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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @hyruga Why is the WHO saying human cases of bird flu extremely concerning? This is another opportunity for a vaccine testing right?
  2. @Heaven That's irrelevant to the argument to do both the moot and bailey fallacy, and false dichotomy fallacy here, assuming @Leo Gura is reacting to what serves his propaganda when Leo is clearly showing you the hypocrisy that both Palestinian supporters and especially the Zionists are applying to each other logically. Within the century the Zionists have established their Jewish state through ethnic cleansing and displacement, to finalizing their state of Israel when they buddied up to the USA, so of course the world's problem includes Zionists because Zionists also make up the top 10% and are connected to powerful people, not to mention they did a lot of espionage in collecting information about the West Bank and Gaza and other areas.
  3. @actuallyenlightened So in argument or standard form: Most taxing against the rich is bad. Sometimes consumption tax, inheritance tax against the rich is good, but sometimes raising corporate taxes on Elon Musk, and uber rich like him is bad. Taxing the rich seems good short term given that citizens get more services but bad long term because economy lowers and less wealth overall for Elon Musk and uber rich. Therefore taxing the rich is bad. How is this a valid argument to make against taxing the rich when you claim higher taxation leads to more citizen services?
  4. @actuallyenlightened This blog should be sufficient in addressing this issue for you here, but I'll still address each point anyway: https://www.actualized.org/insights/scott-galloway-on-finances If it seems like a good idea to tax to tax the rich on face value, yet you are starting to think it's not the case, would this also extend to taxation as well throughout society? Also why do you say it's not the case for taxing the rich, but you are fine with high consumer and high inheritance taxation, why this hypocrisy here? So you ultimately advocate for only domestic investments in countries, and no foreign investments elsewhere? If taxing profits too highly leads to the uber rich gambling with highest-lowest margins of risk at best, at worst they would move money elsewhere, why doesn't that argument not apply to countries where they get rich via corruption when some of those uber rich are trying to cut corners and escape from the higher profits taxation you are claiming here?
  5. Good take by Hasan, yes debate/arguing is not for TRUTH, but for rhetoric and stage performance, it's mind slaying other egos to join your ideology, that's mostly it.
  6. Good coverage about that podcast here: I also did a body language analysis on Destiny: Sometimes bad faith tactics are necessary, especially when dealing with a hubris, evil and ignorant fool like Destiny who has mind slayed most of his audience in believing he's legitimate.
  7. @Inliytened1 Same. I initially thought Leo's busy with that novel, and was planning on monthly plus releases of videos, or even seasonal releases but no update is getting concerning.
  8. It's so blatantly transphobic what she's doing, this combination of Moot and Bailey fallacy whilst straw manning trans people is insane: 2-5% out of the world population are born with gender dysphoria, a condition which the masculine/feminine polarity is inverted in the mind/body problem, or psycho/somatic nature of your being. For instance some humans born into male bodies do have way more female mind natures, and vice versa with some human born into female bodies having more masculine minds. The main problem with Rowling's takes in Twitters is her generalization hatred, straw manning and framing of all trans people and even some LGBTQ groups them either supporting rapists or are rapists themselves. The main problem with her argument here is how it gives cover to the ultra far right nationalists and heterosexuals who already have a deep hatred for not just the leftists but for minority groups, these groups of far rights already have little to no moral qualms about further justifying demonizing, harming and even killing trans or LGBTQ groups. Rowling is providing cover for these types which IMO is the real evil she's doing here! And unfortunately this is lost in this whole polarization of wokeism ideology versus the other political groups.
  9. OMG this clip was a bit cringe; https://x.com/rustyrockets/status/1780886196937240582 Not that I anything against meditation and prayers. Go do those if you want, but what's cringe is him doing this as a break in the middle of his political show. Also do not like that costume, gives off authoritarian and Nazi vibes.
  10. Always question and remain skeptical of very charming personalities.
  11. @Raze Jesus Christ, they literally were having a cinema view of the assault on Gaza! And they even went for trying to displace the ancient Armenian Christian community...
