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About Sebiwert

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  1. If you want to replace meat or eat less meat, try mushrooms. That's completely organic + low GHG emissions. They can be fried or grilled like meat and have a similar umami taste. With the right cooking skills, they are way better than meat anyway. Ultra healthy! Just don't always use the magic ones, although maybe ...
  2. This Weekend I did 3 trips group work on three days in a row. I warn from doing stuff like this, as it is very dangerous, and you need good friends for this. Some interpretations are interwoven with the experience report. The last hours I was on the brink of insanity, but I also feel very healed and whole. As preparation: one day of fasting, Qigong Practice, Semen Retention, Leos Videos, Read Carlos Castanero Day 1 - Ayahuasca (20g B Caapi, 20g P. Viridis) ICAROS Ayahuasca Shamanic Music, 5 Friends at home with a banana tree in the middle of the room. After about one hour, the craziness began. Most others had to vomit, I was holding it in, but it was hard (no water 2h prior, 2h after!). When I accepted vomiting as not disgusting, there was no problem anymore. It kicked in hard and the body sensations were quite overwhelming. No death, but close. Couldn't speak properly and behaved like an animal or caveman. We prepared some fruit salad beforehand, which we ate at the peak - that was wonderful. Went to sleep, which was no problem. It was a very funny and healing experience together! I had what I would call a devil realization, which the guy organizing the event was guiding me towards. The devil does not care about others and hereby protects self-love. Without the devil, we are weak. Day 2 - Mushrooms (~1g dried) At drum and bass music event. The face of a good friend really looked like the devil. We were dancing the whole night. Sleep was good. Rather low dose. Girls seem to like the devil Day 3 - 1V-LSD (150ug) + hash pipes So the three of us went to the forest, joking and searching for mushrooms. It took a long time to hit, but then it hit hard. We had some pipes of hash every once in a while. At one point we were just totally lost in the forest. Time seemed to end and experience was stuck in a loop. As if consciousness was not able to come up with the next piece of time. We had a hard but funny time getting back to the house. Other people were a little stressful, because of the illegality, which is a shame. We saw some very beautiful places - crystal clear. Made some food and smoked more hash. Then a profound god realization occurred, where my body and my two hands were God and I could experience how food was just consciousness in various properties entering into the body, which is also made of consciousness. Words can't describe this realization. The crazy thing was that we three became one, all realizing that we are God and just fooling ourself. It seemed that through twisted word games we could always explain away anything. Laughing seemed also important for the self trickery. It was almost impossible to sleep afterwards. The next day is necessary for recovery. When you get this wake, it takes time to get to rest. I think that movement practices like Qigong help to give the body consciousness a better form to hold the energy in a graceful way when tripping balls. Especially, the sexual energy can be very strong when contained. This god stuff is so amazing. Makes it so obvious how wrong materialism is. Love it
  3. Holy Shit. Doesn't even make sense to post this to myself, I guess. But right now everything is back to normal. Everything before that was just kindergarden. ~44mg 5-Meo-MALT plugged, daily Qigong and Meditation practice, semen retention It hit harder and faster than the last times with same dosage. I went to the bathroom, because I had a strong urge to (holy) shit - which I did. I hurried to get back to my bed. And then everything melted away. Nothing was there any more, and still there was a peaceful consciousness. Not with the body or with some kind of remaining thought of any part I ever experienced in my "life". My hole life was seen in context, just as a tiny imagination of this consciousness. There was just peace. No fear, because I apparently just died, or in better words death is imaginary. Accompanied by thoughts of "holy shit". Then I could see how thoughts of "can I share this?" and still saw for a few minutes that this wouldn't make sense. But then slowly I could almost watch the whole "world" being reassembled piece by piece, consciousness getting realer and realer. Did some Qigong to ground myself. Some trippy time afterwards, then wrote this. The experience already seems far away, I give myself some time to integrate now. Thanks imaginary Leo for showing imaginary me this imaginary substance (what?) This sets the stage for some serious further investigations
