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Everything posted by wesyasz

  1. Barry is a mechanic in a village garage. He looks EXACTLY like main character from "El Maquinista", the movie which I've watched years ago.
  2. We were cooking at work and to my mind came situation from few months earlier when there was unusual order for 6 T-bones and we've had none, all in the freezer and we've had to defrost them to order. Within 2 minutes order from table of 8 came for... 7 t-bones. We've had 3. Rest in the freezer. Basically repetition of very unusual situation which memory of came into my mind a moment earlier. There was another situation as well. Why cannot I remember it now? Oh I remember... 3 portions of monkfish. 18 pieces. I cooked 19, one extra for myself I thought. I do not do that normally. When they were taking these 3 plates away, one piece of monkfish fell from the plate on the floor. That was... weird. But I already had half of that extra piece in my mouth
  3. When placing bowls on the shelf on Saturday morning at work, a thought appeared in my mind that it's not very wise to use glass bowls in commercial kitchen environment, as it's so easy to brake. We are closed on Sunday and Mondays, so came back to work after weekend. My colleague smashed the glass bowl on the floor within first hour of work.
  4. Thanks. Will check this out!
  5. Mirrored/reversed letters on card payment machine.
  6. Joining the question experiencing a lot of synchros myself.
  7. I've had a deep conversation with my wife. She have mentioned a situation from a few years back which included one of our friends. I came back into that situation in my mind even next day after conversation. The very same friend included in the story, she has texted me asking whats up couple of days later, even though we haven't spoke with each other for about 5 years.
  8. Thinking a lot of cacao beans. Are they good or bad for you? Cannot find decent research. Neurotoxin - Addictive - Drug Healing cognition - Boosting alertness - Superfood Cannot decide. Watching Truman Show. Apart from feeling like Truman... Truman drinks mococoa. World's finest cocoa beans. Grown on the upper slopes of Mt. Nicaragua.
  9. I have had quite uplifted period. Even though I still had trouble accepting unacceptable. But it was ok. Until recently one day I started feeling overwhelmed again. Like. OVERWHELMED. Suicidal thoughts started crippling in out of the space. I made myself a cup of tea.
  10. Thinking a lot about what is happening in my life. Just browsing internet. And...
  11. So I've felt really deep calling inside of me to go to India. Don't remember if I've started watching Indian satsangs before or after this. But I really felt it. I went to climbing wall. Met some Indian guys and one of them started talking to me. I came back home after climbing and there was a caravan parked on the same car park. Go Indie. (Indie spelled exactly this way is Polish way of spelling India). The way to go.
  12. So I was sitting in the evening doing my meditation. I kept going. Until STOP. I just couldn't do this anymore. Eyes opened. I asked myself a question. What does it mean? Should I see something? I looked around. Moved a curtain, looked through the window. A star has just fallen. I made a wish.
  13. I was visiting my friend in Edinburgh. I know she likes to smoke weed. She's not a very close friend. So I was wondering a bit if that's ok if once I see her ask her if she could sell me a bit of stuff she has. I needed it for help with sleep by that time. We've been texting before meeting. And she mentioned that we can meet after 9 as there is a guy coming from who she is going to get her weed.
  14. I've been walking around doing some cooking at work as it's my job. I work just with one other guy. I have been feeling really tired and drained. I would love to have a coffee, that's a shame I stopped drinking this stuff - I thought. 5 seconds later. Do you want a coffee? - my friend asked. Later same day, Wonder if there are any Polish shops in Aberdeen - I thought, as I was going for a weekend up there. 5 seconds later. OUT OF THE BLUE How supermarkets in Poland looks like?
  15. So I went for a music festival in the woods. Once I was driving down I felt an instant urge to find out my life path number and read description of it again. My life path number is 9. I knew that already. But I needed to read it so badly again, that I was googling this stuff during driving even though it's forbidden to use your phone here during driving. But I had my phone attached to holder so assumed it's safe. Anyway. I did. I met some people after festival to stay with overnight. We've been sitting in that girl's place and chatting. There was a guy I found interesting to chat with. After a moment he started telling story that he have got a whole book about your birth date numbers and your life connected to it. No, I didn't say a word about that before him.
  16. So there was a guy at work who was into Yoga. We have been chatting about that every so often and he inspired me to do more Yoga. I'm in the middle of Scottish nowhere, so I have been doing Yoga following online videos. But he left to the big city. After a while I have dropped Yoga as felt too tired to keep going. Several days has passed. I decided to go back into it. I have registered for (almost) free 14 days on Gaia. I did Kundalini Yoga following video on it. After this session I collected myself and uplifted left to work. On my walk down somebody almost jumped on me from behind the road sign. That was my yoga friend. On a jogging session. I assumed visiting home for a weekend? Telling me he still keep up with yoga and he have registered for 2 weeks free videos online.
  17. That's how my story with psychedelics has started. I've been really depressed with suicidal thoughts bombarding me from every direction after dealing first with lyme disease followed by 11 years relationship wall hit. I decided to go do Ayahuasca with hope it's going to save me. On a weekend I went to mountain bothy to face my demons - being alone without many distractions. I couldn't. Some Polish people appeared out of the blue. We've been chatting about different things. Until girl has asked me - have you ever tried any psychedelics? Because we have some lsd and there is one extra. It's been a week prior my first planned psychedelic experience and I've never had anything to do with that before.
  18. I was hitchhiking back home from Edinburgh airport. It's been a struggle, standing there for over an hour with no hope. I've started to pray. I prayed for nice driver who will take me to great spot from where I will be able to continue my journey. 15 minutes later car stopped. The guy was going east, but he said he will take me to Stirling (west), where I was going and said it's not a big deal only 30 minutes difference for him (!). It was a perfect spot for me. We started talking. He was Indian. I told him I've got married in India. He said he's marrying Polish girl, and she is from Wroclaw (my home city). Then added, that she is actually not from Wroclaw, but from Olawa (little town where I've been born and spent my first 20 years of life). Oh, yes.
  19. Hey - did any of you had any experience with amazonian rapé snuff? I have done it only once and from my experience I have been for weeks much more alert about reality manifesting in front of my eyes, which was pretty intense. It's been like anything I have prayed for came into existence in random, but in the same time obvious, that it was what I asked for, form. It did cleanse my body heavily as my reaction was very strong (vomiting and diarrhea for couple of hours). I do believe it's emotionally and physically cleansing stuff. I have it in possession right now but did not feel like doing it yet again.
  20. Yes, but in the same time it very easily turns into addiction like any other. We want more knowledge, we take more psychedelics. Just for sake of having more knowledge. Which is imaginary ;).
  21. Yeah, that's the catch I think author of the topic been asking about. I think that is when things get hard. The question is, what if drugs just makes us delusional and fucked up? But in the same time believing in us being right?
  22. I love your journal. Are you doing tarot to people online? Hugs!
  23. If that is your life purpose, then you would do it anyway no matter if anyone would pay you for doing it. If this is what you love doing, wouldn't matter if it's gonna work or not. Is it something you do just for sake of doing it? Something that makes you feel alive? Happy? Then keep it up. If not, then I doubt it is your life purpose :).
  24. I have actually realized that most of the people seeking truth and stuff are either depressed or have shitty life and delude themselves. Is it just my impression?