Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Alright ok, I'll drop the pink mohawks, BLM and stuff. BLM is extremely important, I guess I'm generalising a lot. I'll even drop the Ben, Matt and Peterson parts... Anyone straight gay black white trans deserves respect... ...I guess just ignore the OP, answer these questions (and I am looking to be corrected if I'm wrong legit): - is it alright to encourage/endorse/accept 10 year olds to question what gender they are and then facilitate the surgery for those children getting permanent gender transitions in combination with regular hormone replacement drugs? - should abortion be allowed up until birth? - have all gender related mental illnesses ceased to exist within the last 30 years? - why are there massively disproportionate suicide, self harm and regular mental illness rates within the LGBTQ+ community even in areas where they don't have to face oppression and bullying? - should someone be punished for not respecting certain LGBTQ+ beliefs by using "correct pronouns"? (By the way, the reason I'm asking these questions is because I'm becoming more involved in libertarianism and progressivism since I was a hardcore stage blue Baptist for 20 years. I'm just trying to gauge the new environment). Respect, peace and love.
  2. @Girzo alright fair enough. But what do you think about the isolated liberal philosophies in the OP?
  3. @Tyler Robinson i never seen Barack with a pink mohawk and a rainbow banner that says "encourage children to get gender changes" tho. I suppose my simplified question isint about Liberianisniam itself, but the isolated liberal philosophies identified in the OP. Is this just a matter that within each wing there will inevitably be exteemeists and that usually the extremeists on both sides have major flaws.. But the other question is, do we think that the isolated liberal philosophies listed in the OP are or have major flaws at all?
  4. @Tyler Robinson awesome, if im wrong i want to know about it...do you have any links to videos or pages or any names of people who arent cherry picked who i can check out?
  5. what the actual fuck, the education system is a complete joke
  6. Has anyone started the path using psycs thinking, "fuck yeah I'm Gona get enlightened as a bitch on wheels and this is Gona be so fun" only to be later hit by stark realisation that this infact is not fun hahaha...but fulfilling and deeply necessary. And kinda fun...but scary as fuck, and a very challenging path indeed? It seems like, for someone who's serious, it's fun fun fun then it's more like going to get surgery every couple months...not fun, scary as shit, but absolutely amazing and extremely powerful and necessary. I'm definitely starting to see awakening practises as more serious than before...it's extremely difficult...I love it...anyone else relate
  7. i feel like i defo need to remember to enjoy the process and to take joy even when its uncomfortable
  8. Yeah
  9. MASSIVE insight relating to anxiety. Be ->super-< aware of simple, non-spiritual habits that cause anxiety: - Any habitual and reoccurring consumption of drugs, and chemicals. In order of instrumentality: #1 Top ranking anxiety causing drug Weed (if you struggle with anxiety and you smoke weed and your trying to tackle your anxiety without stopping smoking, you might as well go hunting and leave your gun behind and just use your hands to try kill the bear. It's laughable how obvious this is to me now, for a lot of people). 2# Any Doctor medication you take on a reoccurring basis. Always go with your doctor's advice over someone not professionally qualified, but always be willing to exercise healthy skepticism in the area of, doctor prescribed, medicine if your struggling with anxiety [or any issues, psychological or even physical]...some doctors are #shit and just because they have a degree doesent mean they or their prescriptions are perfectly suited to your biology, at the end of the day...everyone's body will react slightly different to drugs (legal or illegal) and doctors deal with a lott of people, they don't have time to investigate your individual biology unless you pay them and even when they do they miss stuff. #3 Caffeine and other stimulants. Anything that is a drug, substance, or consumable that you take on a reoccurring basis that is in any way psychoactive even indirectly. Even certain foods and drinks... Some slightly more observable ones are energy drinks or deep fried chicken fast food And... - Not enough exposure to environments (physical, social etc). With this one I have found that reaching a point where you are sick to the back teeth of dealing with anxiety and deciding that you can't live with it anymore and you start staring it back right in its eye and choosing to basically say fuck you...it's also realising that your anxiety is not you, like your heart, it can literally be removed and replaced and yet you are not replaced...if your anxiety makes you scared of going near a certain place, metaphorically, you go to the direct center of that spot and fucking BREAKDANCE for 3 hours then you open your calendar and you schedule yourself a new habit to do that once a week for as long as it takes until your anxiety is lying on the floor dead. Amen In short, you kind of need to choose to become a badass who does not fear, fear. Often times you'll find that [if have a problem that is affecting your quality of life] the longer you leave it to fester the more it'll grow and the more you will have developed further fear and respect for it. So you might as well just go directly to the heart of it today and rip it out. It's also usually not as bad as the imagination makes it out to be when you do it for real
  10. I think manipulation is a part of life...at the end of the day you can't do anything unless you control something, if Leo hadn't have manipulated his teachings in such a way that my unconscious mind could receieve it, only to later realise [by becoming conscious through his teachings] that I needed it...I would still be lost and unconscious. I manipulate my car when I drive to work, I intelligently do and say things that I know will emphasis my positive attributes in an interview. I don't crush anyone else when I do it...it's just how certain parts of nature works. There's obviously corrupt forms of control like big Stalin lol...my mate, but you'll often find that [for example] girls want a guy who leads strongly and who breaks their socially acceptable "walls of modesty" down in a socially calibrated fashion. It's an unspoken requirement that certain guys get and certain guys don't. Girls can't not resist, or they'll endanger their ego of being "non-slutty" and if you don't fight for them (or control/manipulate circumstances intelligently) they'll be pissed off. Lots of girls want a guy who dominated to a socially calibrated degree. finding that Ballance is an art...especially with Intuition.