  4. Trip Report 2. Jan 40mg 5-MeO-MALT plugged with 2ml water. I lay down in my bed with eyes closed and listened to some OM Chanting. As always, strong feelings in the body emerged. I was deliberately focused on relaxing the body and letting go of feelings and thoughts. I was letting go of feelings in the body. The idea came to me that I was literally deconstructing my body by relaxing all my muscles and letting go of the feelings. The feelings felt like dissolving me and it was very pleasant. Like the deconstruction of the body is actually what feels like a cosmic orgasm. Everything disappeared except for my breath and a kind of peace or void. After what felt like only a few minutes my body appeared again and step by step my "world" reappeared. The experience of nothingness was but a faint dream. Thoughts and feelings came back strongly. I had what I identified hours later as an acute ego-backlash. I was angry, upset and horny. I watched Netflix and masturbated. I was very agitated for two hours until I fell asleep. The next day was quite normal. I really took me until this next day to make sense of what happened. I guess this was my first experience at the brink of a breakthrough. I think I did not break through entirely, because I still had some connection to my body all the time - I guess. I had no side effects. I hesitate to further increase the dose, because it is already that high. Also, I want to take it easy and practice letting go of desires in my normal life to be prepared for further ego backlashes. I'm also starting a business, so I can't afford serious destabilization. Next time, I will however be aware of the return of the ego and be prepared for some serious backlash. I intuit that real growth only happens if I am able to stay equanimous when the ego comes back. Then every time maybe only 95% will return. Just speculation.
  5. I tried 5-Meo-MALT the first time this weekend. It is a red brownish powder, almost orange when solved in water. Plugged ~10mg with only mind effects. Could easily have been Placebo, maybe i did the plugging wrong but I don't know what could have gone wrong. After one hour I decided so snort another ~10mg. Hurt more than other substances, even though it was just such a tiny amount. Lots of bitter slime ran down my throat. I focused on keeping my airways open in case of an allergic reaction. I think there was no real constriction, only numb feelings. After 5-10mins the uncomfortable feelings in the nose went away. A strong comfortable feeling in my body began to rise. Almost sexual and a feeling of strength and high self esteem. Like strong masculine sexual energy. I felt similar on mushrooms before - but this was more direkt and without any visuals. After ~30mins the sexual feeling settled in the background and I started to become very focused and aware. Still very confident. Visually I saw many details and was able to focus very steadily in on things. A deep feeling of peace. Comparable to after a 10 day vipassana retreat. As a first impression I can affirm that this substance increases awareness very direct, without all that twisted shizzle that happens on mushrooms. On mushrooms I had way stronger trips before. Probably this was a threashhold dose for me. But hey - I have 480mg more to experiment
  6. I fear that if the whole world gets vaccinated, the virus will mutate faster and become even more dangerous. It is no sustainable solution. As long as we are dominating the planet, nature will attack us. Because she likes diversity.
  7. There is not one 'science', there are only academics. They come together in a giant (very slow and devised) conversation through journals and conferences. All of them use different methods (that's why there is a methods section in papers) and argue in favor of them. If you have enough other academics believing in your method, you have an audience, get cited, popular... If you want to establish new methods like Meditation or taking psychedelics, you have to convince other academics. If you want to establish a new metaphysics, you have to convince other academics. It's a cultural thing, so new brave scientists have to establish new/ancient methods. Scientists come up with models and use language, if your Truths lay outside language, they have no value for academia. If you come up with better models of reality, then scientists will probably accept them. But the whole prevalent model of the world builds on hundreds of years of materialistic science. I guess you would have to start from scratch with an idealistic or nondual base-assumption. @Leo Gura Do you think the building of models of the world itself is a problem? Because that's all scientists do.
  8. I see many limits to science, but here are some counterarguments: Science builds models of reality. Under the assumption of materialism, a lot of material-manipulation (and thus better living conditions for humans) was achieved. With science and its ability to sort out pipe dreams from universal models, we are able to navigate our everyday lives better and get come consensus. On the other hand we have spiritual gurus and religions, who say they know the truth, but can't prove it. Even worse: The Teachers often can't agree on the truth. They can't give models of what's happening. They say stuff like: Meditate, Take Psychedelics, Live in the Now; You are god, ... I think the hard task is not to achieve the states of 'god consciousness' (although this is hard already ). The hard task is to communicate it to others, give them a safe path and guidance. Give them maps that have some consensus. Teach them. And in this regard, I think spiritual people have also a lot to learn from the lessons that science has already integrated.
