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Everything posted by flyingwhalee

  1. Maybe test your acid (always a good idea to do so). As everyone said, no need to plug. 20 min under your tongue, then you're good to swallow. I wouldn't expect anything drastically mystical from 100, but if you're very new to the substance and testing the waters, might be good.
  2. If you can do 1h- ish Kriya including 3 Kriya supreme fire (IF you can), 3 Maha Mudra, 72 to 108 Pranayama and 3 Yoni Mudra, then allocate 30 min to 1h to "meditate" in parvastha (post practice state), really you're golden. You can also self inquire in parvastha. Your mind is clearer, hence sharper.
  3. Hey there mate, First of all it seems that you're putting way too much emphasis on consctricting your throat. Try simply reducing the flow of air a little bit, so that you somewhat hear the "SHEEE" air does when it flows through the upper part of your throat. It should feel quite natural and EASY. Don't be tense during Pranayama, you're not doing any bandha. Also it's normal to feel short of breath when you begin Kriya, as you're getting used to take long and slow breaths, in my experience it goes away in a matter of days / weeks. But here's a quick hack for you i use: try to do a couple of Wim Hof breathing rounds ( consists basically of hypervenilating your body with 30 consecutive deep breaths without pauses between them, then holding the breath for around 2 min. 1 round should take you 5 min). You'll find Pranayama / Maha mudra muchh easier after. If it ever helps anyone, i used this to successfully do Kriya Supreme Fire a bit early in the process. It requires you to be able to hold your breath for at least 1min30, which most of us can't do easily. Hope it helps, best of luck mate. You'll thank yourself later by sticking to Kriya
  4. @PeaceOut96 interesting ! Mushrooms have always been "gentle" to me, even on somewhat strong doses. Thank you again for the insights buddy. Peace out !
  5. That's incredible. Actually gave me shivers I had a very similar trip on LSD a week ago (1.5 tab), which I struggle putting it into words so much I gave up on the idea of writting a report about it (you did a great job on your side). I feel I am very much still in the integration phase. Main difference was that I realized at some point that everything was me, but it took a darker turn. This insight was so threatening, I felt so alone. I felt like calling a friend to make sure I wasn't, but quickly gave up on the idea as it was so apparent I would be talking to myself on the phone (let alone the fact the insight seemed impossible to communicate with words). I plan to let that sink in for a few months and face this head on when ready. Thank you for the report man, that was a pleasure to read
  6. Hey guys, I'm sharing with you some music I consider quite special, something you would really connect to the present moment while listening to it as well as while contemplating on any "good" psychedelic. So : This one has beautiful Turkish Nei over very well written guitar This one is for you psychonauts. The repetitive parts are something Don't skip anything from this one. If possible, get lost in those artworks Especially the second half Extreme beauty here Please feel free to post any music that made you feel / live something special