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Posts posted by Kserkkj

  1. Hey guys, this has been a major impediment for most my life to get anything done, how can I develop the self-discipline and willpower to burn my compulsions to do something. Eg. When I find a new T.V series to watch, or a novel, video game, masturbation ... like i just can't diminish my cravings for it and binge on w/e thing that is. I saw Leo's addiction video, but this has gotten worse to the point where i'm having trouble sitting down meditating for even 20 minutes. I feel as if I can't get any work done whether at school or potentially enlightenment that i strive to reach if my compulsions are taking over. What should i do to overcome this?

  2. I've been having social anxiety for about 1/4 of my life, currently 17 atm. Idk where to start but basically, I'm a guy who has trouble articulating what i have to say in a clear concise way, and this probably has to do with the fact that english is my second language, and it's difficult for me to express myself eg. when conversing with friends, class debates, ... And so, i've been traumatized many times recently over the years, which causes me to be anxious when i meet new people( which i tend to avoid), especially when public speaking and class debates, even when hanging out with my friends, i'm always like the passive and dull guy. I only have 1-2 casual friends I hang out at school for 2-3 times a week during lunch break, and I don't use any social media other than youtube, not even facebook which apparently most people have. What I spend most of my time doing throughout the day is pretty much reading light novels/manga and I feel my future is bleak if I don't start taking action, finding more opportunities, increasing my social circle... Wondering if any of you can recommend me any books/videos on how to overcome this, or tips from personal experience. Thanks