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About snakeplisskin

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  1. Oh my god it's been a long and winding road, but I'm in a good place now; very calm; very patient; very determined. Oh so many changes have happened; so many discoveries; so much love; so much heartache; I've seen fire and rain, as the song goes. I've for a long time been fascinated with India, but only recently have I seriously considered going there. The spirituality of the upanishads, of advaita vedanta, of sri shankaracharya, of sri ramakrishna, of sri ramana maharshi, of the vishnu purana, of the bhagavad gita and mahabharata and ramayana, of the tantric agamas, of--in general--the civilization of the Sanatana Dharma had grabbed ahold of me a long time ago, and this conviction has only grown with time and experience. I want to scour the whole country, from the Thomist Christians of Kerala to Benares, from Old Delhi to Mumbai to Rishikesh. I want to see the mix of old and new, traditional and modern, lavishness and dire poverty. I've already taken steps to do what I feel I must do...I just want to hear some anecdotes from other seekers who've been to India. Thank you.