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Everything posted by Anton_Pierre

  1. @Leo Gura In 10 years time Leo, in 10 years time, I will have more DMT in my system naturally.
  2. Why do you think we have all these amazing stories and religious texts? Lore, Myths and Legends are a different way of knowing. It's knowing your life and others as characters through creative vision. Life always defines you within the story, however spirituality lets you transcend that and you can redefine your character. If you want you can literally be like jesus or a buddist monk or even shiva, but most people become bitter, nihilistic and suicidal.
  3. @Conrad The drug seduced you, but I guess you weren't concious enough to realise that. lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil
  4. @Leo Gura Drugs can damage the yogic system. Sure you may use them initally, however they are seductive by nature. A spiritual man must never be seduced or else you'll end up like Mooji, lol (I don't know if that story is true or not) It's better to build up to it in a pleasant way through building up the breath overtime in your system, so you will progress at a rate that doesn't make you imbalanced and psychotic. It also instils disipline which is very much required for spiritual seekers, to do the spiritual practices. The average person wanting to do phycedelics should minimun do 5 years of natural spiritual practices. You don't put a noobie to the gym on steroids.
  5. @Conrad Being cowardly won't get you anywhere in this journey. You think of death as escapism, but once you touch that dimension, you will be a scared little bitch because you couldn't face your life situations and then you will ruin your life through the demons you invited in.
  6. @Conrad What are you currently addicted to? Junk food, porn, coffee? Have you ever pushed your body to it's physical limitations through exercise whilst working 12 hour manual labour shifts and cooking all your own food, whilst studying and also whilst focusing on self-improvement. Etc, etc. Have you ever been independent to the point where you are responsible for everything in your life and not by your parents? Have you ever taken cold baths daily? Have you ever done lotus position yoga? Have you ever faced a death of your love one? You need to respect primary disiplines before playing with advanced shit.
  7. @Conrad I already died, but obtaining omnipresence should happen through advanced breathwork.
  8. @Conrad There's a bone two inches below your navel if you push your finger into it you can feel it pumpimg. You need to sheet the hara by pulling in the lower abs, and the tucking the butt under.
  9. @Conrad It's not death, it's your life energies leaking from the hara, which once you know how to lock, you can access higher dimensions.
  10. @Shadowraix I never did, I'm not sure if you've realised yet but it's better to raise conciousness on certain things. So that people know that they don't need to smoke up in the first place.
  11. @Nahm Shiva smoked up he just knew how to handle it and then he moved onto better things.
  12. @DrewNows The funniest thing is I completely left the body, but I go plucked back down , but it's okay because bliss body
  13. @Shadowraix Psychedelics are good medicine, they just need to be used correctly and not for more than a few times, along with teaching and rewiring your body to create it's own joy and bliss in the process of yoga, breathwork, mindfulness etc. If someone becomes addicted or reliant on a drug then the spiritual path is not for them because it shows their dependency. If there are people that want to find safer psychedelics then that's a research field in itself, and it should be treated as such.
  14. @Nahm Loss of your sanity where you start hurting yourself and doing fucked up shit by your abusive uncle LSD who likes to give you life lessons and pinch you at the same time. And when you do see someone from heaven they may look scary and demonic because your in the wrong dimension. Your Guru is already in heaven dimensions and he's explored the territory for you. He has given you techniques to save you time and suffering. Psychedelic research isn't bad, it's good but we need that in a different thread away from the spiritual thread so it's better regulated than what we have now. If this forum wants to be held with high standards and to be appreciated by Sadhguru himself this must be done. I'm not sure if people are conscious enough to see the youth hurting themself with psychedelics in this forum, but it's because they are curious and until we have better regulation and a separate forum with set guidelines and resources available within it such as side effects with (CLEAR FUCKING IMAGERY, let me just state that again so people really understand, CLEAR FUCKING IMAGERY of the side effects/drug etc), then we won't see the actualisation results we are looking for.
  15. @Leo Gura We need to have a discussion on some of the ways this forum is run.
  16. This Christian imagery really depicts what if feels like to experience every human being as your brother and sister on earth, hence the term God's children. If every human was your brother and sister you would look out for them, yes? You must become the big brother in the family. God is just seeing reality in it's heavely state.
  17. @Chi_ Adiyogi is a gift, because he mastered the entire school of yoga already. People just don't appreciate he's done all the homework.
  18. @Chi_ Imagine the heaven dimension is like a kindergarden playground, the gurus, yogis and mystics, are like the students from university coming back to visit their little brothers and sisters. Phycedelics aren't pure so they take you to hell dimensions, but that doesn't mean a hell dimension won't give you insight.
  19. @Chi_ Communication can happen within different dimension of reality.
  20. @Girzo I feel like we need to create a phycedlic researchers area of the forum or something like that for those who genuinely want to explore phycedelics for personal and spiritual growth, with set guidelines and rules for spiritual seekers. The way we are holding thia community together, we are bound go have countless amount of kids hurt themself.
  21. @Ninie No more pot! Learn about your bliss body also, I feel it will help you.
  22. @Ninie Don't worry about the story you constructed for yourself, create a pleasant story, where you overcome your challanges and you do spiritual practices such as breathwork, meditation, cold baths etc to help you face your fears head on.
  23. @Mondsee No, he's genuinely concerned about you navigating into uncharted territory. Omnipresence is another dimension of reality, which is like zooming out of your localisation of conciousness to see the planet as an organism mind. If you're not ready, you'll be absolutely afraid of what you may find and you will not be so sweet anymore. Taking certain phycedelics is like inviting demons into your life, if you're concious enough...
  24. @Shin Maybe a guru knows how to instil selfless behaviours into their followers, to help prepare them.
  25. @Esoteric Don't make Sadhguru out to be so petty. You must have absolute trust in your guru and his abilities, or else he's not a guru