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About Marchino

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    Cologne, Germany
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  1. Healing
    Spiritual Healing
    Yeah...the “word problem”. These of course are just more of them...but...I’ve contemplated the appearing duality of healing as well, and it led to what I refer to as (cheapening with words again...) “Cosmic Consciousness”. Now, the words white hole & forgetting, and the words black hole and remembering, seem the same. Kind of a mind bender...but I had certain realizations...and then began contemplating them backwards, and had a few more. Surely sounds like regular ol ballyhoo, but there might be something ‘there’. 
    I’m familiar with that, I experience it also. I agree with seeing doctors. I also agree with talking with a reiki practitioner...but only to the extent to sign up for the classes. (So bold ?)   Some say there are those energy vortexes within the body as well, spinning one way or the other. Alignment being all of them ‘spinning’ the same way. I’d swear there’s a parallel there of each life, and of the collective ‘life’. Sometimes a little swirly in the palm, can help a little reversed-swirly in someone else’s chakra. 

  2. nonduality film
    'All About Nothing' - A film about Non-Duality
    Just wanted to share this surprisingly high quality film about non-duality.

  3. The DPT Mega-Thread
    The DPT Mega-Thread
    That's why on every new batch and substance you put like 10 scoops on a scale and see how much approx. one spoon holds. Then do it one more time to make sure everything is right. After you know how much milligrams one spoon carries you can accurately share your dosages.
    Gemini 20 or similar is enough. You don't really need a more expensive scale.

  4. The DPT Mega-Thread
    The DPT Mega-Thread
    Not at all? From what I've read, people on SSRI's report that psychedelics either work normally or effects are reduced so you need a higher dose. @Leo Gura said to not take 5-MeO with SSRI's because it's dangerous but from this tripsit 3.0 guide, it seems like you can take psychedelics with SSRI's

    I'm on a low dose of Venlafaxine (SNRI) and I will have to take it at least for the next 3 months so I wonder if it's ok to try 5-MeO

  5. The DPT Mega-Thread
    The DPT Mega-Thread
    Awesome Leo. You are a radical teacher.
    The thing with DPT dosage as well is that it builds on the previous dose. So if you take 50mg and fill it up with 25mg fyi it doesn't prolong the trip it actually takes you to 75mg dosage (if done within a certain time frame)
    I've also only had great experiences on it. I mean it is very dark sometimes, but in the most fascinating way.
    Also there is a church in Manhattan called The Church of True Inner Light that use DPT as their main sacrament. I remember getting their info-pdf. Pretty weird stuff. They basically believe in a Christian doctrine and that DPT is"weird and scary" until you go in with the belief that Christianity is right then it reveils Christian themed visuals and atmosphere. So it seems it can be deceptive to people that are naive, imo. Even more than your average psych

  6. Game of Live
    How to play The Game Of Life, Consciously ( a complete guide )
    Time is speeding up again. A lot is going on and it's going on fast. Regardless, I wanted to take a moment and share a few thoughts with you here.
    Those seeking guidance; may be pointed in the right direction. Those who have forgotten; may be reminded. Those searching for a fun read; may be entertained. 
    So... Let's talk Reality! 
    What is it? What's it all about? 
    Everything around you, including you is pure, infinitely intelligent, self-aware Light. Everything you can see, hear, touch, taste and smell is at its core Light. Literally. Even the air you breathe is actually Light. And it's all vibrating at a certain frequency. That is why some things appear to be solid and others soft, airy or liquid - for example. There is nothing physical about reality, really. What we call "physical" is simply a specific density of Light. In actuality; there is no matter. Only vibration. Consciousness.
    It's all just Light crossing its own path. Over and over again. That is how things appear to be. That is how stuff is tangible. Visible. Experiential.
    This game... is a vibrational game.
    In it you can match, mirror, uplift or simply hold space.
    What you do depends on how conscious you are of the choice you have each and every moment. 
    There is just one moment, but there are infinite versions of it. Every split second is a snapshot. A perfect, unique picture of God. 
    You are shifting through trillions of those snapshots, constantly. You are travelling at the speed of light, literally! And that is why only Light can become aware of that.
    Of itself.
    That is how there is only one moment and no moment at all. Only NOW. Only Light.
    It's God that you're breathing.
    Relax. You are loved and always supported.
    You cannot fall. Cannot fail. 
    You're here to play.
    In this game there is an infinite amount of relations. You relate to things, ideas, emotions other people... To everything around you. In fact; that is how "around you" is even possible, in the first place. 
    When you are approached by someone who's embodying a particular frequency, there's a few possible scenarios that can play out;
    1. You submit and subconsciously choose to match the frequency of that individual. In that way, the individual you're interacting with has energetically overpowered you and becomes the one with the wheel in his/her hands. You are along for a ride. 
    This is a common occurrence in the dormant phase of consciousness. 
    2. You are aware of the individual's energetic field to some degree and choose to reflect back or mirror the frequency they're projecting towards you. Be it perceived as positive or negative by you - doesn't really matter. Point is; you recognize - but you still do not have the capacity/awareness to cultivate your own energy, shine your light and share your Truth.
    That is still the sleepers game. 
    3. You consciously or subconsciously choose to project the polar opposite frequency. This can be useful and very powerful, but not during the slumber. It must be mastered. You must wake up first and have a deep understanding of the union of contrary things. Understand how paradoxes work.
    4. Once you become aware of your true divine nature and realize your potential; the game becomes much more fun. Now you are present enough and conscious of the choice you have each and every moment. And if your heart is awakened; your choice will always be to energetically uplift yourself and those around you. You do this by radiating Love and compassion, your inner Truth - no matter what you're being presented with. You choose to unload the collective burden by increasing your own frequency and standing your ground firmly. That way; you offer those still unable to cultivate higher vibrations a choice to simply match yours. That is how the collective consciousness is being awakened and the vibration/frequency of our plane is being shifted into a lighter density. 
    5. Yet nother type of game you can play as a conscious individual is to simply hold space (and time) for everything that's unfolding. You do not choose to embody any particular frequency, rather - you remain an empty vessel and rest in observance as pure awareness. Not very interactive, but still much needed and beneficial for the collective field.
    Just like interacting with other individuals; your diet and daily activities come down to vibration, as well. You eat food that is of a similar frequency as your own. That way it's easier for you to match (digest) and extract the energy needed. There is no one perfect diet. You should eat what feels good in your body and energises your being - instead of following culinary trends.
    Same goes for your daily activities. Take a look at your life and try to connect the dots. If the stuff that you do drains you and exhausts you - it's usually a sign of dissonance ( not a match ). In that case; you should consider changing those activities. What you do should naturally fulfill you, not drain you. 
    Focus more on your state of being and less on your circumstances. Things will surely shift. You can become directly conscious of your core frequency through meditation and other practices and learn how to increase/decrease it at will. Breath is key.
    With all that being said... this game is badass. Don't you think?
    You're bombarded with flashcards non-stop and your mission is to bless and love the crap out of all of them for the benefit of yourself and all... To create heaven on Earth.
    Level: expert, baby! Haha!
    Play safe, have fun. Much love to you all.