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About Mystic_Fool

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  1. That really is the most profound question anyone can ask. The problem is nothingness is a man-made concept, because nothingness has never existed.
  2. Your diet is the single most important aspect of your overall health and energy levels. I've been a vegetarian for most of my life, and an avid weight liter. But when I hit my mid 50's my energy levels started to decline. I also have a very physical job as a remodeling contractor, so weight liting became less and less of a priority in my life. By the time I reached 60, I had even less energy, and my fitness level was at an all-time low. Not content with where I was at, I decided it was time to step up my game. I rather quickly transitioned from a vegetarian diet to a vegan diet, consisting of mostly raw foods. In very short order my energy levels were through the roof, so much so that I literally had to work out or I'd explode. My advice to anyone wishing to improve their health and raise their energy levels. is to consume a diet rich in whole plant-based foods, preferably raw.
  3. I think the advice given by Michael569 for exercising is right on. I would add one other form of cardio that I have found to be quite useful...HIIT. Not only does HIIT provide the benefits of long distance endurance training in a much shorter time, it also provides some other unique heath benefits as well. HIIT has been proven to boast human growth hormone in the body, which will promote muscle gains. It also helps improve your oxygen consumption, which will benefit every aspect of your health. I find that exercise elevates my endorphins, improves my mood, and brings me more into the here and now, all of which helps increases awareness. As far as tips on how eating can benefit your path to higher consciousness, I would suggest a raw vegan diet. The high water content, enzymes, and biophotons found in raw plants help connect you to nature, and who you really are, thereby elevating your consciousness. I've been a vegetarian most of my life, but in the last few years I've transitioned over to a 100% vegan diet, consisting mostly of raw foods, and it has vastly improved my health, and raised my feeling of connectedness to nature and all living creatures. I've found Shans's video's to be very informative and inspirational in making the transition to a raw vegan diet.