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Everything posted by neovox

  1. IWhat I say may not feel great but it truly comes from a place of Love and support. I want to say in the strongest way possible my advice is to NOT pursue any type of relationship at this time. Your attention needs to be focused on you. I say this with the utmost respect, you have some work to do, so lets get started. But before you do anything you need to understand your current position and take responsibility for everythingt. Make a choice to adopt an attitude of openness and non defensiveness. in all situations moving forward.. Take nothing in life personal. Because the truth is, NOTHING IS PERSONAL. Someone looks at you for too long, its not them disrespect you. They exercising their freedom of eyegoballs. Leave it at that. Even if someone were saying hateful and disrespectful things t?. Understand a higher path of understanding is superior in every way.. A calm measured response to any situation., That is actually more of your true nature, you're good hearted, guy. Its your emotional reactions to the many triggers you encounter that give another impession..The negative emotions will gradually decrease if your intention is true. The root of much of this is you're insecurities. Or your conditioning to not love yourself, is another way to put it.. Lets start with the basics. You're going to have todo everything at a much higher level that you're accustomed. making high quality standard your normal default ualityAttend with loving care and attention. when you brush your teeth twice a day do it as if it were an art. Feel yourself brush every last part with such care and attention that after you rinse you feel proud at the job you did. Take that same attitude to everything you do. You're creating quality in all things.. Floss your teeth like you're a king with royal standards. Make no concern of how long it takes. Each task you do with this level of care and attentiveness brings you love and reduces negativity a tiny bit. making the level of quality.. Be emaculate about your hygiene. This is for you and one else. You're not cleaning up nice for someone else. You're taking high quality care of yourself, and investing energy because you feel the value. Treat your living quarters with the same top notch standards and attention. Cut no corners on anything out of laziness. Start a modest physical activity routine. Doesn't matter what it is, it only has to include body movement and consistent routine that you have to maintain. This is a big deal. Don't allow yourself to make excuses or bitch out because you don't feel like it.. If you put the effort and consistency in your health and wellness it can and will make you into a new man in a years time . The mental, physical , and overall quality of life improvements that result from at least 6 weeks of consistent exercise are profound! Mainting and building on this routine can change your entire life and perspective on life. But you have to stick to it. Diet;; just make your best effort to eat clean and healthy. Make the decision to give up sweets, junk food a sodas totally for good.. Make these adjustments in your life and experience immense pride and satisfaction with yourself, but you will have also significantly improved your health and quality of life. A dent wardrobe that makes you feel good is nice to have.. Next; Very Important! Work on being pleasant to everyone you encounter. Smile to strangers, say hello, open doors, practice interacting with random people. But not as you acting nice that's fake shit that women sniff out immediately., The authentic loving and caring part of you. Find that part of you and practice using on every stranger you can. Give special attention to your smile and tone in these interactions. Find some kids to interact in a light sand playful manner. Make an ass out of yourself and laugh about it.. Practice being light hearted and how to laugh, especially at yourself. Make being nice something you do to everyone for life,, even assholes. Build a life that you feel good about. Learn what an incredible human being you are and how you thrive under circumstances that facilitate your best self. Continue working on yourself for the rest of your life. When you genuinely feel good about yourself and what you bring to a relationship. then go for it. If you make it this far you will notice most if not all of your awkward female interaction problems have resolved. I know that probably sounds like a bunch of bullshit to you, but have an open ,mind. I invite you to message me privately if I can further assist you. Love and best wishes
  2. In order to provide quality input I need a specific understanding of your question, the situation/ person it comes from, mindset, etc There's a fuck ton of words and info up there, but I nothing personal to you, your situation, or specific problem and context.
  3. One step at a time.. What is most heavily on your mind that you seek resolution to? What is your first question?
  4. This only occurs when you have emotional triggers, or occurs other times but increases with emotional spikes? What treatments have you tried? Is it in you stomach or more intestinal? What it your best. guesss as to what is happening in your body? Does eating or drinking effect anything? How are your BM frequency and consistency? How's your diet? What medications do you take regularly?
