Beginner Mind

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Everything posted by Beginner Mind

  1. This is just false. Rupert has a great sense of humor. You obviously haven't watched too many of his videos.
  2. @LfcCharlie4 Rupert is amazing. He has shown me my true nature. Ended up buying a bunch of guided meditations from his website the other day. I'm hooked.
  3. A similar song by the same artist:
  4. This might not be worthy of its own thread but I just had to share this song. It's spiritual, beautiful, amazing. Enjoy.
  5. Yeah, apparently not thinking can take you there as well? I wouldn't know from personal experience as my mind's pretty active most days. It must be nice experiencing long stretches of no-thought like the experience you shared the other day involving the snow.
  6. I was just watching Rupert Spira's latest video, "Meditation: I Am That Which Knows", and within a few minutes into it I actually touched upon Awareness for about five seconds! I'm actually still giddy from it. Awareness is real! It's not just some abstract spiritual concept that spiritual masters toss around... It actually exists! And it is who I am. My question now is... Is it possible to live as Awareness day in, day out, or is it something that you can only experience temporarily at certain times?
  7. @Serotoninluv Right now my plan is to just watch the shit out of Rupert Spira videos in the coming days and see if I can rest as Awareness for longer stretches.
  8. @whatthefucksgoinon I actually just finished reading "Being Aware of Being Aware" shortly before the big glimpse occurred. I think it may have played a role in what unfolded.
  9. I think you may be right. The mind does seem to view the glimpse as something that it experienced. At the moment, I'm not too concerned about it because I'm just really grateful that the glimpse happened at all. It's been six long years since my last glimpse. Just being reminded that my true nature is deeply at peace, happy, lacking nothing, just absolutely made my day. I had completely forgotten. But I appreciate you pointing that out for me. Something for me to chew on.
  10. @Javfly33 Yeah, would be foolish not to.
  11. @Lento Thanks. I'll check it out.
  12. Fortunately I'm in a place in life where I don't have to worry about remaining in society, so I can spend all waking moments on waking up. No job, no responsibilities... Feels like I'm destined to go through this right now.
  13. There was no one claiming ownership of Awareness during the glimpse. There was just an experience of Awareness being aware of itself. Deep, joyful, and powerful. Calling it my "true Self" was just a way of talking about it after the fact. I'll try to be more mindful of how I describe things going forward. There was already a strong dis-identification from the personal story even prior to this glimpse. I hate talking about myself. I'm sure that disdain for the personal story will only grow as my capacity to rest as Awareness grows. Especially since I may be tempted to believe the story as I tell it to others... But I hear you. We don't have much of a choice but to share a story unless we are willing to be a total weirdo. I will give this a shot. Thanks.
  14. Also, I'm curious, how does Awareness fit into Leo's teaching? (Sorry, I'm not totally familiar with teachings). Does Leo equate Awareness with God or is God something other/higher?
  15. Sorry, I don't mean remember as in, dipping into past memories... I mean remember as in, being aware of Myself, my true Self as Awareness. Like, is it possible for the body-mind to function normally while simultaneously Awareness is aware of itself?
  16. @Nahm Well of course I am always Myself... But, what I mean is, is it possible to remember Myself even as the body-mind goes about its daily activities from day to day? I probably should've experimented with this for myself first before asking you guys. My bad!
  17. @Ero I want to LIVE as Awareness. I want it to be my normal everyday experience. Do you think this is realistic?
  18. By "personhood" do you mean return to egoic consciousness? Is it possible to leave egoic consciousness behind and function as Awareness on a permanent basis?
  19. Man, I thought for sure I'd get more than zero responses. Is this old hat to everyone here?
  20. @Maharani Well, like I said, if this teaching works for you, awesome. I mean that sincerely. There was a time where it worked for me too.
  21. @Maharani That's another thing that I found a little strange: The notion of free will and acting "as if". In Gautam Sachdeva's book "Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar", he makes it very clear that the sage acts as if he is the doer. The sage acts as if he has free will. Which got me thinking, well, what is the point of even going down the non-doership path? It doesn't make sense to me to simultaneously recognize non-doership and yet pretend to be the doer at the same time. Just doesn't work for me. Another criticism one might level against this teaching is that according to Ramesh, the individual self remains after enlightenment. I e-mailed Roger to inquire about this aspect of the teaching and he confirmed it: according to this teaching, the separate self, the ego, remains fully intact after awakening, albeit with the understanding that no one is the doer. This goes against everything we've been told by the great teachers, including Ramesh's very own teacher, Nisargadatta.
  22. I once followed Roger's teaching very closely. It brought me some peace to believe that everything is predetermined, and that everything is God's Will. But I couldn't stick with it because in the end, it was all based on belief. I don't actually know that everything is predetermined. It's just a belief. And beliefs, at least for me, can't bring lasting peace. But if Ramesh and Roger work for you, then more power to you. I wish you well on your journey.