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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. I have some financial downside right now, not working, and the book from J.C. Stevens is a little bit expensive in my country. Are there good youtube videos about it or other suggestions for books? Thanks for any advice
  2. Hello community, I have a rather delicate question, maybe someone here has some information about it.CI appreciate any insight that I can take with me. I'd like to know if 5Meo DMT could cure mushroom induced delusions/schizophrenia? My brother has passed through a very traumatic and sad life taking psychiatric medications since his teens due to a misdiagnosis by some bad doctors and following abuse and trauma through the psychiatric system for more than a decade including being left alone and uncared after heavy mistreatments. Recently he ate a large mushroom dose rather by accident lonely and all by himself and passed a very very bad trip in his room and now has a real mental chaos/illness developed, having passed through all his past trauma, he started developing illusions of having lost his family (he thinks we were kidnapped and killed and thinking the neighbour who he is jealous on, manipulated the elevator and so on. Also he now hears voices constantly (mainly he thinks it's the neighbour talking to him through thoughts). His mental illness is also constantly triggered by severe negative thinking, thinking of people as bad who tried to humiliate him. He talks about wanting to know that God cares about him in order to become better. So anybody here may have valuable information, if 5 Meo could cure something like this by restoring the true nature and burning away past trauma which maybe led to this illness/complication? I have heard from a Mexican shaman who is medical at the same time, that he treated patients with severe medications and drug usage,and I think also schizophrenics, with the toad medicine and had positive results, but that it was used as a constant treatment. But I also hear about bad trips, maybe the toad medicine and 5 Meo also have some difference as being used as "medicine", I'd think the toad secrete is more natural in order to be considered a medicine, but I have no idea, as I said, I appreciate all information
  3. Other realities I think is meant are other stories and intelligent lifeforms occuring simultaneously with our story but on other planets galaxies or universes disconnected visually from our story on Earth
  4. I think what is meant by other realities is, if simultaneuosly to our story are there infinite other stories happening on another planet or in other sceneries that are not bound to our earth reality? If God has infinite experiences, does he have them outside of earth too? If yes is it happening while we are debating here right now and can we know somehow about these other planet stories. This is what I think of as having a proof. Also other realities can mean that exactly the same character/ego but taking different decisions in inifinite other stories so that every result will happen to take another turn, and maybe in one story you (the ego) decides on on thing between A and B and in the other "reality" aka story, the same ego, identified by its place of birth, name etc decides on something else and therefore god could experience every possible outcome of a story simultaneously. Basically if god is ifinite, with infinite possibilities, abd infinite experiences, are there differents lifes differents planet differents universes right now playing other stories, or is the reality we are having here the only true reality with god playing infinite options on this beautiful planet that was made for us called earth. Also how does this material world end once I die or one of us dies? I think it ends for me, and my story but still there are other stories to be finished here.
  5. I thought the 5 Meo DMT Mega thread would also includereporting and comparing insights of the experience and opinions on the misteries we ask ourselves that could be answered through the substance
  6. Maybe to bring more clarity into this, it is good to find out how reincarnation works anyway. According to the Tibetan Monks it takes 49 death after the death and one can either escape into the light (probably Nirvana) given three chances or being dragged down by ones Karma and then ultimately ending up in another womb by the 49th day. Ironically these 49 day coincide exactly with the time a fetus needs to determine its gender, which probably could not have been know by the old monks centuries ago. On the other hand there are many accounts of near death experiences, in which the people dying receive messages from angels or guides that it is not time for them yet, and many times they also get predictions of things happening in the future, for example the death of a loved one. So this sounds as if the whole live with certain missions to accomplish or better said to experience, is not only planned but also necessary to experience. But in this case its not possible for yourself to dissolve your karma as everything that will happen is preplanned anyway, many also say there is no future and no past, everything is happening now,which in the near death accounts sometimes seems to be the case, when people get predictions for their future. Reincarnation is also important as to know which ego is going to have a suffering or a nightmare life and which is going to have an amazing life. Also astrology has some factors in this. I have personally not had the 5 Meo DMT/ Bufo Alvarius Toad experience but from many others have had it I heard so many different versions. One experienced Bufo medicine smoker told me that a suffering life is due to the decision of the ultimate infinite consciousness after having had millions of amazing lives, as kind of a hard lesson to experience for "personal" development or soul development. He also believes that everybody has its special guides or angels. Also when after death did the decision happen? After eternity? After 49 days? What factors where at play? What happens after death, do we become nothing and everything and remain in that for a while and what happens next? Why did the buddhist monks talk about the chance to escape to Nirvana if Nirvana is the same as 5 Meo DMT, according to them death will be just a chance to get there which probably means that our ego keeps going. Also they come up with all the noble truths in order to reach Nirvana. Another person that told me about his experience said that he has not gotten any insight regarding reincarnation or why some people need to suffer tremendously in life and others not. Maybe whoever here had a 5 Meo DMT experience could bring up his idea about reincarnation and if all are the same thats good but, if there are differing versions, then even having experienced absolute truth, there still seems to be some mistery around. Also @Leo Gura I heard you say somewhere, that this life is just a meaningless dream and once you had a super high dosage of 5 Meo DMT you even forgot how you could come up with the idea of living a human life anyway. If thats it then also those old Tibetan Monks or anyone/anything from past history, which we have not seen, did probably not exist and is only made up from this dream? Because if they existed, then this dream has been going on for millions of years continously having experienced so many different lifeforms since the first cell, and that would not be meaningless then and also if it has been going on for millions of years then probably we experience this dream againn in another ego and that is there comes up the question in what ego and where on this planet are we going to experience it again? And if there are infinite amount of other dreams, then what determines in which one our special feeling ego is going to appear again, which factors? There is no ego? But there must be because I am experiencing one, what happens after death is mysterious, hopefully I'll find out having a beautiful 5 Meo DMT experience too, but for now I am curious and hope this sparks a healthy conversation here
  7. i have understood Buddhists saying that Nirvana is not a state that contains love. But that love is just another "feeling" that keeps us in the cycle of rebirths. Part of the illusion. It doesn't mean Buddhists are right though. Maybe the ultimate answer lies seriously In the glands of a misterious toad and by the reaction of your experiences it seems like it. But then that is probably not the same as the Nirvana the Buddhists talk about. Because as far as I know most Buddhists also don't talk about God or love too much, they seem more focused on meditating so much to realize how to exit existence and most of them come to the conclusion that life and existence is suffering and love and hatred or anger or just mere feelings that keep you in this cycle. But man I am just asking here because I am curious, I don't know too much about Buddhism but this is as far as I have understood it. I don't know how to untag your two names here @Leo Gura@FredFred
  8. I hear some people here are saying that the experience is the same the Buddhists call Nirvana. That's actually confusing because Nirvana means to cease to exist and to escape the cycle of constant birth and rebirth. The Buddhists as I have understood , don't believe Nirvana is a state of Love,but it's just they ultimate peace as we cease to exist and therefore are in no longer need to experience the contrast of love and suffering, as love(according to them) is just one more of the feelings that distract us from true Nirvana and the end of the cycle. So what would you guys think, why do you call the 5 Meo experience the same as Nirvana? Nirvana in the original sense means non-existence,and the 5 Meo exerience you have seems to be the exact opposite, namely full experience of total existence.