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About Diogenes

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  1. @ivankiss It is terrifying. This is why nobody gets anywhere. People keep talking psychedelics, meditation, debate intellectually endlessly, but they haven’t awakened just because they’re too scared. If teachers really wanted results, they would focus exclusively on courage. But if they did that, everyone would just run to a soothing comforting guy. Most are only seeking comfort and to feel less terrified. That’s why Leo is better because he doesn’t shy away from how terrifying it is. Although even Leo babies people. It’s the same with the whole “pick up” scene where everyone talks endlessly and the only thing is do to stop being a coward. But being a coward is the only problem anyone has. If people could overcome that, then they would have no more problems in life.
  2. I think the most important thing is not meditation or psychedelics. Most people simply have no intelligence of their own. By intelligence, I don’t mean intellect or anything genetic. I just mean that you are learning from yourself throughout life, not learning from others. Every time you read a book or watch a video, you are learning from others. If you read all the books in the world, it’s still other people’s intelligence, not your own. You can live your life in complete solitude and still rely 100% on the intelligence of others. If I just go to the Zen temple and do whatever the master says, I’ll never get there, because I’m just a mindless NPC. The wheels must be turning inside me, not simply following instructions. Until I know the truth, I don’t know the truth. I don’t know I am god or that Zen, Advaita, meditation, Leo or anybody else is correct. For the unenlightened, EVERYTHING is just blind beliefs and dogma. A genuine truth seeker doesn’t already have a conclusion he’s trying to reach. A genuine truth seeker is not seeking enlightenment, he has no idea about enlightenment, he’s only seeking truth, whatever it may be. The most helpful thing to learn from Leo’s videos is not remembering all his conclusions but seeing how his mind works, courageously deconstructing everything and taking all implications to its furthest end. You never need to learn anyone’s wisdom. When you are wise, you will have the same wisdom. Everybody in the world you’ve ever talked to since the day you were born has only confused you, including all teachers and Leo too. The problem is, we’ve been taught to ask questions outwardly and learn about life from other people. “Only an idiot gives advice. Only an idiot takes advice.” - OSHO
  3. Before I first did psychedelics over a decade ago, I couldn’t meditate. I sat there but it never felt I was really doing it right. On psychedelics, I had insight into the nature of thought and language. Once I deconstructed both, over the next months, thoughts themselves began to feel more unreal and slowly faded away into the background. Now I can meditate effortlessly for as long as I want. It’s not even “meditation” or any activity. I just sometimes sit there and chill without any thoughts. It’s just doing nothing. The point is, I got to that point by having insights into thought and language, not just spend years “trying” to meditate. Also, there’s been very few fully enlightened people. If enlightenment is the unprogrammed state, or natural state, or unconditioned state, as gurus have referred to it, then all traditions are just conditioning that lead you away from enlightenment. Huang Po says the true dharma is no dharma.
  4. Leo is achieving higher states than almost all historical masters precisely because he’s using so much psychedelics. That’s evident just based on the nature of his insights, which are deeper than most. This is about as shocking as the fact that athletes now can be much bigger because of steroids. But his baseline consciousness may not as high as others. There’s no contradiction here. There is no “actual path to permanent realization”. Meditation, yoga, Buddhism, etc., doesn’t work and this is proven just by the fact that we’ve been doing all these things for thousands of years and no one is enlightened. “Truth is a pathless land” - J Krishnamurti Jed McKenna talks about how all spiritual teachers have been complete failures because they have never enlightened anyone, including the revered Ramana Maharshi. He says ego picks the teacher nice to ego to lull us back to sleep, not wake us up. If the Buddha had enlightened anyone, no one would still be quoting the Buddha because there’d be generations of successors that would’ve all reached the same level. Eckhart Tolle sold millions of books but where is this new army of enlightened “Tolles” creating this “New Earth”, haha? The other teachers don’t want to help you. They just want you to like them. If Leo is misleading and damaging spiritual seekers, what’s everyone else doing? Leading them to enlightenment? Lol. “A teacher of awakening who was fully committed to the complete and total success of each and every student would be an unthinkable monster.” - Jed McKenna UG Krishnamurti says stuff like “meditation is violence against the mind”. The truth is, meditation is the state of mind AFTER enlightenment, not the way to achieve enlightenment. Meditation is trying to achieve enlightenment through sheer force, in a violent way, UG is right. In fact, one is much more likely to waste their lives meditating and have delusional awakenings and delusional progress than on psychedelics, which is taking a powerful drug that obviously changes your state of consciousness. True liberation, by definition I would think, must be the end. Once you are liberated, nothing else to do. God/infinite love might be the “highest state”, I agree with Leo, but like all things, the mind becomes acclimated to it over time so it’s no longer interesting. God/infinite love, after all, is only interesting because we’ve been separated so long, right? So for me, the true end is when you forget about everything and just enjoy your life as a human animal doing whatever you do moment to moment without ever questioning again why you’re doing it. Like you put your Tesla on full self driving mode and you just go along for the ride. You no longer do, it just does itself. What else can liberation be but a permanent state of “wu Wei”? But there’s no reason why Leo should stop looking for deeper awakenings if he’s still interested. When you’re truly over it, it falls away itself. There comes a point where you realize you’ve always been god/infinite love, so there was no mystery in the first place, no enlightenment, no profound realizations/insights that you didn’t already know, and that you’re here in the first place just so you can experience and enjoy being a human animal.