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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Now this is a good example of a demagogue: Yep, 90% BS and not quite truthful, but look at that performance and charisma! Pretty easy to get charmed and persuaded by that level of communication.
  2. @thenondualtankie I agree it's geopolitical warfare and soft invasion into young western minds by China. It may well be a bit disruptive for those creators and businesses heavily relying on marketing via Tik Tok, but that's their risk of investing into such a dangerous app in the first place. Also, Vines before Tik Tok did well but Facebook didn't capitalize enough that Vines ended shortly, but ByteDance with CCP help and funding with Tik Tok is now like vines but more money to creators and more addictive. They are devils. I also agree, either heavily sanction or outright ban Tik Tok to send a strong message to CCP that this type of soft invasion ain't tolerable!
  3. @Juan Because it applies especially to Tik Tok! YouTube and Instagram for example still have time markers, while Tik Tok clips don't, which manipulates perception of time for the users. YouTube and Instagram do not contain much addictive imaging and audio stimuli, meanwhile Tik Tok has massive amounts of addictive stimuli and scroll time. YouTube and Instagram do not contain that much sexy stuff and shady sexy things shown, meanwhile 1/3 of Tik Tok did contain shady sexy stuff. YouTube and Instagram never had to make a S.T.E.M only section and has recently applied filters and sections intended to be more family friendly, meanwhile CCP China had to heavily regulate their Tik Tok and give ByteDance the unregulated stuff to sell abroad western audiences. Even YouTube felt the need to copy their formula a bit to introduce shorts, which is mostly garbage level content even @Leo Gura has moral qualms about for his content!
  4. A fascinating watch, and if you could check it out on Joe's podcast. This is a great example of bias, ego and preference at play, how the ego coopts arguments and logic to defend it's own intuitions and emotions, how powerful worldviews and environments are, and why study and contemplation of Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego developments, Architypes, and many other developmental psychology modals, and being aware of our metanarratives, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by cultural/societal programming, information ecology leveraged by big tech and big companies, mainstream bias manufacturing consent in majority of population. Even in the tonality and body language of this Dibbi guy, the one with the Indian Johns looks, see how emotional, dismissive, and defensive he really is. Observe and pick that up, along with his refusal to look at Graham Hancook on occasions, mostly blocking gestures with his left hand on left headphone piece. Look at how emotionally defensive he is, both non-verbally and tonally he's insecure and passive aggressive, hear that inflex at some of his defensive statements. Already betrays how deeply biased he is, in fact this guy's has just stated outright how passionate he is, how much he takes and follows on his father's footsteps, it a narrative in his mind that anchors and tethers his ego's existence here. Already shows how biased he is and the confirmation and cognitive biases at play in his metaprogramming in his mind! Which not to say that Graham Hancook is right in his theory. I do think both are being a bit biased here, and considering the canceling and censoring attempts by mainstream science it's understandable to see him also a bit emotionally charged, yet I found his performance here in some of the debate moments as measured and calm when the other Indiana Johns guy was a bit defensive.
  5. This will be a big compilation of people to study from, to read their body language and tonality, and what they're saying and word choices versus what their tonality, face, eyes, mouth, head, shoulders, arms, neck, chest, tension, and even leg and feet position tell us, simplified as subconscious mind leaks of agreement or disagreement with what the conscious mind stated. Of course, ALL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE A BIAS, therefore there'll be some skewed interpretations from my part when I analyze and observe each person's communication to others here, as there's appeals and fallacies to logos as well as ethos and pathos that must be clearly stated. If objectivity and truth of logic and science was absolute, then I wouldn't be able to BS my way when I presented my English presentation back in college, of when I fudged and made up data points and statistics that sounded context appropriate but are made up BS and I got away with it because of how charming I presented myself. So, in this mega thread I'll post some videos and look for body signs of deception and defensiveness to a word choice, tonality, the interview/interrogation dynamics and framing, and optionally past contexts if I felt some partial truth was communicated, but needed more context. So, let's start with these two that I do admit liking, for their older content, but mixed feelings for their recent contents in YouTube, and both are in the Patrick Bet Dave podcast which has slight right wing biases, individualism, business man biases, and Libertarianism:
  6. @Juan My thoughts are Tik Tok SHOULD BE HEAVILY REGULATED. If not, BANNED! Too many children on iphone tablets experiencing brain rot from these predatory social media sites, especially Tik Tok. It's that bad that the CCP of China had to make 2 versions of Tik Tok, one mostly about S.T.E.M topics, and the other unregulated one is given to ByteDance for western audiences. How people are still unaware of this ideological and information warfare, of how China's long term goal of destroying western minds for future generations and is now slowly catching up is abysmal leadership by the west.