  9. Yopo is a good idea, thanks @Rilles. Maybe you don't even have to extract it. I think the DMT won't be active without an MAO inhibitor. So only alkaloids that are active without an MAO inhibitor would alter the experience, right? @outlandish
  10. I was wondering if there is any plant or mushroom (or insect or whatever) that can be cultivated and used to get a pure 5-MeO-DMT experience? I think this would be a gamechanger because chemically produced 5-MeO is hard to get and illegal in many countries. I know about the toad, but I find it kind of cruel to hold animals in captivity. Also, the bufotenin is said to lead to a very different experience.
  11. I am trying to make an argument for the study of science here. Science strives for objective measurements and understanding through consensus to create models. These models help other people to manipulate the world (social endeavor). The models are only useful if they are accurate for the people who use them. A completely objective measurement is not really possible. If only one person observes his reality, the measurement is distorted by his biases. Even if the models he creates are useful for him, they are likely to be misleading for other people. So scientists write papers based on measurable data, and these papers are reviewed by experts to remove these distortions. If this process is done well, the result is what is commonly called "objective" but still limited to a human, scientific point of view. This system is not perfect, but it is still valuable to learn, because it teaches you to recognize your own biases. People who avoid the scientific system could be in danger of going deeper and deeper into their own world. Especially if you want to change large systems of the world according to your vision, consensus is needed.
  12. Hey @MuddyBoots - thanks for the reply! As I understand this, the UN takes part in the normative section of Sustainable Development. And they acknowledge that social problems must be solved hand in hand with the environmental problems to be successful. Therefore SJ is now seen as also part of Sustainable Development (Economic + Social + Environmental). I think the inclusion of all these factors is what makes Sustainable Development so promising. Some selected quotes form the UN: "2. Eradicating poverty is the greatest global challenge facing the world today and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. In this regard we are committed to freeing humanity from poverty and hunger as a matter of urgency." "4. We also reaffirm the need to achieve sustainable development by promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, creating greater opportunities for all, reducing inequalities, raising basic standards of living, fostering equitable social development and inclusion, and promoting integrated and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems that supports, inter alia, economic, social and human development while facilitating ecosystem conservation, regeneration and restoration and resilience in the face of new and emerging challenges." (UN General Assembly 2012: Or for those who prefer videos, a very short intro to the Sustanable Development Goals (SDGs):
  13. I was wondering if you guys heard about Sustainable Development. It's the UN's try to shift our world twards the good of all beeings. They defined specific goals and now scientists & politicians are trying to figure out ways to achieve them. The whole venture has a really system-oriented/transdisciplinary/stage-yellow flavor to it. Somehow the arising global problems seem to force scientists and politicians to reflect on themselves. I still miss the spiritual aspect, but maybe that's as good as we get in mainstream science at the moment. If you never heard about it, you should definitely check it out and do a little research on it: Otherwise please let me know what you think about it
  14. In normal day to day consciousness we think about other people as having their own separate experiences - their own consciousness. This sets the base for morality. Often, when I hear about enlightenment, it is said that all of my direct experience is a dream or imagination. So I imagine that other people also have direct experiences, but in reality they don't? The sentience of others is just a thought in the mind? Sometimes, when I take psychedelics, I feel like there is nothing else but this consciousness right now. But when I come back, it seems so crazy - there are clearly other people who seem to have their own experiences. Even when they are not in my consciousness they are doing stuff and experiencing stuff. Some of the implications of this whole 'everything is imagination' thing seem quite insane. So I am confused. Maybe you could help me to understand it better (or point out where I'm stuck). Are other people sentient??? Is it worth saving the planet for my children - or are they just non-sentient hallucinations? Could it be a possibility that taking psychedelics makes us just believe unreal things and that they are deceiving us in an even trickier way than our own psyche? Thanks a lot