Shane Lim

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About Shane Lim

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  1. I couldn't recall exactly what @Leo Gura said in one of his videos but I always have it in my mind. I paraphrase it : "If you're still watching my content, you still haven't find the direction in your life." It's catch-22 to watch his contents. His videos help me making sense of the reality but I can never have my own mastery if i watch his videos. It is time to walk my own path. Thank you for bringing me this far for my growth.
  2. @Leo Gura In holism, everything is connected. Do you think every relationship in the reality is equally significant?
  3. @Leo Gura I agree with you that current science is medieval. What I can do in academic psychology is to point people in the right direction where the future generation will find a trace of truth in my contribution, although the entire research can be dumb. I told scientific-minded people that modern science has its own flaws. I don't really devote myself as a believer in science but I'm not giving up on academic research. I still see some hopes in it.
  4. Leo shared it in one of his videos. I'm starting my life coaching career and I would like to take this approach. I want to deliver my best contents for free. My questions are: 1) What is Leo's teaching methodology? 2) What constitute great content? 3) How does Leo prepare his materials?
  5. I tried to explain stage green's new age spirituality to my relatives who are in stage blue's chinese folk religious believers using a Chinese dialect that exists less than 250 years. It creates huge overlay on what I was trying to convey, because: 1) different stage of development 2) using a young dialect It makes me wonder whether Leo's explanation on God creates an overlay too in me and the audience?
  6. I conducted one academic study about the difference between religiosity and spirituality on the quality of life among elders. I made a distinction between religiosity and spirituality, and through my "meat-grinder" process, my result showed there is a difference between religiosity and spirituality on the elders' quality of life. My professor who takes a stand on holism questioned my research purpose on distinguishing religiosity and spirituality because everything is interconnected. I couldn't answer it at that time but she let me conducted the research anyway. After Leo released the video of "Learning=Making distinction", I concluded that making distinctions is a way to study reality. Today's video release about holism brought me back to the moment where my professor using holism to question my research purpose. It got me confused for a while, but my take is that everything is interconnected, but in order to understand reality, one of the ways is to make distinctions. High-quality inputs are needed. PS: My study also showed there is a relationship between religiosity and spirituality.
  7. The life purpose that I set for myself using Leo's formula was mechanical. I felt a sense of fulfilment from it and I thought life purpose was just a self-serving agenda with contributions to the world. Not until I experienced something greater than self-fulfilment. I felt great existential love in my whole body and I want to give love to others. It is a calling that greater than myself. I want to love the world using the talents and skills I have. Love is the highest purpose. It is the cause that I'm willing to do self-sacrifice. It is time to refine my life purpose concretely using love as the north star.
  8. Introspection (self-reflection) is my PhD research topic. I realised research papers were arguing about the technical stuff and lost the big picture. I don't wish to follow the path of previous researchers. Thanks to Leo, I want to grasp the big picture before putting my attention into research techniques. What I want to do is to align the metaphysical background of the research with the absolute truth. Any input?