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Posts posted by KP_Spirituality27

  1. 4 hours ago, Psychonaut said:

    Let me give me my 2 cents on this. 

    Right from the start I will tell you I have a lot of sexual energy. I used to masturbate like 5 times a day kind of bad.

    I have tried no-fap, regular sex and non-ejaculatory masturbation. 

    No-fap is easier than balancing sexual energy. For me I gain more from being able to sustain higher amounts of sexual energy without needing to expell it. Releasing becomes a matter of choice. No-fap "extinguished" sexual pleasure after a while for me and then it is lost as an energy to use for growth. Its easier to eat no cookies, than to eat one cookie and then resist eating the second.

    To me there is value in masturbating even when there is the possibility of sex. At least for me I actually only have and want to have sex once every week or two. So when I masturbate I think of new ways to have sex with my girl and imagine it. It keeps the sexual energy alive and makes me look forward to actually having sex. I also just enjoy the edginess of being horny. 

    Very valuable informations. Thanks you.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Aeris said:

    it seams I got no more pleasure from masturbating, I can be aroused, but weirdly, only real sex is the real deal for me.

    masturbation seams a waste to my reality, it's like laundry now ( and it's really like if I want it or not, nothing I cannot control ), I don't do it anymore. And no porn since 2 months. Before that I did not so much fapping neither for about 6 month ( was on a nofap journey, not really hard to stop, I wasn't an hard masturbator, depending the amount of weed/stims in my blood though, ritalin made me horny as a poney when I was doing it )

    though I like real sex, and could fuck all night with some breaks. I don't see the point in masturbating even for training, I would just like to improve in real sex situation and experiences.

    thanks to masturbation you can learn to orgasm without ejaculation and extend the length of sex - do not you think? and thanks to stopping semen - you do not lose very valuable life energy

  3. Hey. Recently I started to practice tantric masturbation - Masturbating over 30 minutes with the imagination.
    The pleasure is greater than with ordinary masturbation. I do not use porn, just the sound of porn (ASMR) - they stimulate the mind. at the end I try to stop ejaculation and achieve a "prostate" orgasm and it's getting better and better. I'm only losing about a quarter of the whole semen. breathing is very important here. I feel good after such masturbation, but I feel like i can do it more and more, because I do not lose the semen and I'm horny. What do you think about it?

  4. 1 hour ago, outlandish said:

    Nice one @KP_Spirituality27 good to hear you figured this out. I'm a big fan of back-sleeping and using little to no pillow, although I do mix in some side lying as well. 

    Another thing I recommend for anyone who has to work on a computer/desk and has back problems is to stand at your desk, and to be physically active. This made a tremendous difference to me when I started having some lower back problems about 5 years ago. Today I have none.

    Thanks you!

    this habit can change life!


    Ok. It's amazing. A 7 day sleep on the back is passing.  after 6 months of trying, I said I would die or at last fall asleep on my back. I managed to sleep for 3 hours. I felt huge stiffness and all my spine. The next day, I normally fell asleep on my back.

    First of all - My posture is damned upright during the day. I have much more energy, despite the fact that I get up much earlier because I only sleep for 5-6 hours. Six-year spinal problems have disappeared in 80% and the condition of the spine improves day by day. I recommend to anyone who ever wonders about it. I'm surprised why everything changes so much. Maybe because I slept on my stomach all the time.

  6. 9 hours ago, now is forever said:

    so is it the sternum and the sacrum?

    i’m just asking because on the german wikipedia they explicitly also have the sternum as a symptom - and i know a guy with ankilosing spondylitis who has mainly the shoulders affected. so the symptoms might be not clearly enough described in some descriptions. what can be confusing.

    morning pain and stiffness is a strong sign for the rheumatic diseases.

    Sternum only. 

    and the pain is radiating around

    my diet is actually perfect imo. I eat only organic, a lot of fiber, seeds, vegetables, I do not remember when I last time ate meat, a lot of herbal teas etc. The diet will not help.


    in the morning there is much, much smaller than during exercises / specific movements. (like squeezing hands in front of the chest)

  7. 10 minutes ago, now is forever said:

    @KP_Spirituality27 for how long does the pain last in the morning? just asking because it could be bechterew.

    if it doesn’t show in the blood it doesn’t mean anything, could be serum negative.

    if it’s that you’d need to try vegan diet and maybe need a good doc.

    i’d try to find out - it’s really worth it because if it’s that and you don’t react it’s no joke.

    I translated my problem from polish language to english.(posted it in polish forum) There we go:



    Hey. I would like to describe my spinal problem. Maybe someone ever met with it. I've been trying to solve this mystery since 2012, but my hands are already falling.

