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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. @moon777light Nice! I just finished book 2 yesterday and I'm about to start the 3rd one. How i decided to do it, was read them all in row - then go back to the first one and contemplate them all very deeply, to really absorb all of the juice. While keeping a healthy distance between belief and experience I've verified. Next series I'll go with will be: The law of one by RA. They're supposed to be similar, while there he contacts an entity from a higher consciousness society.
  2. Really liked this video.
  3. @Davidess Yubb, best books I've read so far
  4. @LfcCharlie4 haha I'll make sure i do my research. Yeah i'm with you there.
  5. @Raptorsin7 Like reprogramming the sub-conscious so to speak. I may try that for week or two, then mantras the other week for comparison. Thanks!
  6. I've been longing to take my meditation practice to the next level. Longest I've gotten to are 1 hour sits which I did for about 1 month; that was in October. I've been slowly starting again, by doing 30 minutes for the first week, then 1 hour for another week. I want to take it to a higher level now, and shoot for 2-4 hours. I believe i can do it, and i'm interested to see what comes out of it. So my question is: Are there any of you who have done 3-4 hour sits daily ? Do you have any input or advice that could prove useful.
  7. Might be a little random, but oh well...
  8. @Codrina Sweet! I kind of sit cross-legged on my bed with my back up against a wall; seems to work best for me. @Raptorsin7 Unfortunately there are no float tanks i know of in my area, wish there were, I've always wanted to try them. Do you think affirmations would work better than mantras ? @Stakres Same states I've reached on psychedelics, but more calm and easy going. I kind of want to hit that ocean of love, ecstasy and peace. I've only been able to get there through meditation like 5 times out of like 300 sessions. But when you reach that state you never want to return. That's mainly why.
  9. @LfcCharlie4 Nice! I definitely want to try it one day for the fun of it. I guess you'd feel lighter on your toes? Days when i eat mostly veggies and peanut butter, i feel super light and clear minded.
  10. @cetus56 Zen style, might give it a try. I usually achieve waiting the itches out and they pass soon enough. But it's becoming a habit when I'm deep in the meditation, that I automatically start waving around like a flower in the wind. So resetting the timer every time I moved would sure be a patience test.
  11. @steenadrianmr Wouldn't recommend caffeine on LSD, but that's just me, love cacao though.
  12. @OBEler Well they are by nature more emotionally connected.
  13. Tell me about it, it's the same here in Iceland. People are dying left and right in weather-caused accidents these days. One of my most favorite trips have been in the freezing cold outside in nature. Specially with a clear night sky and aurora. WOW! I'm definitely team NO trip killers, I feel that defeats the purpose of a psychedelic trip. You should work through the hardest trips - and they yield the most results in personal development. Also you should not trip in an environment where you "might need" a trip killer, that's just a pre-planed bad trip.
  14. @TDW1995 Yeah i'd probably do one week where i do 2 hours, then 3 etc. Maybe i'll document it here in the journal section. I'm very tempted to see if i'd be able to do it without dying of boredom?. But mostly interested in seeing if i'd be able to have some deep insights. @cetus56 hahaha that sounds insanely tough. I've been having some itches during my meditation sessions the past days - Ignoring them is hard enough; can't imagine 2 and a half hours of no movement.
  15. @steenadrianmr I've almost never seen 400µg tabs, not even on the vast dark web. Most high potent tabs are around 180-220 if you buy them on the street. If they are 320-400 they will be a lot more expensive than the normal ones. My advice is make it a special occasion, give yourself a little time to think about why you're going to trip and what you want out of it (few days should suffice). Happy tripping!
  16. @Matt23 That dramatic pause, made it extra beautiful.
  17. @steenadrianmr At least you are recognizing your flaws, that's a good sign of development - although you need to act on them. Its most important that you build a base foundation of knowledge around these things firstly. That means reading the top priority books on Leo's book list, doing the exercises within them. Kind of becoming your own psychologist, because nobody is coming to help you. A psychologist won't save you unless you are willing to fix it yourself. Take responsibility. Once you've built a nice foundation and cleaned up your life - No weed for example, a clean diet, meditating and exercising. Watch more of Leo's videos on self-love, spiral dynamics, self-bias and more. Start a rigorous meditation practice and become serious about this. Once you've done all that... Then you are ready for psychedelics. They will become your most useful tool and your best psychologist. You can use them to help you work out shadow work problems, and reprogram your sub-conscious mind. When you have purified your soul of all your silly human problems, you will start to go deeper and deeper until you maybe realize that you are NOT a human being who lives in Norway on the planet earth. Stay on this forum because you will need guidance in the hardest times and there are bunch of people here who can help. Wish you all the best
  18. @SirVladimir Wow it's amazing how powerful it can be, I might give it another shot after not doing it for over a year. Thanks.
  19. @steenadrianmr Why are you eating acid like it's breakfast. You need at least 2 weeks to integrate what was learned on the trip-while also letting the tolerance readjust. You are not doing this for actualization and personal development by the looks of it (without knowing or judging).
  20. @Chumbimba Thanks! It will be on my next books to buy list, super exited to read it.
  21. @Consilience haha maybe it's just too radical for people to accept, oh well. This one is a personal favorite
  22. @astrokeen You have all the tools my friend, but are you willing to give your everything to achieve it? Awakening is one of the toughest things a human being can choose, but also the most rewarding thing one could think of.
  23. Hitler went to heaven, you won't go to hell for using drugs.