  12. @Adrian colby Thanks for the long post and sharing your experience, it must be tough. IMO if I summarized J.K Rowling's position, it's this: Strongly identified as a woman, was sexually traumatized in a public bathroom, now I blame most groups who explicitly and implicitly support sexual predatory behavior, getting males into female public bathrooms and changerooms. Plus, she is a victim of social media brain rot, and addicted to Twitter, and cannot make a more interesting story past Harry Potter types of books, can't go past the high fantasy genre she as a writer excels at. She's so hateful and triggered that she even went after some of the Harry Potter actors for just voicing their support for Trans movement, and some who showed a little bit support. Like come on, get help, get therapy, touch grass Rowling!😁
  13. @Adrian colby True. In fact if I was viewing J.K Rowling's mind, and being brutally honest of her position, her position and argument is really this: "I was sexually traumatized by a male sexual predator in some bathroom, now I carry that trauma, and I fear the government trying to normalize sexual predatory behavior and men pretending to be trans to be pervy with girls and women. I really fear that because that happened to me and I fear others will become like me, so ALL Trans and some LGBTQ groups are to blame." THAT IS HER HONEST POSITION! This explains her hundreds of tweets Rowling does in Twitter, also she's a victim of social media brain rot and twitter mind fuck, just like others overusing Twitter.
  14. @Yimpa Ignorance is bliss.
  15. @Karmadhi Technically it's a minority because of a combination of mainstream air time not covering the pro Palestinian side cuz most west control those air times, and most people even in today's age is still generally ignorant and too busy with their own life in other countries, got too much life baggage to spare enough empathy or care about some Gazans in some faraway country they don't care about, they just don't care about the Israel/Palestinian conflict and frankly too exhausted from the 9-5 or more job they do to make ends meet if they're being honest with themselves.
  16. @Hojo Doesn't mean necessarily that mis gendering didn't play a role in their crying or outburst or feeling offended/triggered. It's like if I called you a whitey or white boy, or white bunny, it's racially derogatory of me, even though you yourself don't identify as a whitey bunny.
  17. @enchanted I agree, the irony is deep. Don't know about my best friend Jesus Christ turning into a cookie though.
  18. @Merkabah Star Yeah she's hardcore anti Trans like it'll take a reincarnation to deal with that level of fear and hatred. Also agree those sexual predators calling themselves trans are the bad apples of that movement, and they shouldn't be used as representative of all trans people. It's super silly these ultra far rights and even Rowling continue this angle. I can relate and empathize with the misgendering, got misidentified as a Jew for having a certain nose in my high school, like come on.
  19. @Vrubel Nothing new, same old virtue signaling from your side as well as his a bit, just you're the one instigating here a bit more overall with your denial of the other side.
  20. Interesting debate here, shows the biases and distortions from both sides arguing:
  21. Solid logic behind his take here: I do love that Frankfort case example because if we factor in developmental factors, environments, and culture wars and ideological warfare, it's very similar to that Frankfort case, the person in that situation couldn't have chosen a more higher moral action. Just like if you raised in the streets/Ghettos, and your a gang member, there's so much that the person just couldn't do towards good or love, very hard to be all spiritual when your EGO SURVIVAL and culture is on the line.
  22. Solid stage blue take with some stage orange reasoning, and why atheists complaining disproves their claims about Christianity and their atheist positions: When you factor in the volume of complaints, straw manning, sunk cost fallacies, red herrings, slippery slopes and other fallacies by Atheists onto religious folks for their supposed amoral or 'morally repugnant' takes, they are basically shooting themselves in the foot by condemning Christians as well as religious folks.
  23. I cringed after watching this video, so much weak arguments even from both sides in this video and bias right wing from this reactor: The real issue is not the woke ideology, or woke brigade, the real issue is THE CORPORATE DEMS/CORPORATE CULTURE! It's stage orange capitalism big businesses that is trying to capitalize a newer demographic/psychographic, it's expansion of marketing. Honestly want to argue and destroy all these people in the video for their ignorant takes, so in this thread I want some clear examples of wokeism and this woke brigade, versus examples of companies going stage green/orange, and some examples of corporate bias manipulating their marketing to include more stage greens.