  5. It doesn't make me happy to operate from my ego, but a accept its presence and keep an active observation on it, and make peace with what is. It takes an extremely rare and exceptional individual to accomplish permenent ego dissolution. Many talk the talk, very, very few walk it. Ego can be a trouble maker no doubt. It needs astute observation and awareness on it so as to keep it operating healthy. But Its important to realize that our egos aren't to be demonized.. Nature didn't design egos in people that shouldn't be there.. God sees fit that most of us have varying degrees of ego. You don't want to demonizes or deny ego. Just pay attention to it function and behavior and operations. Be familiar with it and your awareness will naturally dissolve your ego when you're mature and ready.. Ego can be a trouble maker if left unchecked, but its not to be perceived as negative or unwanted prematurely. Treat it like an unruly young boy. With plenty of attention and help it to grow healthy.
  6. Having a passion for something is not an indicator of addiction or addictive behavior. I am passionate about dance and God, but nothing close to addicted to either. I am not passionate about masturbation, but the way I use it to in an attempt sooth an inner discontent, and the compulsive frequency definitely boarders on addiction. Addiction is a subject I am well versed in. I would to offer a more robust thought if I knew more of where you were coming from. Is the hedonistic activity sexual? If not what is the nature? How often to you engage. Is your passion compulsive?
  7. Cultivating a genuine comfort with not knowing is a good practice for anyone. Its a healthy place to dwell. Its when you find yourself knowing with certainty that should make you uncomfortable How to cultivate comfort with not knowing; 1) do nothing 2) observe
  8. speaking for myself, my ego still alive and well. I just try to keep an honest eye on it and leave it be. That's the best most of us can do and that's just fine. : )
  9. i don't presume to know anything, but I would suggest that you build a regular relationship with a professional that can help you root out some of this discomfort. My sincere Love and best wishes.
  10. Compare yourself to your conception of yesterdays, last week or month's self, and nothing else. Instead focus that energy attention on realizing yourself and cultivating a genuine appreciation for those characteristics you like. There is no need to ever compare to anything out side of yourself. That is a guaranteed self sabotage. Spend quality time with yourself, do some pampering self care, begin a modest fitness routine and healthy diet. Make a deal with yourself right now and hold to it. NO COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS. How's is your living environment? Relationships?
  11. the feeling of discomfort, not knowing, something lacking. When you feel that arise in you, go to a comfortable place alone without distractions. Sit. Feel that discomfort and relax your body and mind as you experience the feeling. Try not to create any stories in your mind about anything. Don't reach for any distractions. Try to experience just the sensation without adding opinion, labels, narrative, but its ok if you can't. Sit with just you and the discomfort for as long as you judge reasonable. Repeat this process as needed. Do this at your comfort and don't make it too difficult. You're going for acceptance of whatever you're experiencing. It maybe extremely difficult. Keep trying. Try not to resist anything. Remain still and as calm as possible. If you find yourself fighting it, quit for the time being. Give yourself plenty of time and patients and compassion. You're perfect right now just the way you are. There is really no need to change anything, other than you wish it so.