     I have 19 years. I spent my entire life at the computer in a hunched position. Unfortunately, I am unaware of the consequences that await me ... In 2012, my spine in the sternum began to ache. I started doing a lot of research. A light kyphosis and lordosis came out to me. However, it did not have too much connection with pain in the sternum. The doctors had no idea why pain was there and they sent me home. In 2015, I did a magnetic resonance imaging and showed me the dehradiation of the breast disks. I went to the doctor with it and he said that the pain would pass away and that everything would be okay. Then I gave up completely, I felt terribly misunderstood. This is a very specific type of pain, it appears in the breastbone and the surrounding area, I feel as if I was just about to break a sternum or ribs around it. Sometimes it radiates in a strange way. . The strangest thing - when i does not do a lot of moves that cause it,  it completely disappears (and that's why I did not bother most of the time, but I started to practice martial arts very intensively) When it is already called by, for example, squeezing hands in front of chest (in the form of a prayer ) or through dips (push-ups on handrails) or a long time slouching, it stays for a really long period. And then for a few days, then it disappears. I have the impression that this is a real mystery, sometimes I think it can not be solved or not cured. Sometimes I have the impression that it is an inflammation of the sternum and ribs around it. But lasting 7 years? In the last few days, I have caused him to be unknowingly unfortunately, and now there is enormous pain all the time. Who should I sign up for best? Physiotherapist? or maybe someone who solves such puzzles? oh how much I would give to finally cure it ... or at least be aware WHY?

    Edit 1: I will add that once I felt the smell of cigarettes for a long time, despite the fact that I never smoked regularly and intuitively I have a feeling that one of the other is related. In addition, it happens (rarely) that when I get up in the morning it's hard for me to take a full breath. I feels some strange limitation, but usually after 3-5 min passes.



    for 5 years I have problems with spine (sternal pains). I've done thousands of tests but still doctors can not find out why I'm in pain. I noticed that the pain is stronger in the morning. My intuition tells me that I must, I must damn it try to sleep on my back. Perhaps for a reason is it so difficult to move on my back in my case?

  9. Hello. I am trying to sleep on the back for a longer time ( 6 months ) without any pillow, but I always change positions after about 30 minutes because it is uncomfortable for me. I am very motivated and I want to build this habit at last.


    I have some back problems, and I feel that it REALLY can help.

    I have never fallen asleep on my back in my life!


    could you recommend or sugest something to me? 


    I'm sorry if I did not translate it well, but my English is not perfect.


    16:25 Consumption of decoction of magical mushrooms (2g)

    17:00 - 18:00
    The shackles of the mind were released. The conditions have been broken. It's amazing how much beauty has a reality around us, but we can not see it through our conditions. Everything was beautiful, vivid, amazing. My eyes were full of joy, life, innocence, happiness and gratitude for being alive. I felt the mind slowly sinking more and more in the present moment. I laid out on the lawn and looked up at the sky, it all became so obvious ... It was so obvious that I am not the body ... that it will soon die ... It's an amazing paradox. There is no such thing as human life ... We are a void that experiences itself through the human body. Woaaah .... I understood that there is only an organism and a consciousness that is perfect.

    I decided to go home. All the time I was accompanied by the beauty that I admired. When I saw the sunset, I almost cried. This can not be described. So this is real reality? Does it have so much beauty in itself? It's hard to believe it ... I sat in my training room, turned on the music and immersed  in myself. I had some internal insights that were amazing. I experienced fractions of Samadhi's states when I was the whole moment, unidentified with my ego ... What a bliss ... For a second I felt the absolute of consciousness and tears came to me. It was indescribable. I would like everyone to experience it even for a moment. I went to the mirror and looked into my eyes - shining with happiness, innocence and an inner child. Eyes of joy.

    19:30 - 21:00
    I decided to go outside to light a campfire on the field. As soon as I opened the door of the house and saw everything, I could not believe in amazement. How all this is magical ... Amazing ... Mysterious ... The streets looked like on another planet ... This is another thing that can not be described ... All lights, stars ... our life is the greatest gift you can get, the biggest a form of love, just a question of whether human can notice it ... I made a bonfire and thought about my life. This is how my first trip ended.


    Important Lessons.


    Life is a present moment. Our human life is just a joke. We are a void that experiences itself through the human body. You have to accept death and live life to the fullest while our body is able to. Life is the greatest gift you can get. The largest form of love.
    The emptiness that accompanies us has a huge amount of happiness and joy. Pure Hapiness is effortless when nothing is left but a calm mind.
    Beauty is everywhere. The entire universe is a manifestation of love. It is sad that through the filters of the mind acquired by his human experience, man is unable to see the truth.