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About Daz

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  1. The fast pace of life has become more evident which causes burnout. We live in a world where everything can be done instantly, checking and replying to email's, text messsages, the online nature of things. It is all kind of information overload these days. That is what the spiritual process kind of does. There will be struggles and barriers, but you will always come back to being a truth seeker after giving up on it. The cycles are emotional releases. Each time there is an emotional release, it is followed by rumination, contemplation, more insights into truth and then peace. At times is seems like we are tested to our threshold. But this is part of the process. I think of it that the ultimate and final threshold is the passing over from this life, but for some of us, that process can happen earlier. Certain fear or pain thresholds are reached followed by a sense of relief.