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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @ivarmaya I think it's more the opportunist type rather than the achiever type. Opportunists, and to some degree impulsive types(Jane Loevinger 9 stages of ego development), have little to no moral qualms about taking advantage of situations and even people such that they benefit way more than the person, even if sometimes it's more harmful to them. The achiever type is more situated in SD stage orange with some blue and green values(Spiral Dynamics stages of development). while Andrew Tate, Patrick Bet Dave, and Elon Musk, even Jeff Basso exhibits similar to achiever types, they're actually opportunist types especially PBD and Andrew Tate which both LITERALLY are in podcasts 2-3 times in PBD. Elon Musk and most billionaire narcissists, will they are at opportunist stage sometimes, they still have to adhere to regulations by government and public demands and the whole capitalism principles, and their corporate bias and conformist environments do keep the more powerful in check more outright. This is why it's so important to study con artists and scammers, even cult leaders to know what psychological tricks they use so you don't fall for those psychological techniques yourself and spot scammers early. Based on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes(Carl Jung), Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains(Ken Wilbur), ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture/societal programing, metanarrative, information ecology, and biases that shapes our worldviews.
  2. @ChadT I'm sure TYT, Majority Report, the Kyle Show, and maybe Pod Save America may covers this, maybe even Charisma on Command. IMO based on his body language and tonality, Joe Rogan actually gave some reasonable push back in his undertone and how he handles Tucker's framing. Even in the short you provided I can see Joe is handling him well enough, but not so aggressively pushing back that he'd appear crazy to part of Joe's anti mainstream and anti establishment biased people, mostly right wing but some moderates and left leaning people. I feel that Joe's careful enough here.
  3. @DefinitelyNotARobot Little critique of your graph here is the genotype column, which should contain not masculine/feminine word, but male/female words instead. Male and female are words that are strictly defined to sex biology and male/female bodies mostly, with exception to intersex and androgyny/trans. This is important because if anyone does not define masculine/feminine words properly, and use masculine/feminine to refer traits, to energy, to vibe, to even nature of mind, and mix them with sex biology and traditional gender roles then massive confusion will happen.
  4. @Basman True. Main difference with that not being a mental illness is the consequences of that label. If Transgender is considered a mental illness worldwide, then there's pressure to have institutions to house and treat such mental illnesses, which the traditionalists/conservatives are happy to try and actualize state wide. However, if Transgender is not a mental illness, and they still make institutes to house trans as mentally ill people, then just like with how the conservatives did the gay therapy conversions they'll try to do to Trans and eventually other LGBTQ groups. The real issue is what percentage is actually mentally ill versus not, and another issue is false conflation and generalization by right wing onto those minority groups.
  5. @kray I agree, brainwashing kids that early is creepy. All they need to be taught at that age about gender and sex is fun bags are fun to play with, and real sword fighting is dangerous. Don't be obnoxious and demand others to call you whatever you want to be called, maybe drink more lactose free milk, eat a bit more veggies, do some martial arts, play dribbles with more fun bags, IDK be children instead of this ABC language fluidity of gender. Children need more orange juice and fluids that help their body and mind grow instead of fluid semantic games other adult children indoctrinating them can point to and feel false sense of achievement, the confusion they make is something to be proud of.
  6. Good coverage of Oeen. Shame on Israel:
  7. @Razard86 So what's a genius, and can everyone be a genius?
  8. A great example of logic appealing and bias for objectivity and definitions: No, Art is both subjectivity and objectivity, so by extension music is both subjectivity and objectivity, so by extent all the sub categories within ART, and within MUSIC, for instance 'Rap Music' is BOTH OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE!! It's just such a I want to argue/debate this guy so badly that I can taste the flavors of the air around me. It's so annoying most people have this implicit appealing to logos, never mind ethos and pathos but logos, thinking the universality of logos prevails against all things.
  9. @Scholar And the way to abolish factory farming is to accuse the employers/employees of wanting this to happen, implying intent that's malicious, and put moral blame on the owners, the CEOs, all the way down to the laborers working? @Scholar It's a straw man because you assume they are intentional in them creating a super virus and anti drug resistant bacteria, when in reality it's not that they are intentionally creating this situation when some need to live paycheck to paycheck up to the CEO types in denial of this. Most sides in this issue are deep in sunk cost fallacy and need to live.