  12. When you experience God you don't wonder anything. Not only will you know it, depending on the depth of your experience it maybe radical, life changing, trans human experience far beyond language or anything else a human can experience. Sex with the love of your life is nothing compared to that God dick.. The human body is not designed to handle the intensity of pure Love. When you get to experience God. There isn't a wondering if it happening that you're left with, rather complete and utter, awe, fulfillment, and Love
  13. I have no judgment towards enlightenment. I have spent a great deal of time and energy pursuing the concept of enlightenment. An ancient concept shared by wisest, oldest religious institutions, and countless advanced spiritual practitioners since forever ago. I certainly don't think I have the drop on these spiritual bodies. I wish i I could declare with a pure heart.t"I am "ENLIGHTENED!" My perspective relates to mostly myself, based on my limited experience and conscious capabilities. I was simply sharing a realization. The concept of enlightenment has been given much weight because deep historical stories and meaning we've attached, This word has a monopoly (at least in English) for the state of consciousness used describe our most venerated, beloved, and advanced humans in history. The word and concept can carry emotional attachment. Especially if you've related to, invested in, and identify with the concept for a long time. Its not that enlightenment is not real, it is as real as you make it. I am saying enlightenment is not actual. Its a model that describes and helps many understand the advanced states of consciousness. Enlightenment is not an actual thing., The venerated practitioners that embody it are actual(in a relative sense). These practitioners would remain elevated expressions of consciousness regardless of existence of the concept of enlightenment. I can't exactly speak for them, but I would assume someone that exists on such a plane does not place too much attention on the distinction of being enlightened. Its a territory/ map thing. And because we seekers desire advancement, and enlightenment is ultimate concept that we use to represent that desired state, we can easily miss the point. Or at least I did. Enlightenment is not a goal in the future. That is nothing more than mind stuff that will have your ego taking you further away from God and Enlightenment if you aren't careful. Enlightenment is here, now. The consciousness required to experience it is not elsewhere either. The extent of your consciousness is decided by you, here now too. It takes time and discipline for most of us of course, but that work is accomplished NOW. To wait for something to happen, some preconceived idea you hold, before you gain the balls to create is... a mistake that many require, but not necessary. The present moment is your only responsibility and fully your responsibility. Feel it from inside you, experience the Truth of it. , I shared this realization because it is so practical, and gotten growth and deep fulfilment since. Adjusting my focus this way along with the work in progress of voluntarily giving all thoughts, concerns, fears, goals of the future to Infinite Intelligence/ God. I try to be as present as possible, and try my best not to give any thought to anything else. My experiences of God's awsomeness and my becoming conscious of my truest path; ;God's desire for me, for me to willingly give any and everything . Cling to nothing. And occupy the present moment as fully as I am capable. And share as I am able. Tall order if there is any "you" left, but the intention and effort are enough. I'm far from anything resembling advanced practitioner, I have shit loads of issues. but i feel my path. The fulfilment I experience has a new depth. I've become a crybaby and cry over everything, but its good crying, great crying. I have had the extraordinary, beyond human experience of feeling God's Love without psychedelics.
  14. I've long wondered and explored this questioned of a past lives model, without any compelling direct experience from my inquiries. That being said, I am still open, yet skeptical, Just because I haven't been made aware of the nature of past lives certainly doesn't take away from the potential .validity. I I admittedly grant a respectable, measured amount of authority to ancient Rishi's, yogi's that dedicated there entire lives to this., ManyY advanced ,exceptionally talented, in environment that fostered spiritual master's in their ability to become directly conscious of such things. O the other hand it could be deep set belief that is so old and ingrained in the teachings that its not even questioned. But I doubt that would continue based on purely tradiotn without experience given the4 quality, quantity, of the yogis. Truth is Truth, , they would call it like it is. They weres conscious enough to investigate this for themselves, without corruption a and report as such There's a shit tone of doncumented anecdotal stories that have pretty compelling support, but its all just stories. Interesting entertainment. Nothing more .If anyone has any genuine direct experience in anything past lives, I would be fascinated to hear and gratefu l for your sharing . In the end, I don't see much application either way to the path
  15. How to find peace; Close your eyes. Calm your mind and body, but make sure you FEEL it. Focus on your breath, but again FEEL it. Feel the sensation of the air going in your nose in inhale, or whatever sensation you want to focus on.. The trick is to feel into the moment as deeply as possible without mind stuff, Focus on what is left after you've calmed your mind, space. Peace is there. Always there. Its just a matter of being able to clear away your mental bullshit to consciously experience it.. Do this for a minute or two, or ras long and often as possible throughout each day.. Make a habit of closing yo.ur eyes and feeling into the moment every little chance you get. As you chew your food, listening to music .You will get it. This is peace that is always available to everyone. Feel into the moment.
