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About Ajay0

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  1. I would like to add here that from a yogic perspective, people feel suicidal when the prana or chi levels in the person is very low... If people commit suicide on the basis of existentialist or nihilist despair, what is apparent to me then is that personal interpretations of certain philosophies of this kind and the thinking and emoting process it generates can lead to low prana or chi levels within the personal system. It has been observed by physicians that when a patient is negative-minded and has lost his will to live, this can have a further adverse effect on his health.
  2. A book of Dr. Ian Stevenson,M.D.,' Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation ' in pdf format. https://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/images/1/1b/Twenty_Cases_Suggestive_of_Reincarnation.pdf Dr. Ian Stevenson was a Canadian-born U.S. psychiatrist. He worked for the University of Virginia School of Medicine, for fifty years, as chair of the department of psychiatry from 1957 to 1967, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry from 1967 to 2001, and Research Professor of Psychiatry from 2002 until his death.
  3. Hi all, Quoted above are a list of teachings of various masters which I compiled myself for a better understanding and contemplation of the message of proactivity/responsiveness and reactivity. Through study and analysis of these master's teachings, I had come to the understanding that it is proactive action which is what is known as virtue or good karma while reactive action is what is known as sin or bad karma. While proactivity or responsiveness is what stems from a state of awareness or mindfulness , reactivity on the other hand stems from the ego . Living in the present moment generates awareness, while living in the past or future due to desires, craving or incessant thinking is what generates the ego. The state of awareness generates happiness , while the ego generates pain and sorrow. This is why the Buddha had said thus ," Mindfulness ( constant awareness ) is the true virtue." And why Eckhart Tolle had stated thus. " Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness." Writing this in my notebook and constant study and contemplation of these teachings from time to time helped me to become a more self-aware, responsive and less reactive person. This understanding brought a deep sense of calmness, peace, contentment and well-being in my life. Hope the reading of the above mentioned teachings will do the same for you or help in bringing perspective on the nature of the mind.
  4. Teachings of the Masters on Awareness-Proactivty and Unconsciousness-Ego-Reactivity.... Act. Do not react. --Sri Ravi Shankar Sin is never in action. It is always in reaction. -- Swami Chinmayananda Virtuous ( proactive) action increases intelligence, while sinful ( reactive ) acts decreases intelligence. --Vidura Neeti ( Mahabharatha ) If you want to progress in your life and grow, act not to react. --Harbhajan Yogi Bhajan Respond. Do not react. --Osho Just stay focused. Don't react. Just be a witness and you will see the magic of it. --Swami Chidanand Saraswati Be proactive. Do not be reactive. --Stephen Covey ( Author of 7 habits of highly effective people ) Habitually we react to external stimuli, that is we are generally overwhelmed by retaliatory emotional forces within us demanding appropriate action. But surely this cannot be called 'action' , it is in fact ' re-action' . Discipline of the reasoning mind controls the reactive forces and results in appropriate 'action' rather than 're-action', one should endeavour to establish control and avoid retaliatory behaviour. --Acharya Mahaprajna Quality of life depends on what happens in the space between stimulus and response. -- Stephen Covey Because of the space between stimulus and response, people have the power of choice; therefore,leaders are neither born nor made meaning environmentally trained and nurtured. They are self-made through chosen responses, and if they choose based on principles and develop increasingly greater discipline, their freedom to choose increases. -- Stephen Covey Reaction is unconscious. You do not know exactly that you are being manipulated. You are not aware that you are behaving like a slave, not like a master. Action out of consciousness is response. -- Osho You can act in two ways -- one is reaction, another is response. Reaction comes out of your past conditionings; it is mechanical. Response comes out of your presence, awareness, consciousness; it is non-mechanical. The ability to respond is one of the greatest principles of growth. You are not following any order, any commandment; you are simply following your awareness. You are functioning like a mirror, reflecting the situation and responding to it -- not out of your memory from past experiences of similar situations, not repeating your reactions, but acting fresh, new, in this very moment. Neither the situation is old, nor your response -- both are new. -- Osho One who is obsessed with worldly pursuits, one who is body-oriented, cannot really go into this. We need to develop a distance from our mind and not give in to impulsiveness. Those who react are the ones who are living mindlessly. So in a way, we can say that living mindfully is being in meditation. -- Anandmurti Gurumaa So action which is born of reaction breeds sorrow. Most of our thoughts are the result of the past, of time. A mind that is not built on the past, that has totally understood this whole process of reaction, can act every minute totally, completely, wholly. J. Krishnamurti Action which is born of reaction breeds sorrow. J. Krishnamurti
  5. An interesting and insightful article about an Englishman reliving his past life as an Ecuadorian girl named Lisbet Guerrera, who died in a volcanic explosion in Ecuador. https://chrisriches.tripod.com/
  6. The biggest issue for elephants in India and globally is poaching, which is a lucrative billion dollar business, and which often means instant death for them to get their ivory tusks sought by rich clients globally. In captivity, especially in rich temples and affluent households, they have a good life and are even pampered. I know of an acquaintance of mine who had a pet elephant and went into a bout of depression after the elephants death. Elephants are also bred in captivity which ensures their continuity and immunity to extinction unlike many other species which have gone extinct like the Indian cheetah due to unregulated hunting and poaching.
