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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @zazen I've always interpreted that Gaza nuke joke from Destiny as him trying to say that massive deaths, massive casualties too many to count or data set/=/genocide or genocidal intent. IMO that's just insane take from him. Like the only way from him to justify this is to bring in asteroid impacts, say on the scale that wiped out the dinosaurs and say well it's such a cataclysmic event that it surely isn't genocide, and if it's genocidal and genocidal intent, this must mean that a bunch of aliens civilizations have manipulated space time and trajectory for an asteroid to impact earth to begin with.
  2. @Raze You mean Israel or Iran funded HAMMAs?
  3. @Inliytened1 And if there's always a few bad apples in the basket, would you agree that the farmer has to have enforcement means to deal with those few bad apples, to remove and coup them out if they refuse to leave? That's what I mean about that 80s years that Israel and Zionists in charge did to Palestinians, slowly taking land, settlements, and demilitarized Palestinians such they don't have even the means to coup HAMMAs now, see what I mean? That's why IMO Israel has greater burden here for contributing to this mess to begin with. If they recognized Palestine as a state, and helped it out a little, allowed them a police force, then Palestinians could have chance to civil war with HAMMAs and throw them out if such. And wait a minute, didn't you say fair enough minutes ago??? What's with this 180 degree plot twist???
  4. @zazen On a side note, what triggered me with the nuke example is that Destiny did use that example, to say that even if Israel did drop a nuke it's not proof of genocidal intent, and this hypothetical was said like a joke from him....another reason why I hate Destiny because that hypothetical implies that large numbers massacred/=/genocide or genocidal intent. This was said in his Normand Finkelstein versus Destiny debate on Lex Fridman, another grifter I passionately hate. It's like if I said to you @zazen that I'm sending a nuke to your location, you and all friends and family will die, but I'm not genocidal intent on you, you and others are just casualties because I'm trying to eradicate lizard people living underneath you, that to me is an insane justification.
  5. @Inliytened1 What can you realistically expect from @zazen? Ever since Al Nakba, the Oslo accords, the springs, Israel's been slowly for 80 years expanding and creating small settlements for Zionists, and have demilitarized and made any statehood for Palestinians extra hard. Palestinians don't even have their own police force, so when HAMAs came and took over after Palestinians held that election, and later they find out how extreme HAMAs is, they themselves don't have military or police to coup the HAMAs. Even peace attempts were getting denied more from Israel and less from Palestine! So sorry, IMO Israel holds the greater burden for having created conditions for HAMAs taking over so easily. If they don't want HAMAs in charge, they should never have defanged Palestine so severely over those 80 years, recognized them as a state, and at least helped them make a police force for Palestine's state.
  6. @Karmadhi It's still a silly argument point there. Like not always is the case you need direct experience, then you make your commentary or argument. In some cases direct experience is impossible, or too inconvenient for a person. For example you can argue and make theories/discussions about volcanoes and lava, you do not necessarily need to be inside a volcano, as trips and travel might be expensive, logistics harder, and even touching lava could cause severe injuries or death. The main problem with this framing is that the other side can insinuate and downplay the other side's more justified and sound argument against it by saying you just lack experiences to say anything=being unsound and invalidates your argument. That's not true.
  7. @Inliytened1 A bit of a stretch to assume @zazen was arm chair judging, and having never fled a 'damn thing' or have been made to 'fled anything'? And even if he lacks that experience, does that mean @zazen's points so far are invalid and unsound in this Israel/Palestine conflict? And why personify Israel as a female??? I think you need to chill a bit if you're getting triggered...
  8. @Inliytened1 What's your beef with @zazen? He's basically saying a war of defense from Israel was this bad, how bad would it be if Israel had an offensive war? That's all.
  9. @Schizophonia Sometimes there's more than one factor.
  10. @Raze I agree, Joe Biden needs to step down and get replaced. If that's how he's answering it's time he steps down. I don't care if he'll get replaced by a new democrat or Even Donald Trump taking the W, how he answers is EXTREMELY CONCERNING! They really have lost the plot with this one...
