Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. the object and any given point in time are a co-created activity of mind. It’s nice to be able to connect all the imaginary dots, so to speak?
  2. I’m not thinking otherwise. I can see that being true for different individuals. When one explores experience the present moment can be used to point to such manifestation.
  3. The present moment and objects of experience co-arise and come and go as an activity or movement of NOW NOW being MYSELF
  4. The way I look at it is that the present moment is an object of experience appearing in or as consciousness. If you observe closely you see that with each present moment in time arises the apparent subject & object of experience, which is actually simply an object of experience.
  5. YOU are never in the present moment, but present moments comes and goes in YOU
  6. @DrewNows ??
  7. What’s up, Nahm...Hope all is well?
  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of pure imagination, dudes? Psychedelic experiences have there place and are as imaginary as any other means to explore reality. To say that an experience of intellectual investigation, self enquiry, meditation, yoga is useful and psychedelics are not is a lil bit silly.?
  9. Thats the thing, dude!..I can’t find any doors/exits from HOME to even leave. Im trapped with none other than MYSELF. I got a feeling things will remain as such as well.?
  10. All there are to cults/abuse is you. Here let me draw a line in the sand..it’s rather convenient isn’t it??
  11. ? Where do you/I end and does this abusive cult begin??
  12. I’ve never found an idea in a head either...this is rather fascinating?
  13. Even cults have a place. How can you argue with endless inevitable possibilities. Where do these possibilities begin and I end? Where is this line that separates what is the case from MYSELF??
  14. Nice!? all that there is to fragmentation is wholeness (YOURSELF) where do fragments begin and I end?
  15. How can one wake up when one actually believes one sleeps??