  7. 5 year old Japanese boy recalls past life as Thai police officer. https://thethaiger.com/news/world/5-year-old-japanese-boy-recalls-past-life-as-thai-police-officer#google_vignette
  8. Peace means nothingness. Peace is not something that you create, peace is not something that happens. Peace is something that always is. What happens on the surface is disturbance. This is just like the ocean. On the surface of the ocean you will see waves, tremendous turbulence and turmoil. But if you go deep down, it is perfectly peaceful. The fundamental quality of existence is always peace. ~ Sadhguru “Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that obstructs the natural state.”— Ramana Maharshi Mind is never peaceful; no-mind is peace. Mind itself can never be peaceful, silent. The very nature of the mind is to be tense, to be in confusion. Mind can never be clear, it cannot have clarity because mind is by nature confusion, cloudiness. ~ Osho Only no-mind can be at peace, because in a state of no-mind you have gone beyond the clouds into the open sky, where problems don't exist. ~ Osho
  9. Fasting increases the prana/chi or life-force in the body, and this results in better healing of diseases if any as well as better meditative states. I have noticed that I recover from diseases faster when I do some intermittent fasting, as well having better meditative states. The practice of fasting also involved sensory discipline of the tongue which can develop the character, will and self-control. Fasting is also recommended as a remedy for overcoming heightened sexual urges , and can be useful during kundalini rise.
  10. Review article on a book by a skeptical police detective exploring his past life as a painter through regressive hypnosis and his detailed investigation afterwards. https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/topic/379092-thread-dedicated-to-reincarnation-articles-research-papers-and-books/page/2/#comments
  11. The Indian army, which is the second largest army on earth, is about to induct remote-controlled MULE robotic dogs into its fold for the purposes of surveillance and logistics. This is part of its policy to modernize operational capabilities through technology as well as phasing out its animal transport fleet. They were developed by research institutions associated with the Indian military. https://www.firstpost.com/tech/indian-army-set-to-induct-25-remote-controlled-mule-robotic-dogs-into-its-fold-13785830.html Apart from helicopters (ALH), heavy-lift drones have been similarly developed to send supplies and cargo to soldiers in posts at high altitudes in the Himalaya as well as during disaster relief operations. Mules and other animals were used in the past to transport supplies to posts in mountain tops , exposing the animals to dangerous conditions . In line with the ongoing "force restructuring and optimization " initiative , the army is phasing out its animal transport fleet, and inducting logistics drones, robotic mules, all-terrain vehicle and rough terrain vehicles.
  12. Insightful article of a Caucasian five year boy recalling past life as an African-American woman who had died in a fire related accident. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/soul/luke-ruehlman-two-i-was-a-woman-called-pam-in-a-past-life/news-story/1cfccabc24a565ea6c12b8652d01614f https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/20153400/boy-reincarnated-woman-killed-hotel-fire/ https://guardian.ng/features/focus/five-year-old-recalls-past-life/
  13. I think women can specialize as diplomats and roles of that sort better than men. A physics professor of mine once told me that he regretted the fact that he had four brothers and no sisters. His argument was that his brothers were quarrelsome and it was hard to bring them on the same page or align them together. He felt that if he had a sister , she could have played a cohesive role in bringing the brothers together in harmony and peace.
  14. India has rich fauna consisting of lions, tigers, leopards, bears, elephants, rhinoceros, peacocks,eagles and so on. I don't think any other country possess such a rich biological resource of fauna in the world. That they exist even now is due to the reverence towards nature in Indian culture. You can see peacocks and cows wandering in Indian streets due to their protected status. The biggest threat to elephants is through poaching for their tusks which usually means their death as well and this is still a serious threat in countries having elephants. https://www.wti.org.in/news/20-years-since-ivory-trade-ban-elephants-still-threatened-by-poaching-stockpile-sales/ https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/india-ivory-poachers-hawk-kerala-tech/ Elephants used in temple festivals are usually cared for and protected and there are traditional veterinary clinics and other resources available for them. There has been new laws and regulations with regard to their safety as well due to activism by animal rights activists . However the increasing heat due to global warming is leading to higher stress amongst such domesticated elephants leading to rampages at times. So there is greater focus on their cooling by water and providing shelter for them and other aids. Technology has also come as an aid and robots have started replacing elephants in some temples as well. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-64740853 https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/temple-in-gudalur-gets-tamil-nadus-first-robotic-elephant/article67813232.ece
  15. A Lebanese-American lady's account of her sister Heba's past life memories ... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/30/well/family/sisters-past-life.html