Psychedelic seeker

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Everything posted by Psychedelic seeker

  1. How can you distinguish whether you had a mystical experience on N,N-DMT or you just delude yourself because you often listen to Leo concepts and falsely interpret every N,N-DMT experience as some kind of higher truth?
  2. I know. I will certainly do 5-MeO one day.
  3. I have done many psychedelics many times (about 20 N,N-DMT trips included). I just don't want to delude myself... Leo, you yourself told in one of your episodes that you must be very careful about deluding yourself when it comes to doing psychedelics! I am a sceptic AF as you recommend to be - I question everything!
  4. +1
  5. You have said in one of your older episodes that you would certainly make an episode about suffering. I would really like to see one because I am transrational truth seeker and suffered so fucking hard through my life (mainly psychological abuse and a very strong rejection of others literally everywhere I was; my biological mother has got a paranoidal schizofrenia and my father is very likely a sociopath so I was raised by grandparents who were (and still are) in a very dysfunctional marriage; now it's better because I am more mature and I choose the right people who help me on my path to the truth and wellbeing), had depression and a lot of suicidal thoughts because of that (now I regularly talk with a very good psychotherapist and it helps me a lot). I would like to know if these very strong negative experiences were valuable on my path.
  6. Is it good for meditation and consciousness alteration?
  7. Maybe you would make a series which describes specific religions (their origins, meanings and connections with enlightenment).
  8. What do you think about NDEs and OOBEs and what are their similarities to enlightenment and DMT experiences?