  10. @Vrubel Actually you don't have to be a Zionist Israeli to fight for your right to exist, just as the Americans didn't have to be Fascist/Nazi to fight off Nazi Germany. You are conflating both Zionist identity as being Israeli as if the 2 are 1 when that's purely false assome portions of Israel are not Zionist and are left leaning.
  11. @hyruga And this is another argument point for vaccines, they at least ease the burden on the body's immune system and prepares it against the virus strain exposed to it so that any lingering side effects and stress form the real virus is reduced at least.
  12. @Scholar Firstly, the fallacy you are making is a straw man against those who own, and are employers/employees of factory farms and food industry. Not every CEO down to the workers in factory farms are conspiring to create super viruses to wipe out humanity, they are working because some can only work in labor jobs, including factory farming. It's a fallacy because if you find out there are other motivated reasonings besides destroying humanity via super viruses in factory farms your argument has to change or you have to concede your argument's premises are flawed in assuming they had malicious intent to creating super viruses, anti biotic resistant bacteria, et cetera. Secondly, I partly agree this may have been known for decades, but decades here implies a time range between 10 to 99 years, so from at most either 2024 to 1925 or from 2014 to 1915, yet even around and between 1925 to 1915 and hundreds of years before that range they did not have a proper understanding of factory farms correlating to rapid evolution of diseases as it was a revolutionary time for capitalism employing technological advances that increased production, consumption and agriculture then was more resilient to famine and pests versus the more organic agriculture methods before the 19th century.
  13. This is a good example of how a comedian handles 2 arguers:
  14. These 2 a bit bit crazy in this debate:
  15. Jeez, these 2 are out of their depth against Bassem Youssef:
  16. IMO it's a bit embarrassing for these 2. The comedian easily out debates these 2:
  17. @hyruga Why is the WHO saying human cases of bird flu extremely concerning? This is another opportunity for a vaccine testing right?
  18. @Heaven That's irrelevant to the argument to do both the moot and bailey fallacy, and false dichotomy fallacy here, assuming @Leo Gura is reacting to what serves his propaganda when Leo is clearly showing you the hypocrisy that both Palestinian supporters and especially the Zionists are applying to each other logically. Within the century the Zionists have established their Jewish state through ethnic cleansing and displacement, to finalizing their state of Israel when they buddied up to the USA, so of course the world's problem includes Zionists because Zionists also make up the top 10% and are connected to powerful people, not to mention they did a lot of espionage in collecting information about the West Bank and Gaza and other areas.
  19. @actuallyenlightened So in argument or standard form: Most taxing against the rich is bad. Sometimes consumption tax, inheritance tax against the rich is good, but sometimes raising corporate taxes on Elon Musk, and uber rich like him is bad. Taxing the rich seems good short term given that citizens get more services but bad long term because economy lowers and less wealth overall for Elon Musk and uber rich. Therefore taxing the rich is bad. How is this a valid argument to make against taxing the rich when you claim higher taxation leads to more citizen services?
  20. @actuallyenlightened This blog should be sufficient in addressing this issue for you here, but I'll still address each point anyway: https://www.actualized.org/insights/scott-galloway-on-finances If it seems like a good idea to tax to tax the rich on face value, yet you are starting to think it's not the case, would this also extend to taxation as well throughout society? Also why do you say it's not the case for taxing the rich, but you are fine with high consumer and high inheritance taxation, why this hypocrisy here? So you ultimately advocate for only domestic investments in countries, and no foreign investments elsewhere? If taxing profits too highly leads to the uber rich gambling with highest-lowest margins of risk at best, at worst they would move money elsewhere, why doesn't that argument not apply to countries where they get rich via corruption when some of those uber rich are trying to cut corners and escape from the higher profits taxation you are claiming here?
  21. Good take by Hasan, yes debate/arguing is not for TRUTH, but for rhetoric and stage performance, it's mind slaying other egos to join your ideology, that's mostly it.