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About Organica

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  1. Hi @Nahm, thanks for your reply, yet I'm not sure what you're trying to say... I do realize nonduality means all is one, but reincarnation is still something we/I/God experience, or not? Could you please elaborate more on this? I'd really like to understand. Thanks!
  2. I wonder if anyone could tell me what reincarnation looks like from the non-dual perspective. The idea that one's soul keeps coming back to earth to evolve to 'higher' forms of beings finds some resistance in me (from cat to horse to human, etc). Could anyone help me out here? Thanks!
  3. I've had similar experiences. I've come to believe that we do what we can, when we can, with the tools and knowledge we have at that given time. Maybe you needed to learn/evolve/mature before being able to take this step. Maybe you need to spend time working through this regret to get to the next step. I believe that even what seems like 'wasted time' is necessary on our journey.
  4. Thank you! Yes, I agree about not being able to catch reality in a diagram, or in words or even thoughts for that matter… But I have found drawing and also writing lets me integrate 'things' better :-)
  5. So I'm a newbie on this path and I've been watching some older YT episodes to get a good grasp on the basics. After seeing "Leo's Enlightenment Experience - Exactly How it Happened" from 2015, I got this visual in my mind that I made into a gif… Just wondering what you guys think about it, am I understanding things correctly? This is my mind's interpretation after reading books and watching different teachers on YT, not from personal experience ;-)