  16. The perceived intensity may be too much to surrender, in that case accept that fact,, and find the value in your suffering. Much growth comes from suffering that we can't/ don't totally surrender to,, but end up interpreting the experience with some increased wisdom by eventually surrendering partly. ". There is value in your discomfort if you endure it without bitterness, Butt it feels so shitty at the time it can seem impossible not to resist.. Total surrender will bring the highest results, but merely not being a victim and enduring with as much awareness as you're capable is enough to grow. That means taking responsibility even as you lean away from it. Being mindful of its impermanence as you endure. Afterward contemplate on it; how were you responsible, how will you adjust, what the experience makes you grateful for etc. It is you that created the situation that caused the suffering either directly or indirectly (as God). and it is you that interprets the discomfort as suffering and to what extent. You gave yourself this discomfort as a means to bring you closer to God. Whatever you do, let it do the opposite and put you more inside yourself and further away from your Self
  17. My current experience says "yes" I am experiencing what seems to feel like "free will", or doing what I choose. But is it really "my" choice if there is no "me"? There's an appearance of free will/ choice in order evolve. You suffer through the resistance and "choices" that you create and internalize experiences. In a relative sense yes there seems to feel like a free will for most of us. Though, a deeper absolute experience free will is clearly an illusion rooted in my sense of self. It is all God there is nothing choose from or between, it's all there, divine, perfect, and there is no other way for it to be. How could there be choice?.. In heighten states of consciousness concepts of control, choice, free will, and a separate self dissolve. Each choice isn't my isolated choice but connected to everything that is. The interpretation of the experience is not of "my" free will but of awe and being... the divine, Intelligent Will that I am.
  18. infinite now, so there of course there's always more now, , but its all already there. Our limited consciousness experiences as "happens"
  19. You are infinite. Your physical and mental expressions are finite. Your experience is God creating himself every moment. The question is ,how/what am I creating this moment.
  20. God/ Daniel allows himself only what can handle from a limited perspective. You identify as you experience. You experience as your consciousness is;; inverse to your sense of self
  21. "Awakening" is a bullshit concept that is overused by egos. Its also experiencing the truth of no self, experiencing your true Self, God, Love, Intelligence, awareness and awe at the perfection, deeply present and feeling it. When you experience your illusory self and how to gitfo of the way, and give it to God completely not on faith, but because you experience yourself as that
  22. everyone is conscious of their limited perspective (what they've allowed themselves to be). But its all God experiencing itself. There is nothing outside of God. There are not other consciousnesses. There is only One. There are infinite beings/ expressions that have forgotten there infinite nature in order to experience it. We suffer the illusion of separate self until we experience it as an illusion. There are not separate consciousnesses, only one consciousness that has voluntary forgotten itself in form.
  23. I keep podcast in an earbud as often as possible. While driving, domestic duties, in waiting rooms or lines, morning breakfast, evening when I chill, etc. as often possible, Leo and others always in my ear. I mix it up with other sources too; audiobooks from Leo's book list, and other teachers past and present. I never take notes, but go back a relisten to episodes often. Immersing with a high volume of conscious input as consistently and often as possible saturating in advanced conscious resources. While doing the practices; meditation, psychedelics, Kriya Yoga, practice Karma Yoga at every opportunity .
  24. When I go really deep into awakening, crying and waling complete God mode awakening, I see an image in my minds eye. It's God's image, my image. It's very clear and distinct. Always the same one. It's difficult to describe, but its the color spectrum, BLARING color spectrum, spectacular, grand and beautiful, perfectly organized, more so than a fractal. I've thought about attempting some kind of recreation, but my art skills suck. These awakenings are happening via mushrooms or LSD. Has anyone else experienced similar? I've never had 5meo, but I wonder if I'd see the same thing..?