  11. Sometimes I find my body spontaneously goes and sits on the pillow and does a practise that I don't know how to do...still to this day
  12. Can you mix MDMA, Benzo's, or SSRI's? (kind of important)
  13. @Aleister Crowleyy Haha your a mad bastard mate. Nice
  14. Gotcha, yeah seems legit. I'll do it again, Gona escalate mucccchhhhh slower this time
  15. Behave in a "normal and rational manner" "Reasonable (having a reason) and rational (having a cause)" State of mind that prevents "normal" perception and behaviour... "Shocking our outrageous." ...by what standard does our universe behave "normally" by which rule book...and since when has our universe had a reason or cause? I I know there are cases of insanity where there are legit mental patients, but if someone had what a doctor would label "psychosis" and he was able to perceive and was aware of the fact that his perceptions were different...he would be a sane, insane person. He could see the irrationality behind his perceptions, but this observation...would be rational. I'm also aware that you can attain adequate knowledge or teachings of wisdom to set up strong structural understandings to prepare you for a loss of control. Like a launch pad. So there is a difference between institutionalised psychotic patients and us haha...the difference is a launch pad of structure, care, wisdom and knowledge and knowing that it doesent mean you have to become someone who isint socially calibrated...but ultimately, it's still a launch pad into complete and utter insanity. If god is insane by our definition, I'm just wondering...are these labels "sane and insane" just simplistic categories that are completely made up... And also I feel like this is one of the most key points to consider concerning certain fears of psychedelics... the possibility that "insanity" might not be that bad And if the universe is insane, and I am the universe, I am fully insane ...
  16. ...yeah. its just extremely cool because [if im honest], upon some shallow investigation, i think ive realised that one of the main reasons im so scared of the likes of 5meo (scared in principal as opposed to the come up fear that is kind of normal) is my fear of loosing my sanity...but if it turns out that sanity and insanity are kind of the same thing, then i could see myself dropping a large portion of my fearful approach to all psychedelics in principal. and aye mate, it would appear as though that is the case. i mean, at the end of the day, every generation of doctors and scientists have had [sometimes massively] different definitions of what classifies sanity or insanity, and each of those generations of authority figures have been perceived to be absolute by society...i wonder how absolute or accurate our current authoritative definitions are, and when they will be superseded by different future generations of medical authority figures..
  17. I would like to say something. leo is fucking awesome. I sometimes think about this. I think its absolutely necessary and appropriate to identify this simple and profound insight. Leo is a fucking awesome person. He is so fucking awesome it blows my mind. His selflessnses is awesome, this community is awesome, his teachings are awesome, his BEARD is awesome . He has brought me so much happiness and part of it is knowing that its only starting. He has gave me so much strength, he has helped me so much its hard to explain. The strength he has given me [virtually for FREE] will forever change my life and i know that the happiness i am experiencing right now is but a fraction of what lies in store for me through deeper enlightenment work and self improvement. I sense it. I know that i cant even comprehend it at this point. Leo Gura, is fucking awesome
  18. Leo is transparent and GOD is awesome. Holy fuck. Aw man I can't get around it Leo is just fucking awesome I don't mind beating
  19. True haha. Very true. I suppose he is the simplest teacher... Nearly just like he is directing traffic. But his devotion is admirable. It's a good example I suppose
  20. I'm not attached to you, nor do idolize you, but I appreciate your form, we are the same @Leo Gura I can't wait until I reach these truths more directly in the coming years and months. You are the best teacher I have ever seen
  21. Ok, this is like learning how to dance. You have to be the follower not the leader. There is a current around you with a flow and a rhythm, it's nearly an emotional thing...but more accurately it could be called an energetic thing. Like a radio frequency...they are real. These frequencies are all around. You can isolate a frequency and fall into its rhythm. Surrendering could also be called flowing. Natural, smooth, congruent. In life there is a time for power and pressure and force and will. But when the time for surrender comes, just identify the frequency and ease into it and flow with it like your dancing. Saying that... enlightenment can be everything but smooth up until the completion. It can be extremely turbulent. Ego wants to resist, but that explosion of God will purify the turbulent frequencies eventually
  22. @Jake Chambers whats your favourite video of Leo's bro? And why