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About ramamaiden

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  1. 32 Years old =) However what matters he most is your attitude, cos i've known 20 year old grandpas xD...and 80 year old people that in their heart their are still young and full of dreams and desire
  2. Hey Emilio, About the 100$M questiong I really think that is a great excercise to help you get closer to an answer, or at least start leaving out things you definitively would not want to do in your life. Go back to this question and really think about it. Think of anything, even if it is something you would not believe you can make a living out of it. That is not important right now, what's important is to figure out what is is that you would do that would make you happy, and make you feel good, or make you feel that it has mening to you. Remember that here we are leaving out all our limiting beliefs, so it doens't matter if it is something that at the moment you don't see it possible. Hope this helps Let us know! Cheers!
  3. I think this is very interesting, and I would love to come back to this thread later this year once I get started already with the coaching program I'm starting, and I have at least the minimum knowledge and skills to get started, because right now even though I think I can help, thanks to my NLP training, I don't know how to properly run a coaching session. I would be more than glad to practice at the beginning, and I'm fine if it's free because the most important is to develop the skill and start gaining experience. Awesome thread, thank you very much!
  4. My dream is to do Life coaching (or any self development related) full time, so I don't have to be on a day job. That's part 1. Part 2 would be to become an authority in the field, and leave a legacy that can help people in the future. With a book, videos, course, speaches, etc... That's why i'm investing in myself reading and practicing each day skills and knowledge that will help me with this. Even with all the money in the world I would focus all or most of my time on this. Becoming each day a better version of myself, so I can teach or help people even better.
  5. Loved the Ikigai concept! Thanks for sharing :D. Definitvely very helpful.
  6. Hey! I've also been moving from job to job, and questioning if there is something wrong with myself. However I totally agree with you, there is so much distractions out there, and is so easy to get excited with one thing, and later get excited with another thing, so we end up focusing on multiple things at once. The important thing is to finally as you said master thet ONE thing and don't get distracted. Of course the idea is that what we choose is something that makes sense to us, we like it and it's meaningful to us at least. Also something very important is to ENJOY THE PROCESS itself. If we only like the goal itself, then we won't get far most probably.
  7. Hey Leo! I'm from Chile and it's not there, hehe. Hope you can add it Cheers!
  8. The course is long, with a lot of information and exercises, sometimes is slow to advance, however the course is a process and you can go on your own rythm It has helped to to know more about myself, about different concepts that really helped me to understand why on the past I had failures, or why my expectations were so off. All his process helped me realized about my life purpose, or at least what I think i'm more passionate about, that even if I had all the money in the world I would do it anyway. Also what you choose is for you, and only you! Helping others is a plus, however I think it comes naturally for people that what we want to do involves helping people somehow, because if not sooner or later we would feel like there is no deeper meaning in what we are doing, and i believe that meaning is a big part in our life purpose. Still, when you feel ready go back to the course. It's awesome, it's hard, it takes time and patience, and it's totally worth it =)
  9. Hey Leo! First thanks for this forum and for this Topic! You have already answered some questions I had about Life Coaching and that really help! What I would like to ask is, when you started doing coaching, did you define previously an Avatar and focus on those kind of people in your marketing? Or you started broad, and as you went on you startd to learn more about your ideal client? Another question, when you started coaching as a business, what form of marketing did you use to start getting you first clients? I know this may work differently for each person, however would really like to know about your experience. I really understand and agree that the hard part is the marketing and business part, so that's why any input on this woudl be great! Finally, is there a course you would reccomend that focus on how to develop a Life Coaching business?? Mainly how to attract customers?? Thanks Leo
  10. I've been struggling with this myself. That's why i got into the Life Purpose course from Leo. It's really AWESOME! It helped me have more self knowledge of myself, and really focus onto what I would really want to do with my life. And what I found for myself is that Life Coaching is something I really would do if I had all the money in the world and this was not an issue. Finding The Life Purpose is hard, and is also true that this can change over your life. Also, Life Purpose is not something that comes from nothing and you just know this is it and then everything flows easily. Life purpose even if you find it, you will question yourself about it, and it requires work and focus to keep the faith and that fire inside you to keep on going on those hard times. How can we really know? I think there is not a straightforward answer to that, however at least a starting poit would be to eliminate all the things you would definitively not do, and from there keep looking for that thing you feel that will make you proud and fulfill you.
  11. Very Interesting Topic. I'm starting on April this year a Coaching Program here in Chile, that is accredited by the ICF, and I just went out there and looked for the best possible training. It's not cheap of course, however it's very important to realize that if we are really serious about being a Life Coach and doing it as our profession, then 10K it's really a very small investment in my opinion. Also remember, as already been said, that any college degree the investment is much more, and we never question it. Remember, if you are serious, this is what you are going to do for the rest of your life, so just get the money and go for it. I'm also looking for having a career as a Life Coach. I'm so happy to get started and that's why I invested in the best program I could find. The best of luck my friend! Just get the money and go for it!