't need psychedelics to become awakened, but for some people, it really helps and is part of their paths, for others it isn't. Think about the 'Hippie' movement of the 60s, most of these did not become fully self-realized beings despite heavy psychedelic use, intention and setting also play key roles, I know a lot of people my age (20) who have used LSD and Shrooms a LOT and are certainly not enlightened, let a lone fully self realized. They aren't a magic pill, but can be used as a tool to help people on their journey. Like someone else said, there's no avoiding the inner work!
  19. @peanutspathtotruth lol, that made me chuckle, to the ordinary person this seems crazy, to one who has realized the self this is normality, there is nothing but the Self, therefore, there is no other, it really is beautiful.
  20. @WelcometoReality Maybe you have deeper to go Do you feel stabilised in Non-Duality? @Jkhv1 Basically he started it after investigating teachers, then the model formed itself, so originally there was no model, then the data showed differences so he made a model I believe. Regarding 1000, integration is still integral after reaching it, clearing out your 'shit' is a big part of this. I'm paraphrasing but the basic premise is there is no more resistance to the Now, you realize this is it, the 'I Thought' is fully seen through, and then you are completely free to approve embrace and love and live what is NOW in this moment, hence 'This is it.' Then what would be left to seek? I love this quote from Francis Lucille: Q: How can one even know one is in the absolute state? 'One is always in the absolute state knowingly or unknowingly, for there is nothing else. To be knowingly in the absolute means to be happy, content and at peace without the slightest restriction (resistance). What is said here has to be understood experientially not theoretically. Theoretically, you are right the use in pursuing a state? No use at all. The use in pursuing the truth about our real natiure? Happiness, plain and simple. The firm conviction that there was nothing to ever pursue and ever to gain is not liberation, as long as there is the slightest sense of lack. However, it is an important milestone on the path to it.' No lack, no more seeking, what would there be left to seek?
  21. @WelcometoReality Yeah basically what @Jkhv1 said. For some people they rest in the earlier stages of enlightenment, maybe for their whole lifetime, for others their is an urge to go further, I guess when you know that awakening goes deeper you're more likely to want to. I can personally say from my own experience life changes A LOT upon stabilising in non-duality.
  22. @Jkhv1 No way, someone who's actually using this model and RASA and using themselves as an example, if only more people were that open minded. After all in this work, it all comes down to your own personal direct experience, it doesn't matter if you have 10000000 self realized mates, if you aren't there yourself your own existential experience won't change. I'm exactly the same, seeking takes up a huge part of any seeker's life, so it'll also be very fun to have that portion back! I'm the same as you, if I have no desire to carry on seeking I'll stop, but if it's there I won't, like I said all about your own personal direct experience.
  23. @Bill W haha. I'm glad he was so helpful for you, his teaching centres around love which is beautiful. Any teacher you resonate with you should work with, no matter their LOC, there's a reason your intuition is sending you there!
  24. Yes, of course, it will help being in the presence of a truly liberated being can be incredibly helpful. I'm lucky enough to meet my teacher fortnightly over Zoom, and it is the single most helpful thing of my journey having not just interaction but 1-1 interaction that deals with your unique situation and awakening.
  25. @Schahin You're hoping for some resurrected world and want to save the world etc. Of course we want a fairer society with no poverty and no wars and a world that works together. However, illness and death are a part of the life cycle, creation and destruction are synonymous look all around you, even your thoughts, they are created and rise in pure awareness, then they do their thing and they are gone- destroyed. You don't need some magical pure light nirvana. This right now is Nirvana, this horrible ugly duality is perfect as it is. When you realize that, seeking is over, as this truly is it. You may need some help getting there though- Teachers, Transmissions and Psychedelics can all help and we all have our preferences. But remember, this right now, this is it.