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Everything posted by ImHooper

  1. My friend I been knowing for 3 years now committed suicide. I’m very devastated about it and idk what to do. What happens to her now? Is she traumatized after death. Did she not exist ever?
  2. Thank you all I feel so much better.
  3. If this is just a Dream and nothing really has a purpose why should I be nice to people if it’s truly me? What I mean is being mean to another version of myself doesn’t matter because none of this means anything. Also secondly Alan Watts says when you die the same experience happens as you being born. So after you physically die you just simultaneously become a baby? He says there has to be someone around .
  4. I understand. I’m not a evil person at all I truly care for people. I was just wondering what if it went to the extreme. Thank you for your feedback.
  5. Hello guys, hope you’ll are having a wonderful day. I absolutely love this site and I actually watch Alan Watts, Rupert Spira, and Leo too. Would you guys agree with Alan Watts concept of death??