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Everything posted by Ayla

  1. I'm a bird with legs ripped and I have no choice, I fly. My first stop It will be the last flight and I have no choice. Drinking water from wells I fly laughing and I fly weeping and my sweet blood kisses the forbidden ground.
  2. Payout for my death is this moment where am God when I create the narrow cage of the endlessness that I am ... I squirm, I fight against all stars to realize smiling that I exist, I EXIST! I EXIST!
  3. @Elton Please read guidelines for posting in the sub-forum and modify your title. thanks
  4. What do you see? A drawing? What says it is a drawing? Let "drawing" go. What is it there? Colors? Let "colors" go. What is left there? What says that it is your eyes seeing this? Let go of "your eyes". Now find the limits, the borders between whatever is seen and the one seeing it. Where do you (the seer) stop and the seen begins? Where is the limit between what you know and what you are? ******************************************************** We can talk about unicorns and Santa forever, but we have no experience of any of them. That thought content isn't true until it is known through the senses. You have no life, no expereinces, no desires, no flaws and no suffering. You ARE life. Experience. Desire. Flaws. Suffering. You are everything that you know. Only you. Alone.
  5. here's a little secret for you: that ME needs to be questioned not whatever comes after. Do you have a body? What says so? can an addiction exist without a body? do you have a free will? can you do stuff? where do thoughts come from? just look !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. You are only what you already know. Replace thought content with blah blah What left there? What separates you from what is ? Thought??????????????????????????????????? LOL
  7. Please see if in actual experience there is a chooser of thought .... or body... or enlightenment
  8. What exactly is your experience of Ayla ? what do you actually know?
  9. I have nothing. I do nothing. I feel nothing. I just am! Exactly as "it" happens. What's your question?
  10. @Key Elements Ours? Hummmm
  11. Jesus was as unaware as Ayla. Both Jesus and Ayla are stories. Words. Concepts. No story is of your concern. You already are what you know. ************************ Edit: So was Buddha, Mohamed, Mooji and any other person you might ever think of. You alone are this that you know! And there is nothing you don't know. Ever! Oh and more edit: you never do anything. Never feel anything. Never want anything. Cuz you ARE that ! And not ALL that, just that. No separation.
  12. @isabellc Ask him ! Might be his way of motivating you or the opposite. Tell him how you feel without making it about him or the other women.
  13. @Vaishnavi Life wasn't given to you. Ever. You ARE life. And it has no meaning and no purpose. Is simply is.
  14. @Kevin Dunlop , I don't know what he is saying. But I do know that you can look for yourself and find out without a doubt that without the thought content, you are only what you know. experience. If you try to find any kind of division, only thought will say so. Now can a thought think? Is a thought aware? Is Kevin anything other than a thought? Is Ayla? I'm sorry, but I can't deal with any type of theory anymore... no person is aware of anything. because a person is only a thought. so why listen to me or rupert? What is your actual experience of Ayla? Some seeming black marks on a seeming screen? Only use senses. And LOOK. What you will discover is that you are beautifully utterly experience alone.
  15. @Kevin Dunlop I am at a point in my journey where I really do not have anything at all to forgive. Nothing has ever done anything wrong to me. Things just happen. That is all. For example, you get burnt by fire. Do you need to forgive fire? No, you don't. That doesn't mean you'd jump into it anytime soon by the way.
  16. Took a very long hot shower today. Water cleans and soothes and heals. As I was sitting down in the shower cabin, body totally disappeared. all range of sensations were just present. Hot, cold, shivering, flowing hair, air, water solidness. No Ayla to be found in any corner. No corner to be found in any space. thoughts of deep pain and delicious joy. Thoughts of stop and thoughts of start. Thoughts of before and of after. Thoughts of why and thoughts of because. Thoughts of gratitude and thoughts of despair. Thoughts of expansion and constriction. Everything felt like a dream. Like a neverending neverbegun dream. ****** Is there shivering under hot water? Is shower water salty? Does hair flow from somewhere above...? Is pressure felt from somewhere under...? Is there any starting point? Is there any meaning? Any implications? Anything? Is there anything that isn't me? Is there any dividing line between what I am and what I know? Is there any-thing that isn't known? If so, how would I know about it? ****************************** There IS a me. And I am everything that I know. Me, is the inherent knowing of the known.
  17. @jjer94 Who exposed you? ME??? I'll only go with this if you invite me to that concocted dinner HA!
  18. @Peace and Love , you think too much Do not search for any relationship. Do what makes you happy and complete within yourself. Become absolutely confortable with your life experience and your past. You will be provided with the suitable partner to uncover what is still there unhealed.
  19. @Shane Roberts , you could for example use Byron Katie's "Work" - search for it on Google or YouTube.