Sucuk Ekmek

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Everything posted by Sucuk Ekmek

  1. Glad you find something beneficial.
  2. This is a great interpratation on Moby Dick. It starts at 3:35
  3. That's a very environmental busniess model, I can't speak behalf of German laws but giant coperates are clearly aganist of any self repair etc. For example this guy is trying to save a broken Tesla by converting it to diesel.
  4. Calm down man. I think you havent watch it, that's fine. Video never mentions russia or ukraine. It's about a man travelling in ukraine with his old soviet camera. But if you are looking for warm place I suggest look no further than Bhutan.
  5. I am writing a fictional novel. So I have this question in my mind, do you mind if I take your mortality away and give something else you want? I can provide anything, Just say the price.
  6. Immigration is only one thing. It's not like government accepting these people for their own good. Government does this because it benefits swedens top %1 elite. I don't think ordinary swedish citizens are benefiting from immigrants. If this is not corruption, I don't know what corruption is.
  7. Sweden demands cheap labor... US is not a special case...
  8. Here is how I view this: I don't think conservatives are the real problem. It's more like various interests in the government are profiting from this market. So you gonna fight agaist your own government and narrative. I don't see it as a win from every angle.
  9. Spiral dynamics as a model is a perfection of stage blue. These are all Aristotelian categories. It's a chronologically lost model. You can't fit certain cultures or tribes in this model, it feeds upon western progressivism dogmas. It has it's favorite human. How would this model catogory human sacrificing aztec tribes? For Aztecs whole ritual is no different than you consuming LSD and getting results. We are connecting with gods so they are.
  10. I think you are from USA. Here is some treat for you all. 05:53 is my fav part.
  11. Hold my beer. I can rewrite history with this tech.
  12. No I don't understand. Only a real gay person can make the best gay jokes.
  13. Out of curiosity I asked chatgpt about 9/11 events... Aperantly it's just another wikipedia with scientocracy bias. I am sure Chatgpt's devs are aware of this any many other documentations. But somehow refuse this data.
  14. Somebody has troubles of accepting the reality. For my taste this is unnecessarily emotional.
  15. Inflation is here to stay till FIAT system collapses. Current currency system is beyond saving. It's a collapse system by design. But it never meant to collapse this big, with that being said I would say best investment would be yourself. With that money you can invest in art by doing it yourself. It's not easy as obtaining stuff but as time goes by some people might find some aura around what you have created. If that is what you looking for.
  16. We been trying to do this for past 2000 years. These made up ethics are coming from war machine, money laundering & printing, health fraud scams, all the corruption you can name... ''We suppose to benefit from blood money or someone else will''. This is what ethics seems to suggest to me, and yeah as society at large we do benefit from that. But this is unethical... or maybe ethical... or some ethical... I am trying to emphasize, but this is simply a machine code for me. I know lying is bad but I also know girls are good If ethics are based on love then there would be absolutely no problem about being unethical. It looks to me ''how to be a human 101''
  17. Actually you don't need to engineer viruses. Just tell them you engineered one or two.... People gonna belive anyways. Nazis weren't doing anything bad afterall... They were just following the narrative. So, to me it looks like new jews going to be so called ''anti-tech'' pests.
  18. Ethics conceptualize what is right or wrong. I don't thing any written or unwritten law is going to help any society at all. . Ethics are for cavemen so they can call it day.
  19. I would say agriculture. 2023 news gonna be filled with ''food supply crisis''. Video starts at 07:00 if you want to skip spiritual stuff.
  20. Recently we had an interesting court case in Turkey(at least for me). There is a woman who wants to divorce, she claims that her husband is cheated on her. She goes on and records her husbands phone calls and gives this data as evidence to the court. Court states these datas are obtained aganist his will therefore turns down the evidence.
  21. No, because I don't think this is about euthanasia. To put it short I don't want canadian truck drivers to be "mercy killed".
  22. as 2023 in any country ''your own people'' concept doesn't exist anymore. He may end up like Gaddafi. It's not like he is paranoid, this is real and legimate risk. It's not like he is at the stake, there are collective things going on, he might want to trust his people, but in reality he can't because stakes are too high.