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About Thelanjaron

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  1. Real estate option will be the most profitable and easy for you in my opinion. You can read some articles about real estate investment here because it is a very interesting field where every day is different. Plus you will have extra skills of selling, talking to people and customer service. it will be useful during all your life even if you decide to change the field. But better if you are going to stick to 1 job and make the best out of it.
  2. Video is interesting. I know a lot of people who don't take breakfast and smoke. Most of them have headaches during day, maybe it's connected somehow or maybe not. I also have a friends who started a new healthy life after he decided to buy property in Italy and it helped him. Now he goes for a run every morning, started to eat more healthy food and changed the circle of people around him. So maybe the video is right and you will feel better if you get rid of bad habits.
  3. What if there are 2 different realities and they change depending on your mood. A positive one or negative one. For example I was in a bad mood even can say depression for several months and the world seemed so dark and useless to me. But then I decided to change this circle in my life and went travelling for 6 months. At the end I fell in love with Spain and decided to buy apartment in Alicante where I am going to live now with my pets. So from my experience the fact how you see reality is about your mood at this moment.