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Posts posted by R-Type

  1. If done right the idea to tax consumption makes more sense than taxing work/income. The 'trick' of hoarding money in foreign countries or using other tax saving tricks evaporates, wealthy people will automatically pay their taxes as they usually consume more, unless they want to start all over and leave the country. That said, there have to be different taxation on goods for daily needs and luxurious goods/services. Also, not taxing income can result in higher motivation for work and wealth creation among the working class. 

  2. Hey Peter,

    fellow sufferer of anxiety / depression / cptsd here. First of all I would like to remind that you that you're anything but alone with this! Most of the people around us, though they appear to be part of this "normality blob" we call society, do in private suffer form these kind of problems too in one way or another. Yet, in our desperation and narrowed thoughts, we use to think that we're alone with this or that life has dealt us an exceptionally tough hand, but we forget that we all sit in the same boat.

    I have to agree with Nahm and the others, that thinking your way out of this complex situation entirely, most likely won't work. It feels very intuitive to do so, but life is often times counter-intiuitive. To go even further, our thinking is so strongly influenced by our emotional and physical state, that when being depressed it's usually too shallow and dumbed down and hardly makes a good tool to help us. Don't take my word for it, see for yourself how the quality of your thoughts will improve all by itself once you get to more well-being.

    Speaking of well-being, there have been a few things mentioned already and I'd like to share this video, which contains some great ideas as well.

    The tough part is to decide what practice(s) to do and actually do it/them on a regular basis while still being in a negative state at the beginning. Be always patient and kind to yourself - that alone will improve your internal state and leave more energy for the actions ahead!
    And remember that these actions won't intuitively feel like the best thing to do - so there will be moments of doubt and frustration, which are part of the journey. If possible, have a therapist too, best would be someone who is familiar with western and eastern methods.

    I hope this hasn't been an overwhelming amount of ideas and wish you all the best.

  3. I find the title of the of the first video to be quite 'clickbait-ish' and therefore misleading. But it's rather the uploader to blamed for that than Kwik himself....

    However, if you go through the comments of both videos, you'll find summaries of the main ideas/points (for those folks who don't want to watch the entire video and take notes). And those ideas are neither revolutionary nor new but things that have been known and taught for ages in Ayurveda and Yoga - therein even to a greater depth and aligned with the spiritual path.

  4. Hi folks,

    Avid reader of the forum and long time fan of Leos work from Germany here. Feeling it's ime to get more interactive and finally start participating in the forum. A big Hello to you all! ;)

    I recently stumbled upon this video covering the concept of "Kayfabe" and thought it's worth being shared and discussed on here. It's about how the narratives in pop-culture, economics and politics are intentionally construced on a way deeper level than we usually think they are. (Maybe same might be said about our Egos  and that they do the same with us in order to construct our own narrative... just a thought that popped up in my head while watching. lol)
    Anyway, it would be intersting to hear your thoughts the concept of Kayfabe...

    This is the video:

    And this is the NY Times article that is mentioned there: