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Everything posted by the0neand0nly

  1. Hello everybody, I'm Fynn, 24y.o and from Germany and have found out about Leo and nondualiy trough a classmate almost year ago. We both study cognitve science btw. I basically came here seeking for general life advice / contacts / projetcts to work on. So I'll come straigt to the point. I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic. Probably a drug induced psychosis because of to much 2-CB (also took 120µg LSD once, smoked weed and also shrooms/truffles. I'm relatively stable now and still smoke and do ketamine (which used to trigger it in a bad way, but now i sort of got "used to the psychosis" and it's its almost becoming a chakra colors overlay. Like my gift is to sense this light and heal others maybe or safe the planet. also interested in Zeitgeist dicscussion. kthxbye