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Everything posted by Tefikos

  1. @Matt23 Yeh, sometimes it even might be good to drop useful, but not important stuff. It creates value for more important things. Have done this multiple times and even though in the beginning after dropping them/low points in life I questioned the hell out of my decision in a reget mode, they have turned out to be the right decisions. Ego just wants to preserve comfort over jumping into the unknowingness of new paths on life. Trust in intuition builds luckily over time?
  2. @khalifa It's energy moving in your body and you're subconsciously resisting it with all your limiting beliefs and fears. Some shadow material might have surfaced and now your body tries to keep it down. I just found that most helpful thing to do is to look inside straight into the burning and painful feeling and accept the resistance, even think that you don't want to experience the thing it's blocking. Then after a while it will let go it's grip, but you need to keep repeating letting it go. It only feels painful when you don't look straight into the resistance itself and you might even need to let the resistance to the resistance to go first. This is a letting go technique and it is really powerful for giving up the resistance and all that is.
  3. @Someone heree I feel you, I advise you to seek a good therapist who at least uses cbt therapy and even get a meidcation, if it really feels unbearable. I'm not 100% sure about your situation, but usually chonic anxiety is an mind's protection mechanism that keeps you in constant state of resistance toward everything. Letting go/sedona method for resistance is really powerful for loosening things up, also Byron Katie's work is gold. Don't forget to be gentle with yourself, remember that self-love and forgivness is what you most need, fear is what got you initially into the situation where your currently at. But it wont be easy and there most likely will be setbacks, it will take lots of patience and courage. But healing is possible no matter how severe your situation is, just don't rush the process and seek help if neccessary.
  4. Impulsiviness in my definition is an subconscious goal seeking. Like in form of an addiction, the goal is to run away from the pain you're experiencing. And the level of consciousness is determining how impulsive or unconscious one's behaviour is.
  5. Hi, I would need a little help on, how should I proceed on rewiring a belief about, being afraid of making others jelsous of me and then sabotaging all success. I have carried this belief from early childhood and since, I haven't subconsciously allowed myself to perform better than others around me, no matter how much I practice. It really feels like I hurt others and then, I don't get any love from them.
  6. Thanks for replies, they we're really helpful. I did a deep dive for this belief and recognized that it is a really deep belief of mine, that has caused me most of my suffering. The worst part is the self-sabotage that I cause for me subconsciously, because I want others to be better than me, so they wont get jelaous and cause me pain. I really somehow get some satisfaction, when I sabotage and feel really miserable. I saw that it might be because of empathy I get from others when I feel pain. Like always no matter how well I can do something, I always sabotage if someone close to me doesn't do it as well as I normally do. This is just an assumption, but it might have developed when I have won my little sister at something at a really young age and she got upset. Then I felt it's better to sabotage my success and allow her to win so she won't feel upset. Then I started crying that made others to feel empathy for me. At least this could be the reason:D I would be extremely grateful for tools and tips to rewire this junk out of my mind, so I would stop sabotaging everything in my life.