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About Ajay0

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  1. A Lebanese-American lady's account of her sister Heba's past life memories ... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/30/well/family/sisters-past-life.html
  2. The Islamic prayer stances and movements of bowing and prostration are similar to yogic exercises. The sitting pose is similar to that of vajrasana. https://mvslim.com/5-ways-yoga-is-a-basic-practice-for-muslims/ I think the movements get added potency when it is done in the remembrance of God and not mechanically.It can also get better during fasting as fasting is an aid to prayer or meditation. It is possible that Muhammad had intuitive insights into the flow of life-enery or prana/chi in the body, and devised such a system accordingly.
  3. Brahmakumaris on how a vegetarian lifestyle supports the environment at multiple levels, enhancing food and water security, preventing air and water pollution, global warming as well as deforestation. https://eco.brahmakumaris.org/vegetarian-diet/
  4. Articles on twin sisters Gillian and Jennifer Pollock, whose family were convinced were the reincarnation of tragic siblings Joanna and Jacqueline who had died in a car crash a year back. Dr. Ian Stevenson studied the case and included it in his book titled “Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation.” It was his research into 14 different cases involving reincarnation of children. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/twin-sisters-who-family-were-27568945 https://www.newsbreak.com/nik-1590556/2837260208621
  5. Dead thirteen year old teenager comes home after eight years as an eight year old Indian boy claiming he had a rebirth... https://www.ibtimes.com/dead-teenager-returns-home-after-8-years-claims-he-had-rebirth-3277864 https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/uttar-pradesh-boy-who-died-eight-years-ago-claims-he-had-a-rebirth-1843294-2021-08-20
  6. If there is no natural joy and bliss within oneself , one tends to become a pleasure seeker, and eventually will succumb to all kinds of unconscious desires of perverse pleasures of sado-masochism which can be injurious to life around. I would say the present nihilistic and scientific materialistic 'modern' culture of ours is also to blame for presenting life as mere matter without any intrinsic worth of its own other than that dictated by economics or pleasure, leading to its abasement. As Sadhguru stated, the mind, which is an accumulation of the past, itself is madness, and going beyond the mind through meditation or total love is key to accessing the natural bliss and joy within oneself. This is the true function of all religions, but unfortunately religion itself has become a tool for unconscious dualistic perception and fueling hatred, due to ignorance of its intended purpose.
  7. 10 year old boy named Ryan recalls past life as Hollywood actor and agent Marty Martyn... https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/10-year-old-boy-says-784090/ https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/boy-says-he-remembers-past-life-hollywood-agent-n327506 https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/world-news/boy-believes-reincarnated-chilling-perfect-28761843
  8. Further talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on prana... https://www.srisri.com/p10/
  9. "I Have Lived Before": The True Story of the Reincarnation of Shanti Devi. This is the first known book on reincarnation based on the recollections of a little girl named Shanti Devi (1926-1987) in Delhi, India, who claimed to remember a past life as a wife and mother in a different region of India. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanti_Devi https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2016/12/STE1.pdf Shanti Devi persistently pleaded to her parents to let her go to the region mentioned (Mathura) and once even ran away from home at age of six to reach Mathura. When Mahatma Gandhi heard about the case he set up a commission of 15 prominent people, including parliamentarians, national leaders, and members from the media, to study the case. He also invited Shanti Devi to his ashram. The committee was instrumental in persuading her reluctant parents to allow Shanti Devi to go to Mathura with them. Upon reaching the place she was able to remember minute details of the place and her past life family, though she was seeing the place for the first time in her young life. A brief article on her life by Dr. K.S. Rawat can be found in this below link. https://www.carolbowman.com/dr-ian-stevenson/case-shanti-devi/ Sture Lonnerstrand, a Swedish critic, came all the way from Sweden to expose the “fake,” as he thought it to be, but after investigation wrote, “This is the only fully explained and proven case of reincarnation there has been." A book about her was published by Sture Lonnerstrand in 1994, and the english translation appeared in 1998 titled, "I Have Lived Before: The True Story of the Reincarnation of Shanti Devi". She was also interviewed by Dr. Ian Stevenson who stated, “I also interviewed Shanti Devi, her father, and other pertinent witnesses, including Kedarnath, the husband claimed in her previous life. My research indicates that she made at least 24 statements of her memories that matched the verified facts.”