  7. Very interesting debate here, shows the anti mainstream and mainstream bias at play:
  8. Share some debate tactics you've notice either side using: Sheesh, that's actually hard to argue against if that's only the angle they're using to attack Douglas with.
  9. Great example of the good and bad of debating:
  10. A great example of logic appealing and bias for objectivity and definitions: No, Art is both subjectivity and objectivity, so by extension music is both subjectivity and objectivity, so by extent all the sub categories within ART, and within MUSIC, for instance 'Rap Music' is BOTH OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE!! It's just such a I want to argue/debate this guy so badly that I can taste the flavors of the air around me. It's so annoying most people have this implicit appealing to logos, never mind ethos and pathos but logos, thinking the universality of logos prevails against all things.
  11. IMO it's a combination of factors involved, from health/fitness and other factors. IMO Bruce's death was correlated to high stress mostly, among other factors in the video's points that I'll address: 1. Death caused by brain swelling as a genetic factor. IMO this is above 50% and under75% likely factor, yet they assume this is only one causation whilst not covering other correlating factors that contributed to this brain swelling. They assume Lee died just from swelling, as evidenced by his consumption of Hash with has some anti inflammatory properties, amongst other medication with anti inflame and pain killing properties. It's also likely this was exacerbated by his removal of his sweat glands under his arms, combined with Hong Kong's high temperatures and humidity, and his high intensity and high volume workouts, and the higher stress of being an actor shooting movies, may contribute to this brain swelling. Not to mention the suspicious death of his son, Brandon Lee, who later proclaimed he'll find out exactly why his father died, and bring those to justice. Later, Brandon get's killed by a prop gun with supposedly a fake bullet yet has a piece of metal still in it. It's just too coincidental to not rule out foul play. IMO this is most likely true as again Bruce Lee has had Hashish, and at that time it's illegal and only possible through dealings with drug dealers and criminals, and combined with Brandon's suspicious death this is the only time, IMO, that I think this conspiracy theory is justified to be so. In fact conspiracy theories of this type, of secret groups, cabals, syndicates, tends to be more likely to be true, not the out of left field theories of fantastical creatures and magic, just about secret groups.
  12. Oh right! Before I forget: The Jewish state and the alt right Zionists retaliated against GB army after they were trained, and after they knew that GB wanted to divert the flow of Jewish immigration onto Palestinians. Can we expect a reasonable chance there'd be resistance similar to this if America decides to reign in Israel?
  13. @MellowEd That's a lot of counties threatened by Israel...IDK how America will handle this.
  14. @Davino Well IMO this hyper mind is just a hyped mind, yes pretty different but there's little practical value of a hyper mind. Realistically nobody here or in a group is going to have alien minds in our lifetime, maybe neural link but nothing that is mass psychedelic, which is fine and good because I don't want to get into a car accident just because I suddenly have alien mind.
  15. @Jodistrict It's not that John Mearsheimer is being misquoted, it's that we're seeing a pattern and implying from it that it's this doomer mentality and apocalypse story. I technically agree here that Mearsheimer is also inferring just like us, and is commenting that things will get worse.
  16. @lina Okay, let's say you're right, we're all past arguing if or that is genocide, and Carthage really wasn't wiped out by Rome, fine. Okay, how do we move forwards from this though? First of all, if you say protesting is gonna do it, it's least likely. Netanyahu and cabinet still gonna move forwards with this war even with an unhappiness level of 10 points or below. Believe me, I've played enough Civilization games, mainly Civ 5 and UniCiv, that it's possible to send armies out even with an unhappy population. Also, considering the geopolitical and geographical nature of this conflict, sorry but Israel functions as a beach head onto middle eastern growing powers from which western powers can exert some influence, so they aren't going to not stop being relevant one way or another.
  17. @lina Definitions are important in discussions and arguing/debating because definitions establish common ground between arguers, establishes valid reasoning, establishes an exchange of ideas even though sometimes it can get heated. Without definitions enforced or even implied then language itself and communications break down. Might as well redefine Nazis as chocolate bars to sell in rave parties.