  11. @josemar And under Tony Blair and the Labor party they screwed up the economy. And more other failures that should make you rethink ever voting labor. If you really hate the UK, you'd vote labor. That's the quickest way to ruin the country.
  12. Is all this data and polling from within this year and the year before?
  13. @BlueOak That's fine, but I'm just giving you a heads up if that thread is reported to be a duplicate thread and you're warned about it. Just saying.😊 I'll be checking out that thread though!
  14. @Schizophonia You are pardoned for calling me mistress.😊
  15. @Schizophonia Fair enough, you're entitled to opinion like that. I just think it's way more than that.
  16. @Juan I thought @Leo Gura, @Carl-Richard and @OBEler reminded you to leave me alone and stop instigating drama??? And no I won't respond and derail this thread.
  17. @Schizophonia How does that one factor of chronic stress outweigh the other factors involved? Yes, that's her survival strategy, so what's your beef with her strategy then?
  18. Yes I am right again, Daniel Schmachtenberger on that niave techno optimism. I personally don't mind, but optimism IMO for individuals is very important when life gets hard, dark, and depressing. Hope, optimism, self belief, and faith can work a long way into recovering from darkness. Optimism on the collective level is debatable, but what isn't IMO is collective naive realism versus collective naive optimism, naive optimism IMO is much better than naive hardcore realism, pessimism, cynicism, and so forth.
  19. @BlueOak Be careful of starting duplicate threads covering the same topics.
  20. @enchanted Deflecting into character assassinations and insults isn't an argument. You have yet to justify why 1 failure from Tories and conservatives justifies voting for the labor party? And which labor party am I voting for exactly? The wealthy rich leftists or the green party, which is much closer to working class peoples than the Londoners majority of Labor party represents??? Sorry, but your argument is not persuasive enough to convince me to betray conservative party for labor party, which already is becoming more and more divided as a movement.
  21. @Schizophonia 'an another'. Why the 'an another' when you could've just said 'another'?
  22. Not quite martial arts trap, but a trap of ideology and bias. This YT is reacting to Martin's travel video, meeting up with Pakistani strongmen, getting a feel for how they do lifts differently. This YT thinks he's so superior and in his hubris projects his western bias and objectivity, a consensus reality from his western worldview, onto the Pakistani people of strongmen, as if to insinuate they're incorrect and them using simple scales like that is inferior. That's what a modernist liberal materialist dogmatic ideologue looks like, and reactionary YT Channels in general: Don't be like this guy, blind to your biases and ideological beliefs.
  23. Great lessons on ignorance, delusion and even if you're both intelligent and wise, you can be trapped: I will say on BJJ specifically he's right, and in other commentaries he does on western martial arts watered down for American consumers, he's mostly right. HOWEVER! Notice that he has a Islam caliphate bias, black American bias, sociology bias, and Ghetto bias, leans mostly left wing with some right wing bias and ideology. Notice all his biases distorting and shaping his observation of Israel/Palestinian conflict as if it's 100% Israel's and the Zionists Likud party's fault this all happened. He did not bother wondering why Gaza/West Bank is in this situation to begin with, why HAMMAs took over quickly, where are the Palestinian military units and police to manage terrorism within Palestine, and many more points he's glossing over those finer points that shows how SYSTEMIC this issue really is! Exact same problem with Khabib and other fighters like him, most people think it's Islam as the major factor. NO! He grew up in a mountainous region of many inclines and declines, lower levels of oxygen, and a culture of Sambo or folk style wrestling!! It's got NOTHING to do with Islam or Jihad, it's got way more to do with culture and environment, and maybe even genetics! Leo, go make an NLP video quick before he does!😂
  24. @Mesopotamian Yes! As short term relief from tinnitus it does work.
  25. @QandC And he's mostly right, within his context, within drumming there are objective standards there for higher competitive output. P.S. Love that scene, and many can relate to that scene, being dissed low key because what you're good at isn't so popular, but that family over praising something the other kids do because that's so popular to them.