  10. With everyone's blessings and guidance, I would like to create a thread dedicated to showcasing articles and books on reincarnation/rebirth case studies so that people can judge for themselves whether reincarnation has a basis in fact or not. In India I have come across a couple of reincarnation case studies in newspapers and acquaintances, which helped to keep an interest in this subject. After accessing the internet, I found to my surprise that there are similar cases in the West even though there are no teachings of reincarnation in its dominant religions and belief systems. Here is an insightful article about a young boy named James Leininger remembering his past life as a fighter pilot in the second world war and who died after his plane crashed into the ocean. https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2017/04/REI42-Tucker-James-LeiningerPIIS1550830716000331.pdf https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1209795/Reincarnated-Our-son-World-War-II-pilot-come-life.html https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1550830716000331
  11. The Oil-rich arab nations have small populations which can be easily managed as well as having a very good police to population ratio. Saudi Arabia have a population of 36 million and a strong police to population ratio of 386. The Shariat law with penalty of beheading for rape serves as a strong deterrent. However the poor quality of the obsolete legal system and laws means that the victim can be further punished as the supposed perpetrator, and the actual perpetrator can escape with minimal punishment. As per Shariat the raped victim must also produce four adult males who have witnessed the crime to validate her charges. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/nov/17/saudiarabia.international https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24438375 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Saudi_Arabia https://www.reuters.com/article/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/saudi-women-try-suicide-to-escape-social-pressure-idUSL12894106/ The media, unlike that in India, is highly regulated and subject to censoring by the monarchical government so as to filter out the bad news if any that can be injurious to the government's prestige, and strict constraints placed on the journalists freedom of speech and action. The murder of the reformist Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi government agents is a glaring example in this regard. Khashoggi was a progressive journalist who advocated for reforms in the country and was critical of the ruling royal family. Khashoggi wrote in his last column, posthumously published, that "what the Arab world needs most is free expression" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi The same goes in dictatorial China as well, which in 2023 was the biggest global jailer of journalists. https://apnews.com/article/china-press-censorship-hong-lai-2caeedd86717ef4667ada868abf67eba In less economically developed middle eastern nations lacking oil resources, primitive and tribal traditions prevent the ensuring of full justice to the rape victim. Rape is considered dishonorable to the family's victim and at times the victim is shot dead by her relatives, or even forced to marry the rapist. https://www.jurist.org/commentary/2017/05/mais-haddad-arab-world-laws-protect-the-rapist-not-the-victim/ https://www.missingperspectives.com/posts/sisters-of-strength-unveiling-the-global-tapestry-for-womens-rights-from-the-mirabal-legacy-to-unheard-voices-in-the-middle-east/ https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/belief-that-honour-killings-are-justified-still-prevalent-among-jordans-next-generation-study-shows So the prevention of crimes against women and children requires not just a healthy police to poulation ratio of 222 and more, it also requires an adept and flawless legal system which efficiently and quickly delivers justice to the victim and punishes the perpetrator; ethically conscious lawyers, journalists and social activists in abundance to ensure that the laws are updated and not obsolete, implemented meticulously and law-breakers reported and punished. A value-based culture that deifies or humanizes women rather than dehumanizing or objectifying them is also part of the solution.
  12. ISRO Successfully Places Earth Observation Satellite Into Orbit, proving capabilities in designing and developing a microsatellite and creating payload instruments compatible with the microsatellite. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/isros-developmental-flight-carrying-earth-observation-satellite-lifts-off-6347962
  13. A website highlighting ancient and modern sayings on celibacy (brahmacharya) in Hinduism as bringing about spiritual strength and opening windows to nondual perception, satori/samadhi and enlightenment. Self-control (dama ) is extolled as the basis of Dharma. Celibacy is considered to be the highest heroic austerity and a great enhancer of one's potency. https://selfdefinition.org/celibacy/gopal-krishna-collection/quotes-from-spiritual-scriptures.htm
  14. Studying this particular case, I would say it deals with a broader context rather than just rape-murder as it was projected to show. There was a previous case of a male doctor who had died in a 'suicide' in suspicious circumstances, after he had protested against certain illegal activities within the hospital premises. The present female doctor similarly had raised concerns and protested against an illegal drug racket within the hospital, as per her colleagues. Insiders and certain hierarchical figures within the hospital may have been involved in the lucrative drug racket. This could be a reason for her targeted killing by the culprit who may have had access to information regarding her scheduled activities and rest time, from insiders. It is possible that the mafia is involved, along with corrupt police, government and some ruling party activists who may be involved in the drug trade, and this could be a reason for their lackadaisical approach as well as stalling interventions in the investigation process while it was being conducted. The constant and large rallies by doctors nation-wide however gained attention at the national level, and elite federal policing units such as the CBI is now involved in the case. The female doctor involved was bespectacled,studious, a bit on the portly side and did not seem to look especially attractive on a sexual basis. Moreover doctors in Indian society are usually revered and respected and even equated with divinity. So it appeared a bit unnatural to me that a doctor was attacked in this manner as I had never come across such news before. It appears that she was targeted for other motives in place, rather than mere lust, and rape has been deceptively showcased as a reason for her murder. It could have just as easily been a male doctor who could have been similarly murdered to silence any voices against the drug mafia, with his death being projected as a 'suicide' as shown in the earlier precedent. Drug abuse is rising in India with billions of dollars worth of drugs being seized in ports and drones from across the borders. India's proximity to the drug based golden triangle in the east and Afghanistan in the west means that it is vulnerable to such entry of large-scale illegal drugs in the country.
  15. But I have shown research articles that shows that access to porn can potentially inflame the situation. Rape and crime are still major issues in western society too inspite of them having a healthy police to population ratio. We are fortunate that we do not have the likes of Jack the Ripper, Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy in our midst but the way things are going I am not sure of the future. Since India does not have the requisite police to population ratio at present, on account of its weak economy, it would be better to place bans on all such potential inflamers like alcohol and pornography, so as to ensure socio-economic stability and social progress . This is just hyperbole and one-off sensational statement and does not warrant presidents rule.