  18. @Hardkill OF COURSE! It's predictable that John Mearsheimer, proclaimed realist pessimist would sya there's no future and do this doomer and apocalypse narrative. I do think he gets some points right, but for this specifically he's a bit inaccurate. For example, we're and he are so worried about nuclear warfare, yet wolves of Chernobyl are doing fine, and the general wildlife and even plant flora are for some reason fine and have recovered from that nuclear disaster. Yes in terms of evidence and proof to counter how deadly nuclear fallouts and outcomes are is limited, I mean we only have the pacific war and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, numbers of nuclear tests, and a few nuclear plant failures, and yes I only have Chernobyl as one example, but so far wildlife there were speculated to not be able to recover and exist yet wildlife has adapted to radiation levels. Obviously there are zones and too close to nuclear reactor is a bit dangerous, but farther away it seems the wildlife and plants are resilient and have adapted.
  19. @Jayson G Just because she's credible, a journalist, and is in Lex Fridman's podcast that it persuaded you into thinking that nuclear wars is a serious threat? Really? Maybe for the current ecosystem, humans and information age we live in I'd mostly agree, but for mother earth? An existential threat for future lifeforms? for other planets? Meh.
  20. @Nivsch I'm not gaslighting, I'm stating that @Vrubel has accused @Leo Gura of having and 'skewed bias'. Since you @Nivsch have supported @Vrubel and few other users of pro Israeli bias, you are complicit and equally guilty as @Vrubel when the fact is that @Leo Gura has a reasonable view of both Israel and Palestine.
  21. @Nivsch There is a need to address this because you keep on supporting @Vrubel with hearts and pluses. The same guy who claimed Leo is skewed you also share that. If you keep on mentioning @Leo Gura and similarly accuse others of a 'skewed bias', then don't be surprised to get some push back for being unreasonable.
  22. @Rafael Thundercat Why do you not think he's a good example of polyamorous relations gone wrong? OP is proclaiming the benefits of poly via his anecdotal experiences, wants to hear our opinions, and what? Not expect reasonable pushback? Don't assume all poly is smooth sailing, just like monogamy, yet on averages poly is much harder than monogamy, and OP's bias is creating these false conflations, trying to persuade and convert more into poly when it's actually not all rainbows. Monogamy prevailed mostly over poly for very good reasons.
  23. @Cocolove IMO polyamorous is mostly immoral and harder to manage. And what do you mean by a lot of green and orange? Spiral Dynamics stages of development, the human cultural values modal? Why are you conflating Spiral Dynamics with polygamy and polyamory? What is a low consciousness criticism to you? And why are you conflating your experiences as if they can advocate to other groups of men and people? It maybe true in your experience so far your poly is going smoothly, so far, yet why assume you speak for most average people here? How is polyamory the next step off of monogamy, when in history native tribes and pagans were mostly poly than mongamous, and when organized religions that are staunch stage blue with some stage red values overthrew cuckoldry and polygamy/polyamory and established arranged marriages and promoted monogamous relationships? Again, why do you think, despite how valid your experiences are personally and individually, that you have the right to advocate the collective and convert more people into being polyamorous and cucks? Why do you want more competition in your dating area like this, and disregard the values of marriages and monogamous relations like this? Not a big deal, some threads have traction, some like yours don't. And plenty of stage greens still do monogamous relations and some have a reasonable healthy psyche. Why assume most greens are poly and anti monogamy? Why assume poly won't work unless we're all in a stage turquoise communist utopia? Why do you assume a lot of stage green valuing people, like new agers and hippies are mostly poly? Some are more open ended relations, and some still do monogamy. Why do you think it's unnatural for jealousy to occur? And this is your problem being projected onto a large swarf of people here. You think monogamy is way too controlling, to sacrificial, too limited, too jealousy, too insecure, too romanticized, and somehow everything with monogamy feels 'so low consciousness'. This is the most blatant bad faith fallacies of monogamy I HAVE EVER HEARD! If this is the hill you want to die on, fine, but don't assume you'll not get reasonable backlash for this type of thinking!
  24. @Cocolove Don't be like Divorcelli. Don't endorse polyamorous relations.
  25. @BlessedLion Maybe this is a good example of them here: