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Everything posted by non_nothing

  1. This was the experience for me: (Narrator) Count the white passing team: (Me): ... (Me): Where's the whi.,. (they start) (Me): Count? Lol... (Me): (Drops even before committing) (Some person appears in the background with some funny costume, dancing) (Me): Oh this is to distract counting people I suppose (Narrator): (Video ends) Did you see the bear moon-walking? (Me): Did he? (Narrator): AWARENESS
  2. This thread is about overlaying some foundations about spiritual knowledge. 1. Awareness (Non-changing/ all ever there is) 2. The real-ity (the object, target of the Awareness/ the empty box/ nothingness) 3. Existence (Universe/ Environment/ Infinitude/ Illusion of time also gets under here) 4. Person 4.1 Personal experience (Memory) 4.2 Personal appearance (Body) 4.3 Personal preferences (Mind/thinking/EGO) Properties that don't know where to put in order on the list: Power to claim the realty one (H.Self) desires Power to choose (Who chooses?) Power to wish the reality one (EGO) desires Power to imagine Things to consider No-self Ego-self Higher Self Questions: Which one to identify with? Why to identify Why there're lot's of identities Who's identifying with what? Questions regarding to 1. Awareness Why awareness is dynamic? (Under reality, It is dynamic and infinite, have lots of shapes and forms, is the ultimate super-set) EDIT: Work in progress, posted by accident
  3. n0t yet EDIT: (Pill) You're still have identification with EGO
  4. @winterknight Does self-inquiry is the practice for awaiting an experience to come into?, not for an intellectual answer as It can be understood by the mind, but not fully embraced within lets say every cell?
  5. Recently I was feeling extremely depressive. I'm gonna share you something that I wrote today This might make no sense to some of you, there's some spiritual aspect to my writings, it would take someone to 5-10 mins to read. I have no idea what would you say, no idea what to expect from you guys. but certainly I want to say thanks who spends some time to read this. blessings this is raw- the whole thing, with no editing or cuts. between each line I take 10-15 seconds to think so that some of lines might have weak connection between them.
  6. Thanks, I have read a bit about Ramashis work after you told in this post about 1 hour. What do you think: -Why there're states of perception, i.e awake state, dream state, deep no body state. -Why are there even states, why are you here in the awake state? why the experience is here right now? -Did I born in this body? Why there's beginning and end for a body life? -I have no memory. Why body has memory?
  7. @winterknight Who's behind all creation? What this existence? How come we're humans? How come you're enligttened? What's this process?
  8. Guys finally I got it, this is Leo, from/who created, created all the accounts on forums, created all the posts in this forum, logs in and logs out like crazy, run by one person, talks to himself. Brb getting to main char...
  9. Lol tf this title got me. Anyways gonna edit my response after reading your post EDIT: Read your post, concluded that I've already given you the perfect answer with pictures
  10. Yes you're "enlightened", but that's simply you became aware that you did not have an identity as a human being in the first place, when you born, they get you a name, that's all you discovered. Now the people of not-enlightened-yet gets confused by this term a lot, you're still a human, you still feel/ (or e.g popular: suffer) yet you have a power to dis-identify yourself with this emotion. This is all what's going on, in your experience. Nothing more
  11. Heads-up! I want to start by saying this might be not appropriate for all. I'd also tell that there you can't find anything valuable here. So you might not want to waste your time reading this. Also this won't eliminate your inner voice or give you a technique. There're already lot's of other thread discussing this. Thanks for acknowledging the notice. I've been lately studying on inner voice, not as like meta does i.e eliminating it, but trying to understand it's properties and how It is So I had come to a point that I'm perfectly okay with the inner voice, I have a strong tool on my side which it TO observe it and NEVER identify with it. This had become my new experience with inner voice for weeks. A few days ago, when I was returning to home by corporate bus from work, suddenly out of nowhere this sentence popped out in my mind: "Nothing talks, nothing has inner voice" by nothing I literally meant anything except me, any experience outside of my head or the voice inside my head, I looked around people, they did not had inner voice, I looked the ceiling of bus, trees and all kind of other non-living objects I noticed they did not had inner voice. The silence. The great silence. This was a turn around experience about inner voice for a couple of days. Then this interesting point popped in my mind yesterday, "Or do they?" My awareness of ALL objects received shifted dramatically, I then now had allowed the/gave a chance to/ experience of "every material[1!!] might have inner voice, thoughts, state, FEELINGS? (maybe)" I'd say if this was older me, or I talked about it to somebody else I'd easily live in up high a.k.a anxiety state by being non-aware increased my frequency, but rather I allowed this for few hours with fully calmly. [2, continuing to write from there] [1] At that point what I exactly imagined about and mean by every material was atoms or the whatever little common substance of everything, I even concluded that If my brain was a stone I'd still have inner voice It is NOT only, not ONLY!! about the structure, cells and intelligent design of your brain (aka nerve cells living cells and blood etc) but that has a different property I'd say I felt it through every cell of my being that was the truth! Of course It is indeed an intelligent design the brain is! I can't really emphasis these feelings right now fully but I can't distinguish the beauty of the design of a stone and a human brain, It's guys I'm speechless right now even thinking about this. [2 cont.] After that two mystical (I'd say) experience happened after, the first one was that I was working out in my room were doing weighted squats, in between sets I rest with a special technique that I developed, simply you guys would understand is meditating while standing up and taking back the control of the breath by a smart way of allowing the energy flow. I always have 1 clock (for to hear it ticking and allowing second synchronization, I'm a musician that I'm sensitive to tempo so I use ticking sound to calibrate myself) and 1 digital timer open on my phone in front of my head level from ground, on a shelf that's on my head level so I don't have neck stiffness etc. Anyways, in one of the rests in between, I relaxed my throat completely to allow breathe and energy flow, THE FUCK is happened, I heard clock ticking 3 times faster I'd say but IT WAS SO LOUD! wait! No the clock was still ticking at a second rate still! but It was my heart beat that I heard as the same sound as clock ticking, Wait whats going on! I noticed that my heart was beating as the sound of a clock but was so LOUD! I distinguished it from clock because the clock was still ticking at the same level of dB lets say, that's how I did distinguished it. The tricky part is I've seen the EGO there, was telling me something "Now you're gaining some mystical powers" but I simply observed that and concluded to "Who wanted this in first place? I don't care and even this power benefits to me, I don't really interested the ways of you(EGO)" this was so natural for me to conclude, I did not force/think about logically to conclude that. Anyways like after 1 minute I understood that was a physical phenomena I don't know the name but simply quoting from Reddit: It also might be that my heart exerted a frequency while beating that was the same frequency of sound of ticking so that the amplitudes of waves merged and made a nosier sound every time. When a clock ticks and heard by ear, It doesn't simply vanish, It keeps travelling in the air, in the room. It is persistent actually. Think it of a steady pool when It is disturbed by a thrown stone, the waves will hit to boundaries of the pool and will be reflected, will moving towards the center of where the stone had hit. It's the same physical phenomena that happened to me at that time. I guess I was simply -what they call- "aligning with the universe" with this event. The second mystical event was that my cat was sleeping throughout the whole workout, I had done my workout and went to shower, my room was dark but you know eyes get adjusted to light after few minutes, I was toweling myself, then approached my cat slowly and silently, she was sleeping so cute and I was looking at her. She was in deep sleep, there I had the same event started to happen. You know when we dream, we often unconsciously make sounds like in high frequency was if we're drowning or someone is choking us, the sleepy paralysis thing. I heard my cat making very silent noise as If she was having a sleep paralysis. But the thing is, look, I can very distinguish the sound whether coming from outside or inside, you know, when your gut burps or you hear your own heart beating, you can pretty much tell that's sound is coming from inside and If someone get's closer to you one can hear the sounds too but in a different way than you do because there would be a meat wall between the sound and the receiver. I heard it coming from inside, the same phenomena, the same physical phenomena was happening, something was amplifying the sound inside me. The thing is I can be very sure about these events somewhat mystical and not mystical at the same time because It feels to me that when people talk about mystical things I always used to observe an egoistic desire on that event. As if were their character is shining some pride. These were NOT. Because I simply wasn't expecting these and even after having these experiences I still remain undisturbed. Unchanged. I simply wanted to share this with you guys since I've been along here when my journey started and would be amazing to read your opinions about these things. Godspeed.
  12. Why are you talking about yourself? Why did you indirectly mean so many things to me? Why did you draw a picture of me inside your mind?
  13. Your answer has no use but is like: If you respond to that question by "who wants use" then I ask you the same (i.e image above) "who wanted this thread?"
  14. Okay no bs here or paradoxial quesions like Leo asked, tell me if you can: Why did you come into being? Why did I come into being? What are you? What I am? Don't fucking throw me no-self questions, if you ever do, don't even bother because I already claimed my victory over there. Let's see what you got.
  15. Fuck this question also popped in my mind today while I was taking walk near shore. I got to that point where I was thinking about continuity of a graph. I get there thinking about a velocity graph of a car, that's continuous, where the fuck exact moment did car start moving? how can we zoom into graph to see, or unable to see zoom within infinite zoom in the time scale? There's no continuity, only snapshots of what we perceive. The killer question is why there're snapshot points? Why there are points rather then not points? Why is there something rather than nothing?
  16. If everyone was thinking same as you, you wouldn't be alive today. Read what I wrote again
  17. For what really? No offense but why? Like what keeps you to say "I;m happy?" I know that wish and It took me long time to realize how It is up to you to wake up full happy in the morning. I gotta ask you again why cant you? Sorry we gotta take steps in this way in order to get to a point, you gotta answer some questions to slay the dragon. bare with me
  18. For you to go beyond yourself and see no limitations of roles and masks you like to play. Like your analogy wanna play? New posts within a short time frame are limited. Please wait 111 seconds before submitting. Love it!
  19. the bottomline is the more you dig deeper more you find the truth of theres no safe sex. the only safety would be supplied by trust to each other. There lot of disease asides HIV in std or close touch.
  20. I understand. I would like to offer you going out and spending your weekend alone somewhere like forest or far away. It will replenish the power you need to function well again
  21. That's not rooted in fear of abandonment That's not rooted in fear of death That's not rooted in any fear That's not the mother's love That's not the unrequited love That's not about unconditional acceptance That's not about how I am or how I am being. i.e "just be yourself" That does not make you vulnerable Let it be shown, If not there is, this is awakening into something else.