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About Oyashiro

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  1. From what I gathered from this situation, Connor Murphy is a NHL player. He made lots of Chad videos showing off his body with girls. But he realized good looks, money, and fame and power were unfulfilling and fleeting. So decided to take some shamanic drugs. Had a spiritual awakening. Died and was reborn. Now people are just gonna talk crap about him and gaslight him, but that's fine because people talking crap about him and downplaying what he went through will only reinforce his belief that he's on the right path. My tip to society as a whole: Keep on judging, acting superior to everyone else, hating, and being toxic and negative, boys. It only serves to more quickly awaken more people to the divine within themselves.
  2. I am glad that I'm not the only one who was a little shocked that Kurzgesagt, of all channels, uploaded this video. Kurzgesagt seems to be aimed at materialist, left-brain thinkers. I've been subbed for years and when that video was first uploaded and I saw the title "The Egg," somehow I knew it was not about fertilization and eggs. In fact, the first thing that popped into my mind was the Andy Weir story. I guess that's proof I have an iota of intuition at least.
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the transcript, Leo. Most of it really resonated with me. Hopefully there will be an Infinite Intelligence Communication #002 soon.