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About Pronevron

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  1. I’m going to try to get tested for heavy metals today! I had thought about it before but never did. Additionally, I haven’t eaten fish in 4 days and that’s not a common occurrence, and the test shouldn’t be taken within 2 days of eating sea food so I’ll keep you all updated with what happens.
  2. I’ve found that practicing drawing has helped me visualize things much easier. I’ve never had much skill for drawing, so I had to begin with basic polygons, but working on that really seemed to improve my visualization ability. I’m much more verbal/conceptual than visual in terms of thinking, but the drawing along with practicing visualization goes a long way.
  3. Just my 2 cents, after listening to Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamic Integral, if you’re yellow you just want to make sure the chromatic bridges are defended. So, just keep it *possible* for your parents to advance, rather than arrogantly thinking you can just move them up the spiral. After all, it’s not easy to move oneself up the spiral, even if that is one’s intention. It sounds like you’re doing a good job, just focus on developing yourself and being a resource to your parents, and I think that’s about all you can do.
  4. Hello all, An aspect of spirituality I’ve struggled with is understanding just where on the path I am. In some ways, it doesn’t make much of a difference since I’ll still be doing essentially the same practices no matter what, and hopefully one day I will be in tune with the absolute nature of reality so all preceding levels may not matter much anyway, but in other ways I’m just unclear as to how I can know what I need to work on, or if my time and effort could be spent more wisely. Some solutions I’m tossing around are to do a 5-meo trip, find a spiritual mentor (this one can be a little tricky), contemplate spiritual development, just saying “fuck it,” or the method that could potentially being the most fruitful: claiming I’m enlightened on this forum and when other people challenge the claim, I’d be able to see where I stack up. I’m not too hung up on it but any thoughts are welcome, thanks everyone.