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About Quadking

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    Dallas, texas
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  1. @sergeyrar I know how you feel man. I was in the same position twice. I'm also a network engineer and IT support tech, I was working for a company when I realized I was highly dissatisfied with my life direction. Leaving the job was hard, because I was very comfortable financially. I started my own IT company immediately, and while it took years to be comfortable again, I felt alive. Life was a roller coaster of ups and downs and it was really fun to produce something of my own. It gave me the freedom to really focus on myself, get into meditation, and start other ventures. These new ventures included auto tuning, motocross, house remodeling / flipping, personal fitness self help and other seemingly random hobbies that turned into micro businesses. It was nothing focused in particular, but things that came of interest. I'm now currently 1 year into owning a construction company and running my IT business of 8 years, and having a good time with it. Perhaps my life purpose is to be an Enterprenuer lol. Or perhaps I'm doing this whole career thing wrong, but I don't feel like I have a "job", life just happens, I do what I'm interested it, take care of responsibilities, and the money just arrives. I'm not sure if any of that makes sense, or is any help, but good luck to you !