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Posts posted by Groucho

  1. I do not eat meat. I stumbled onto a documentary called "Earthlings" which brought to my attention the extreme suffering of animals at the hands of humans and I will never eat meat again. I also watched the follow up call "Unity" and read Jonathan Safran Foer's book "Eating Animals". I believe that if more people were exposed to these things there would be a revolt against factory farming. The saying go's  "If slaughter houses had glass walls we would all be vegetarians". But people don't want to know about these things. They don't want to know that 99 percent of the meat consumed in the US is from the horrifying factory farms. They still think there are little piggies and chickens running around a barnyard somewhere in Iowa and farmer Brown is tending to their needs. There are some groups working to educate people about all of this but they are outnumbered and outspent by the food lobby. Farm Forward is one such group that is make some small headway. I do wish that PETA would spend more time on the issue of factory farms instead of exposing tiny roadside zoo's in Texas or whatever. Not that those things aren't awful but it's a matter of scale.

  2. I struggle with this question too. I became a vegetarian after learning about factory farms and how cruel these animals are treated. 99% of the animals consumed in the USA are from factory farms where the animals are basically tortured from the day they are born until the day they are killed. But if  this is all fantasy why worry about it? Why have a moral compass at all?  What does it serve?  

    I also wonder if there are two ends of enlightenment, one good and one evil. Do some of the worlds great "evil doers" come to realize that nothing matters and take the dark path (as most people would see it) while others who obtain enlightenment choose the light and teach etc..?  Ya know "The force" the dark side and the light...